Trump is going to lose in November

Never happen.
Too bad you’re right: the hard-core committed “conservative” has spent the bulk of his life “learning” that “liberal commie democrats” are fundamentally evil, stupid, traitors, cowards, and in control of this point, they’re immune to cognitive dissonance, reason, fact, and likely even hardened against real experience. The more extreme/committed among them will likely stop at nothing to prevent their Fuhrer from the shame of losing - even when he loses.
Never happen.
You don't need to play king of the hill for the moral high ground with these people and can snatch the flag of patriotism from their hands and redefine it's meaning, along with that of the word liberal.

Patriotism is not about waving a flag or carrying a gun while dressed up like GI Joe, patriotism is about caring about our families, friends, communities and fellow citizens, patriotism is about love and forming a community, about caring for others and about what happens to them. Patriots put others first, so do heroes, so do those who wear masks, patriots know it's about obligations as well as rights.

The second amendment is about service and responsibility to the state and being under their orders while armed as well as the right to be armed. The purpose of the second amendment was collective as well as individual, you were expected to lay it on the line for your community.
...But T-Ball spoke so highly of Florida’s electoral prowess....

As or Georgia, more than half the state’s registered voters have already voted...that’s a pretty motivated turnout. A thing so many forget (or never knew) about Republicans is they’ll give voice to their continued support for the *party*, but when their candidates are shamed or shameful, they STAY HOME and don’t vote...pretty much the only time GOP voters sit out.

It’s entirely likely that 20% of those who voted GOP in ‘16 will sit out or vote blue...on top of, as I said, a highly motivated anti-Trump electorate, that spells hard time for Tangerine Chump.

‘Course, none of that matters unless everyone who hasn’t voted yet votes TOMORROW: it’s not won until it’s won!
I don't know who T-Ball is but my dad's from Florida and he laughs every time an election scandal is headlined in the news. Also, do today's Republicans know shame?

But, you know what? I don't mind being wrong about Florida, Georgia, Texas or any of the other states that have figured into my anxiety over this and other presidential elections. It would be great if a surge of new voters or disaffected, shamed Republicans did the right thing for Democracy in the US and voted it's greatest threat out of office. I'll come back here and say you were right.

I regret that I have just one vote to give to my country.

Still though. Trump is going to lose in November.
Didn’t mean to seem to criticize, Foggy: and, honestly, my opinion of Florida is as low as anyone’s; I was actually thinking of Trump’s full-wattled defense of voting in Florida.

FYI, “T-ball” is my personal non-obscene, non-ranty nickname for Trump: “T- ball” is short for tether ball, a children’s version of baseball, where the ball is placed on a “tee” instead of being thrown...a memory of my daughter’s childhood....
Didn’t mean to seem to criticize, Foggy: and, honestly, my opinion of Florida is as low as anyone’s; I was actually thinking of Trump’s ful-watt led defense of voting in Florida.

FYI, “T-ball” is my personal non-obscene, non-ranty nickname for Trump: “T- ball” is short for tether ball, a children’s version of baseball, where the ball is placed on a “tee” instead of being thrown...a memory of my daughter’s childhood....
lulz at ful-wattled

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A hour before election day in America and when I look at it all in totality, the polls, the pundits, the experts, the voters and above all Trump, it tells me it will be a slaughter of the elephants tomorrow. I think the map might be redrawn and Joe is gonna win big with seats to spare in the senate, you can almost feel the passion, Trump and covid motivated it. I think the polls and models might be off, overwhelmed to be exact, the polling trends are clear, Trump is gonna lose, but I think he will lose bigger than expected and take more of the senate with him.

It has been my experience that when they try to intimidate or suppress voters, it always backfires spectacularly. I know it has been done to minorities, but trying it on the majority will not go well.
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What The 2020 Election Map Would Look Like If There’s A 2016-Sized Polling Error

Our forecast shows former Vice President Joe Biden with a considerable lead. But what would happen if 2020 saw the same type of polling error as we saw in 2016?
Trump’s frenetic final day on the campaign trail

Donald Trump knows he is behind in the polls and spent a frenetic day on the campaign trail rallying his voters, while hoping the polls are off by a wider margin than in 2016.
That’s because you’re smart. American democracy isn’t the only thing on the line in this election.
Not to mention I live 5 miles from the border and have many good friends that reside there. I haven’t been able to legally visit them in 15 years (unfortunate incident) but still get a chance every so often ;). And I fear for everyone’s safety and well-being. Not sure how it got to this but it needs to be fixed and the lier in chief needs to go, one way or the other. Look, bottom line is he’s a fucking asshole and people need to see that and stop believing his bullshit. This shit is not helping my karma, I’m getting very fucking cranky :(.
We should know about Florida, Texas and perhaps Georgia before midnight ET, if Donald loses any of them it's pretty much game over and you can go to bed and sleep soundly. Forget the old battle grounds, it might be awhile before they count, but other states like Ohio and Virginia should give us a preview.
A viewer's guide to election night

Fast-counting swing states in the Southeast will begin to report their results early. Battlegrounds in the upper Midwest and industrial Great Lakes, as well as states out West, will come online later. And counting votes could take some states several more days.
The red states who voted for Trump and report early are gonna have their county by county vote totals compared to 2016 to see what the change in margin is, this will provide another good predictor of the rest of the night.
The headline below has been overlooked in polling projection models.

CNN's final 2020 Electoral College outlook: A remarkably stable race comes to an end


We are all aware of how unreliable poll projections were in 2016 in calling the winner. Some celebrate that and others are still spooked. The difference between this election and 2016 is how stable the race has been ever since it became clear that Biden was going to be the Democratic Party's nominee. There have been no October surprises. No scandalous stories affected Biden's chances. Trump could not change people's minds about him whatsoever. Trump's appearances during the early days of the Coronvirus task force meetings did nothing for him and might have hurt him with the few undecideds. The civil unrest in the aftermath of the George Floyd's murder did not result rise in popularity as it did for Nixon during the summer of unrest in 1968. Trump tried to stir up a backlash, he even sent a goon squad to Portland to show how strong he is but the tactic failed. Throughout the election, Trump has been the loser with no plans for how to improve. It now comes down to how many people Republicans can disenfranchise in a few states. New voters and heretofore undecideds are choosing Biden. Record turnouts and record numbers of early votes being cast all spell it out.

Trump is going to lose in November