Obamas plan!


Well-Known Member
snap out of it Med, he's claiming to be doing some good by writing laws about weapons that are in the hands of terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's a big gvnmnt bafoon, thinking his measley laws will do some good... arrogant.


New Member
snap out of it Med, he's claiming to be doing some good by writing laws about weapons that are in the hands of terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's a big gvnmnt bafoon, thinking his measley laws will do some good... arrogant.
And just who are you to judge. What exactly have you done to improve your country lately? I'm sure you're supporting the oil companies, but we're all doing that, willingly or not!


Well-Known Member
who am i to judge? judge what? i bet dems eyes light up in blind stupidity when they read that he "legislated" the disarmament of terrorists... "oh, what a hero!! he made it illegal for them to have GUNS!! yayayayayayay, clapclapclapclap"

and what have i done, well, just yesterday i completely crushed a cardboard box before putting it in the dumpster, this leaves room for much more trash to go in the landfill. :)


New Member
"i completely crushed a cardboard box before putting it in the dumpster, this leaves room for much more trash to go in the landfill"

Now there you go again with your Right Wing extremism, 7x. I mean ... first you are anti gun control, then you have the audacity to put that cardboard box into the dumpster. Dontcha know that cardboard is recyclable? Sheesh! not only are you failing to recognize that guns ARE terrorists, but you're contributing to the complete destruction of the planet as well. Guilt upon you ... Guilt, Guilt ... and more Guilt! :hump:



Well-Known Member
ahhhh, but i had stuffed the box with materials that are un-recyclable!

two other large boxes (one of them a Ruger gun box, lol) remain in my truck waiting for my next trip to the recycle dumpster!


New Member
ahhhh, but i had stuffed the box with materials that are un-recyclable!

two other large boxes (one of them a Ruger gun box, lol) remain in my truck waiting for my next trip to the recycle dumpster!
You guys are so lost in your view of the world that there is no communication, just a one way trail of drivel.


New Member
Right ... you mean like your brilliance in soaking the rich, redistributing wealth, crushing achievement, creating disincentives and going back to Mom & Pop stores? *lol*



New Member
Right ... you mean like your brilliance in soaking the rich, redistributing wealth, crushing achievement, creating disincentives and going back to Mom & Pop stores? *lol*

That's the laugh of a capitalistic lunatic. There are somethings that money can't buy, but I'm sure you're not interested in those. The world is going in your direction, less humanity and more greed, so I suppose in this vein your Ideas are in line with progress. To hell with the mom and pop stores, the foundations of our democracy, just let the corporations run wild and profit for all. What a putrifying world you inhabit. When the day of judgement comes, we'll see who was in line and who wasn't, so drink up my merry capitalists, have no care for your fellow man, life is too short to worry about things like values and integrity. "Breath deep the gathering gloom"


Well-Known Member
have no care for your fellow man, life is too short to worry about things like values and integrity

so you are saying that by allowing men the liberty to not only live according to their own values and integrity but by advocating their success according to these virtues the capitalist shrinks from his duty to care for his fellow man? right, someone definately has a twisted view and it's probably the same one who wants elite authority figures taxing/telling everyone what to do...


New Member
so you are saying that by allowing men the liberty to not only live according to their own values and integrity but by advocating their success according to these virtues the capitalist shrinks from his duty to care for his fellow Man? Man, how long has it taken for me to get this through your head. Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. The plutocratic ogliarchs definently shrink from their duty to help the less fortunate, DUH! what do you think taxes are all about, running the war machine. Hopefully there is a little left to balance society with. I realize you heathens think that everyone that doesn't live like you is a bum, a worthless piece of shite. Guess what, 90% of the rest of Americans are struggling every day to keep afloat, Everything is going up but real wages. Not everyone is reaping the glory of capitalism. I'm dealing with a website of rich plutocrats. Who would have figured a site for potheads would turn out like that, Go figure, a 60-70 era hippy shows up on a website for potheads and the "Establishment" has taken over, Pathetic!


Well-Known Member
plutocratic ogliarchs

yeah, "they" do but i'm not advocating plutocracy. what you advocate does amount to plutocracy, however. the type of business you prefer just happens to have absolute power and it's called government... socialism=plutocracy. when will you see that?

if you think i'm Establishment you've lost your mind. i'm the one who wants decentralized power, remember? yeah, we have to work our way through this current mess of dems/repubs but i see light at the end of the tunnel.


New Member
yeah, we have to work our way through this current mess of dems/repubs but i see light at the end of the tunnel.

Please tell me the light isn't slave camps run by corporations. Did you know that the slave market was a free market enterprise, Soley based on what price the market would bear. Big healthy men and boys brought more money than slender weak ones, and women were sold for their beauty, do you think the masters had any salacious plans for them, like sex slaves!


Well-Known Member
you know what med, if there are people who want to be slaves they should be slaves...that's the only way they could be slaves in a truly open market where coercion doesn't exist.

sound crazy to you? what if i'm in a third world country with no other way out, shouldn't i be able to offer my muscle to a "master" that will take me to a better country where i will have better opportunity, get fed, clothed and receive medical care for free if that's what i want? in a free market i can also buy my freedom back, or trade it for a certain quantity of work.. isn't that what our current military system does? do you think an attractive woman shouldn't be allowed to sell her good looks if she wants to, oh citizen of Nevada?

again, don't imprint your dependence on a centralized, dictatorial power on my vision for the future. what i want to see has no one forcing anything on anyone.


