click it or ticket

do you think people who don't wear seat belts should be ticketed?

  • yes

    Votes: 16 31.4%
  • no

    Votes: 35 68.6%
  • i don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
ppl have been beheaded by their seatbelts...and you want to fine me for not wearing one...:roll: excuse me I have weed to smoke. LOL


Well-Known Member
i admit, i don't always wear mine. i don't think it's anyone's business if i choose to wear my seatbelt. there's no way the law will ever change, you have to wear it or you're getting a ticket if you get caught. i've gotten 2 or 3 in my life and one for cell phone


Well-Known Member
cannabineer hit the nail on the head.

not wearing a seatbelt imposes higher costs on the rest of society. same reason why i have no problem supporting insanely high taxes on tobacco even though i smoke.

your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face, basically.


New Member
cannabineer hit the nail on the head.

not wearing a seatbelt imposes higher costs on the rest of society. same reason why i have no problem supporting insanely high taxes on tobacco even though i smoke.

your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face, basically.
do you even smoke weed?? please tell me how me not wearing my seatbelt imposes a higher cost on you? and if you think kids haven't had their heads cut off by seatbelt, look more.


Well-Known Member
I live in PA and just a few years back they repealed the motorcyle helmet law. It was right about the time they started click-it or ticket. I will never understand some of the laws in this commonwealth! I dont wear a seatbelt. I remember jumping from the front to the back seat and sitting on the "hump" in my moms '76 camaro. I do make my kids wear them though, I don't even have to ask they just do it. Everyone should wear it but I don't believe you should be fined for not wearing one. I think maybe if insurance companies declined to pay for injuries due to not wearing one, more people would buckle-up.


New Member
And some people, like me, can slow time in situations like a car I can actually buckle up if need be at the last moment...I learned that at tae kwon do. man am I stoned!


Well-Known Member
I used to lay in the Back window of a Huge car,,,can't remeber the model,,,but had a 452 or someting like that,,,No problem's,,,but also the car was built like a Tank,,,for real. had the Lap belt's only that alway's got stuffed under the seat's. Now aday's car's are dangerous,,,and seat belt can help IMO,,,I drive for a living and seen many sicking accident's,,,people can still get trown through the windshild,,,onto the hood's,,,But most car's have air bag's and I think that's a big Help,,,even though kid's are valnurable,,,still safer now,,,Big trucks have no air bags,,,and a seat belt would definatly help save you body. It's a common sence law IMO,,,because everyone that see's death's innvolved in car or truck crashe's see the difference. I hated it when it came out too,,,but I do feel safer on the road's cause there are a lot of dumbass driver's out there. plus you won't get a ticket and you look responsible even if your not...He He....


Well-Known Member
when i was in 5th grade my older sister was a freshman in college.

she went out one night, fell asleep while driving, crashed into the back of a disabled semi at 70 mph.

there were 5 people in the car. she's the only one that survived.

she's also the only one that was wearing a seatbelt.

0.00 blood alcohol content too... she was never into alcohol or drugs... that's why she ws the designated driver every time....


Well-Known Member
when i was in 5th grade my older sister was a freshman in college.

she went out one night, fell asleep while driving, crashed into the back of a disabled semi at 70 mph.

there were 5 people in the car. she's the only one that survived.

she's also the only one that was wearing a seatbelt.

0.00 blood alcohol content too... she was never into alcohol or drugs... that's why she ws the designated driver every time. I gave you a like,,,But man,,,I'm glad your sister made it,,,Could not imagin' the scar's she had for life,,,I'm sorry....Sad story...


Well-Known Member
do you even smoke weed?? please tell me how me not wearing my seatbelt imposes a higher cost on you? and if you think kids haven't had their heads cut off by seatbelt, look more.
does everyone who ends up needing intense medical care (which could have been avoided or mitigated by wearing a seat belt) have the means to pay those hundreds of thousands of dollars of hospital and medical bills?

who do you suppose ends up footing the bill on that?

i'm sure those beheadings via seatbelt are WAY more common then the lower middle class person that is on a respirator for months with everyone else footing the bill.

not sure what any of that has to do with me smoking weed. you can look around my started threads if you have any questions about that.

And some people, like me, can slow time in situations like a car I can actually buckle up if need be at the last moment...I learned that at tae kwon do. man am I stoned!
sure ya can, chief.


New Member
...calm down grammar nazi... I drive in a VERY small area and RARELY exceed 45... I'm 32 and have yet to end up needing massive surgery from a horrific accident. When I travel on interstate on vacation, I wear a seatbelt. Is that cool with you?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
cannabineer hit the nail on the head.

not wearing a seatbelt imposes higher costs on the rest of society. same reason why i have no problem supporting insanely high taxes on tobacco even though i smoke.

your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face, basically.
my issue is that i already pay a 50 dollar head injury surcharge as part of my ticket if i run a light. if i ran a light, i am driving dangerously and therefore a case can be made that i need to pitch in for "road injuries". that's fine by me because it only punishes people who actually demonstrate that they drive dangerously. to then fine me on top of that for the seat belt and essentially put the proceeds into the same fund is just plain rape. i think direwood hit the nail on the head when he suggested insurance companies refuse to pay for injuries where the driver wasn't wearing the seat belt, raise rates, whatever. that's between the driver and their insurance. and no one has yet addressed my complaint that the damn thing just doesn't fit right. if i rear end someone because i was fussing with my stupid ill-fitting seat belt do i get a freebie?


Ursus marijanus

Seat belts give the Buddha the Wooddha!! How can one NOT like that!! :mrgreen:
(found while researching "seatbelt decapitation". Cannot find statistics.) cn


Sector 5 Moderator
I used to think it was a stupid law and I never wore mine, then one of my close friends wife and two sons were all killed one night when she swerved to miss a deer. Their little family absolutely destroyed because of not wearing seat belts. From that day forward I've worn mine.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
My argument is that you are harming me ... drawing on health care resources funded in part by my tax money. Freedom is a double-edged sword ... I should have the counterright to say NO, ain't payin for that. cn
You have a valid point.
I have seen many cops running around without belts, the cop that extradited me didn't wear his. There are no belts on school buses, or city buses. Cabs do not require them, and many states have repealed their helmet laws. Click it or ticket is just a revenue generator. If the laws were unilateral, I'd go for them, but they're really just meant for giving cops a reason to pull one over when no other reason exists. Like the window tint laws. Selective enforcement that doesn't apply to LEO.


Ursus marijanus
I agree that unilateral law enforcement sucks. CA traffic cops are well-known for being inconsistent and capricious. Moral? No. Effective? Yes. Generates a climate of fear that I will admit keeps me on my toes and under the radar. I especially don't like the ruling that we can't videotape them back. Quis custodiet custodes? A timeless and uncomfortable question. cn


Well-Known Member
dumbest law on earth....nvmd second dumbest law on earth. what next am i gonna get a citation for not brushin my teeth earlier than 9 in the mornin? get the fuck outa here