1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah yeah i think we've had this convo... soz. the silver of the og i remember now. cant wait to see how the QQ x DOG turn out. should be pretty mean green.


Well-Known Member
Nice bushes all around donny!
The dog does look like some headband .....
more than og ... but it has to have the og in there....
How do u get them bushes so wide....?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup cheez!

thanks man. i just vegged them didnt top them too much just the initial couple of times then wove them through a bit. voila¬!


Well-Known Member
Easy don!...........nice big haul you got there bro, bet them bushes took yonks to trim lol..................the dog looks the dogs mate, and im likin the look of that QQ aswell but my fave has got to be the cherry cheese x livers............looks beautifull man!!!..........any beans of that? lol


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah bit of a sore point at the moment. there are limited beans til i do another breeding run :( i had a surrogate lined up but the po po got the lad :( :(

cheers fella!


Well-Known Member
holy shit bro! seriously... looking insane over here. can't wait to smoke some of that DOG myself... great job as always Don! :weed:


Well-Known Member
they look fantastic don!!!!! I didn't realize it was snowing in you tent!!!!!!hahaha that CCL takes the prize in my vote!!!! i sure hope my QQ gets anywhere even close to half of yours!!!!! simply outstanding mate!!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
holy shit bro! seriously... looking insane over here. can't wait to smoke some of that DOG myself... great job as always Don! :weed:
cheers bobro! it's been knocking the flock for six that puppy!
Aye i get ya bro.....................how is the greek??
obviously quite gutted still but bearing up. only saving grace is, iut could have been a lot worse.
they look fantastic don!!!!! I didn't realize it was snowing in you tent!!!!!!hahaha that CCL takes the prize in my vote!!!! i sure hope my QQ gets anywhere even close to half of yours!!!!! simply outstanding mate!!!!
cheers stoney, the CCxL looks devine but the bud structure on this particular pheno i quite wispy once it's fully dried. and it's not the greatest yielder. only pulled 44gram from that one. smells really thick at the moment am going to wait till it's nicely cured and butane the lot!
Looking lush there lad ccxl is a stonker for sure does nt look the biggest yeilder but sure looks dam pretty !!
aye not the biggest but she definitely is a tasty little number
sexy fucker that...
hahaha if she weren't already pink, she'd be blushing lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha no chance. That was just to show the crazy node space. Had to abandon work sharpish, the dog was raising too many noses n looks through the window. Executive decision to leg it was made! Peeps eyeballing me ob the bus now...


Well-Known Member
lmfao you guys are too much over here... I'm about to go get my stink on, too. Was gonna chop last night, but came home tipsy from a bday party and knew it wasn't a good idea...

Everything looks tip top fella. 8.5 oz off two Dogs? What kind, bulldog? :lol: Something fat, that's for sure. Take care, bro!