Carpal tunnel from trimming weed


Well-Known Member
So my last harvest took me and 5 of my buddies 7 hours to trim and it was only 1.3Lbs...

Anyone got any easy ideas to bypass the trimming stage or some kind of trimming tool that would speed up this process?


IMO I was thinking about using a weedwhacker with a grate


Well-Known Member
Don't do anything crazy like that it will knock tons of trichs off. I know what you mean, I feel like golem from lord of the rings after I trim. All hunched over with fucked up eyes all like "my precious" with a fat nug in my hand. Good old fashioned trimmin is the only way imo, even if it sux.


Well-Known Member
that seems like a very long time for only a 1.3 lbs between 5 people. less smoke breaks, more practice, pay others...i would def not use a mechanical shaver but thats me. good luck


Well-Known Member
moderate bud to leaf ratio.. blueberry gum lol. yeah the trimmer got harder after we got more blazed... so i was looking into those shavers, where does all your kief go?


Well-Known Member
I have seen the trimmer thats has a fan bland under the grating, and u just rold the bud over the grate. It seems to work pretty good, but it doesnt remove the little stem from the small leaves, I have issues with the tumble trimmers, gosh just seems like to much bouncing around, way to rough for the girls...

im to lazy to hunt down a pic of the machine i like...


Well-Known Member
trim faster. or buy a spinpro. nothing does the job like human hands though. one of the reasons why good weed costs so much.


Well-Known Member
Lol hire a day worker from home depot! I have done this before. I think the guy we picked up to help had done it before too, he was fast and diddnt really need to be shown much. I'm serious most of these guys are illegal and are just happy for the work. Don't forget to blindfold him tho!


Well-Known Member
Lol hire a day worker from home depot! I have done this before. I think the guy we picked up to help had done it before too, he was fast and diddnt really need to be shown much. I'm serious most of these guys are illegal and are just happy for the work. Don't forget to blindfold him tho!
thats the coolest thing i have heard all week. they probalbly work for cheaper and faster than most shithead "trimmers."


Well-Known Member
So my last harvest took me and 5 of my buddies 7 hours to trim and it was only 1.3Lbs...

Anyone got any easy ideas to bypass the trimming stage or some kind of trimming tool that would speed up this process?


IMO I was thinking about using a weedwhacker with a grate

damn you guys are slow! i clip a pound every few months. i don't know how long it takes me but it's no where near 7 hours! i don't do a connoisseur trim but i do a good trim. a connoisseur trim would only add a couple hours at most.

they do have machines made just for trimming buds. they start at around $600.00. google leaf trimmer!


Well-Known Member
Lol hire a day worker from home depot! I have done this before. I think the guy we picked up to help had done it before too, he was fast and diddnt really need to be shown much. I'm serious most of these guys are illegal and are just happy for the work. Don't forget to blindfold him tho!
you a genius boy! i never would have thought of that. :)


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah, that is really slow and I hadn't thought about Golum but you're right about that. I put my buds in a steel bowl beside me on a milk crate or something, and have another bowl in my lap that catches all the trimmings, and another bowl were the trimmed bud goes. Get comfortable and make it methodical. Make sure to relax your shoulders and neck and take a break every hour or two.


Well-Known Member
And make sure you don't cut your damn finger! I was trimming last night with a new pair of snips and cut myself on the tip of my index finger. Deep too, had to stop and band aid up.