Plants growing very slow and not sure if its right


Active Member
Hello i currently am doing a small closet grow room , walls are completely covered watering every 3 days using the flora system bloom/micro/grow with the feeding every other 3 days im at about 3 1/2 weeks and there all rather slowing down and stopping around 1 foot... im not too sure as to why i keep the humidity around 45% and the temp around 79-81 it fluctuates up and down its a first grow so im using basic marijuana seeds so i can get a feel for it before i spent big bucks on incredible seeds basically im just wondering what else i can do to help them grow faster i use a 400W hps doing 18/6 hour/day schedule any tips would be greatly appreciated attached pics so you can see the grow and build....OH and btw transfered them this past thursday into 5 gallon smart pots



Well-Known Member
low humidity inhibits new vegitative need to get it up in the 65-75% range at this stage...looks good though so far...any other issues with discoloration/etc? I see one leaf in the center/left in that pic thats got some pretty nasty curling going on, but other than that the rest appears to be healthy, but the HPS light changes the color in the picture :)

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the first thing that came to mind was you may need to transplant to a larger pot, but as i read on, i see you already did. i think your fine and will see new growth soon. the plants are setting their roots in the new container and they all look nice.

i assume you gave them a good watering when you transplanted or they wouldnt look as good as they do after 4 days.

when you switch 12/12 your plants are going to double in size the first couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, they look good to me. There is some slight leaf curl going on there that may be due to heat being too high, or you may be starting to develop a bit of a mg def. But all in all they look good. The slow growth may just be a trait of the strain you are running. For 3 and 1/2 weeks in a soil setup they don't look like they are going too slow.


Active Member
Yea i didnt have time this morning to trim that leaf lol but i just took care of it right now i have 6 plants in 5 gallon smart pots 2 in 1 gallon smarts there in the corners only about a week and a half old and then the 2 smaller cupped ones are about 4-5 days old (germinated more then i could fit lol and i couldnt just throw them away lol) but all in all the discoloration is only average 1 - 2 leafs per week in all the plants my turn yellowish and have to be removed i guess my major question with this growth at about 1ft - 10 inch's between all of them when should i switch to the 12/12 setup? thats one of the questions everyone always says "it depends on the plants" like weeks? feet? im not sure what to go by and any info would be greatly appreciated towards that as well and ty all for your responses

And @ smoke and coke yea i gave them a thorough watering with nutes used just around 6 gallons between the 8 plants (2 being smaller ones in roughly 1 gallon pots)


Well-Known Member
When you transplant them into new homes they generally slow down for around a week. I'd imagine growth will pick up soon :)


Well-Known Member
Yep, transplanting slows growth it will pick back up. They are looking pretty good for your first time though so keep it up! Believe me alot of ppl's first time turns out a mess lol.


Well-Known Member
If your leaves are yellowing or spotting, removing them is not the answer. Let them progress and try to identify the deficiency, that way you can correct what is causing it. Pulling the bad leaves off is really just masking your problem. Eventually it will catch up with you when it gets out of hand.


Active Member
hmmm didn't think of it that way .. how would i troubleshoot the spotting/yellowing? like i said first time through and definitely no botanist in any sense lol im using a fox farm ocean organic and perlite blend 3/1 that is what are the most common reasons for spotting/yelling? that you know of and @siksol lol yea i can imagine when i first came up with the idea i did about 2-3 weeks research before i went and spent any money i can imagine if somone just grabs seeds throws them into some miracle grow they would be quite disappointed


Well-Known Member
hmmm didn't think of it that way .. how would i troubleshoot the spotting/yellowing? like i said first time through and definitely no botanist in any sense lol im using a fox farm ocean organic and perlite blend 3/1 that is what are the most common reasons for spotting/yelling? that you know of and @siksol lol yea i can imagine when i first came up with the idea i did about 2-3 weeks research before i went and spent any money i can imagine if somone just grabs seeds throws them into some miracle grow they would be quite disappointed
well in my case it is usually some type of micro nutrient deficiency, like calcium or magnesium. Although, there are other things that can cause it.

I recommend getting a quality grow book like ed rosenthals mj growers handbook. Has lots of nice pictures along with all of the descriptions of the deficiencies etc. But for the mean time. Use this:


Active Member
so from reading the section on why most leaf's turn yellow/spot is because of a nitrogen deficiency or a magnesium deficiency buttt being that i cut the leaf i cannot see if it started from the out side of the leaf or at the tip soooo if it happens again i'll have to watch it as it goes so i can pin point the route of the yellowing but ty very much for that website :D it was Favorited


Active Member
tyvm its looking like a nitrogen deficiency seeing that there yellowing from the tip on down the leaf.. how would i rectify a nitrogen deficiency?


Well-Known Member
What is your PH? and as for the slow growth you're growing from seeds and they take longer to mature than clones and as for the plants having deficiencies I don't see it


Active Member
yea the reason i was leaning towards a nitrogen deficiency was because on one of my bigger plants i had a few yellowing leafs from the tip down to the stem eventually curling up and days later dying completely and my PH im not 100% sure on havnt gotten a PH monitor or tester yet -_- slacking i know but not quite sure what the best road to go with those yet is i've heard strips work but are unreliable and a legit soil probe is like 75-100 dollars and i cannot spare it at the moment


Well-Known Member
yea the reason i was leaning towards a nitrogen deficiency was because on one of my bigger plants i had a few yellowing leafs from the tip down to the stem eventually curling up and days later dying completely and my PH im not 100% sure on havnt gotten a PH monitor or tester yet -_- slacking i know but not quite sure what the best road to go with those yet is i've heard strips work but are unreliable and a legit soil probe is like 75-100 dollars and i cannot spare it at the moment
You get it backwards the PH drops instead of the strips is way better and it only cost $9. As for the probe I don't trust then they break frequently and you have to spend money on calibration solution because you have to calibrate weekly.