Growing marijuana, possessing marijuana, and using marijuana are all illegal in this country. Regardless of which state you are in, with the exception of approved studies by the Federal Government. No matter what you vote to pass or not pass marijuana is illegal in this country.
Saddam was just another shit wad I don't care about, just like Awlickymyballza. My point was we are just killing people all over for little to no reason. We don't give a shit about lives that aren't our own. We hold ourselves above all others. If we left people alone none of this would be necessary.
Ruiner, you don't worry about where the country will be in 10 years? I am sitting here, planning to have a kid, and it terrifies me what the child is going to grow up in. In 1930, do you think the Germans knew what their lives would be like a decade or two later? Every country in the world has had multiple rebellions. To believe that we are a special country that cannot be fooled or destroyed from within is laughable. I look upon the future with a eye for not just my own, but my children. I know that every country we coexist with now, and every country that has ever existed and no longer does has failed over and over. Either the governments become weak and fail to other forces, or they become strong until they have so much power they must be put down. How can you NOT worry? Look at how fast our countrymen supported Bush after 9/11 and turned their backs on him within a few years. Look at how fast Obama shot into the sky, and then faded in peoples hearts. I fear that we are going to hit bad times again and they will vote for someone like Hitler or Stalin because they are reactionary fools.
Im not worried about media or them brainwashing me into mainstream acceptabce , I am worried about the government deciding those who don't accept the mainstream being considered 'terrorists'. Just like people who drank didn't have to change to become criminals during prohibition, you and I might not have to change to become terrorists. They set a precedent to execute people without trail but only for really bad people, then thy expand 'really bad people' to include whoever they want.