New Member
you know what med, if there are people who want to be slaves they should be slaves...that's the only way they could be slaves in a truly open market where coercion doesn't exist.

sound crazy to you? what if i'm in a third world country with no other way out, shouldn't i be able to offer my muscle to a "master" that will take me to a better country where i will have better opportunity, get fed, clothed and receive medical care for free if that's what i want? in a free market i can also buy my freedom back, or trade it for a certain quantity of work.. isn't that what our current military system does? do you think an attractive woman shouldn't be allowed to sell her good looks if she wants to, oh citizen of Nevada?

again, don't imprint your dependence on a centralized, dictatorial power on my vision for the future. what i want to see has no one forcing anything on anyone.
You're advocating anarchy where the bullies would subvert any freedom gained. Like the venerable warlord society, the strong would rule over the weak. And believe me, I know about the women for sale business, I actually lost 85,000 dollars in that business because my wife let her crackhead daughter steal every penny from the business and smoke it up. I've wanted to put a bullet behind her ear for almost 20 years, (The daughter, not My wife) she was a bad seed from the gates. Have you ever known someone that was inherently evil, thats her. If she cant fuck someone every day, she thinks she's having a bad day! Don't let me get off on that subject, I can rant for hours. But yeah, we had an outcall business, a hooker business. Made a ton of money. we never saw a cent, every week the daughter would tell my wife she needed a few hundred Bucks for this or that and she would fork over, with me screaming bloody murder in the background. One of the more stupid things my wife talked me into and we're still paying for it. At least I've convinced my wife to quit giving the asshole daughter any more money, but that too has backfired on me as the bitch now lives with us, If one day you don't hear from me on this site, it's because I've killed her and gone to jail!


Well-Known Member
yes, i can see how it -could- eventually turn into a warlord-esque scenario. someone decides they can profit more by stealing rather than being productive. the weak part of this potential is that today, we have powerful and redundant means of communication. if those ancient civilizations could communicate at the speed of light the warlords would have met their end very abrubtly.. we are all armed with the ability to inform and be informed.

sounds like that girl needs someone to stand up to her before she does get her self killed.


Active Member
Senator Obama has been able to develop innovative approaches to challenge the status quo and get results. Americans are tired of divisive ideological politics, which is why Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans to find areas of common ground. He has tried to break partisan logjams and take on seemingly intractable problems. During his tenure in Washington and in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama has accumulated a record of bipartisan success.

Strengthening America Overseas

As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senator Obama has fought to strengthen America's position in the world. Reaching across the aisle, Obama has tackled problems such as preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction and stopping the genocide in Darfur.

Plan to End the Iraq War

Before the war in Iraq ever started, Senator Obama said that it was wrong in its conception. In 2002, then Illinois State Senator Obama said Saddam Hussein posed no imminent threat to the United States and that invasion would lead to an occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences. Since then, Senator Obama has laid out a plan on the way forward in Iraq that has largely been affirmed by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group led by James Baker and Lee Hamilton.
Cleaning Up Washington's Culture of Corruption

Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has been a leader in fighting for open and honest government. As a U.S. Senator, he has spearheaded the effort to clean up Washington in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal. In a politically charged election year, Obama acknowledged that corruption was a problem that plagued both political parties. He subsequently enlisted the help of Republican allies to limit lobbyist influence, shine sunlight into the earmarks process and promote open government.

Meeting America's Energy Needs

Senator Obama has been a leader in the Senate in pushing for a comprehensive national energy policy and has introduced a number of bills to get us closer to the goal of energy independence. By putting aside partisan battles, he has found common ground on CAFE, renewable fuels, and clean coal.

Honoring Our Veterans

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama is committed to helping the heroes who defend our nation today and the veterans who fought in years past. A grandson of a World War II veteran who went to college on the G.I. Bill, Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans and Democrats in order to honor our commitment to America's veterans.
Improving Our Schools

We are failing too many of our children in public schools. Right now, six million middle and high school students read at levels significantly below their grade level. Unfortunately, the debate in Washington has been narrowed: either we need to pour more money into the system, or we need to reform it with more tests and standards. Senator Obama has worked on bills that cut through this false choice and recognize that good schools will require both structural reform and resources.

Creating a Healthcare System that Works

The United States is one of the wealthiest nations in the world, yet more than 46 million Americans have no health insurance. Too many hard-working Americans cannot afford their medical bills, and health-related issues are the number one cause for personal bankruptcy. Promoting affordable, accessible, and high-quality health care is a priority for Senator Obama.
Watch the Obama Deception by Alex Jones and he'll explain what Obama's true intentions are.

You can go on youtube and watch the whole thing for free.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Hey his plan is working great. He made a plan to destroy america, drown our country in a debit that will never be able to be repaid. promised no new taxes butb yet new high high taxes are already coming. He underminded every us policy in place, did crap for the US people and its been less then 6 months. Way to Go!! As a country we are really really screwed. He can cause a stock market crash with just opening his mouth. A single sentence cause huge falls as the more he talks the more it is obvious he has no clue and is just burning money.. At least with all the pork in his so called stimulus plan that does not stimulate a damn thing we can have a good bbq...I get sick everytime I think about the idiots who got out to vote for this man with no idea of who or what he was...