Seedsmans bad sense of humor


Well-Known Member
On Seedsman Facebook page, they posted a joke yesterday that in my opinion, is in very poor taste.

Anyone else offended by this?

Even though I do get the joke of "everyone toking out and making big smoke clouds in celebration", I still find the humor in bad taste.

As an American, I find this photograph to be an insult to Americans who are fighting for Cannabis. This photograph is also insulting everyone who died in 9/11 and their families especially right after 9/11's "anniversary".

Not to mention that photograph is showing that terrorism and Cannabis goes hand in hand.

Personally I am boycotting Seedsman seeds unless they take down the photo and apologize.


Well-Known Member
I sent Seedsmans seeds company a PM through Facebook asking them to please remove the photograph out of respect for American culture and they replied with a simple, "No".

The photograph still remains.


Well-Known Member
So I'm the only one not offended?...I think it's rather humorous and obviously not a reference to 911.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've seen that picture all over the internet including grasscity. Seedsman didn't create it. They just reposted it.


Well-Known Member
Its a tricky one, I did laugh when I saw it, but I also see how it could offend, I think there must of been another smoke filled picture available they could of used as the joke is sound just the choice of picture could of been better.


Well-Known Member
Back up the that an actual photo from 911?. I assumed it was a photoshop job.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i'm going to work now and will be telling truly tasteless jokes to the men i work with you little girls stay home and bitch about this little photo all you want


Well-Known Member
Back up the that an actual photo from 911?. I assumed it was a photoshop job.
It is a photoshopped picture. They used an actual photo from right after the second twin tower fell. See the two billows of smoke where the twin towers use to be?

Those of you that are trolling, I don't blame you. If you are not American, I don't expect you to understand...


Well-Known Member
Born and raised texan myself. found it hilarious.

it wasnt a picture of the world trade turned into a joint and on fire.

quite being sensitive.


Active Member
How is it in poor taste. If they would've said "marijuana was legalized in New York, thats the most smoke this city has seen since 9/11" <---THAT is bad taste. lol. The picture? hilarious.