The UK Growers Thread!

same here the bud is allways rushed and not ripe , thus sleepless nights for me :(
so i get the odd bit of pollen expensive but does the trick


Well-Known Member
Thanks billy boy, I'll be holding you to that heh. Nah, but I will probably need some help along the way. Right now I grow soil, and I have a total of 11 plants in a 4x4' space at the moment, but this will probably be my last soil grow. I was really thinking about doing a SOG grow with 4" rockwool cubes in a DIY flood and drain table.
I like the simplicity of rockwool although I haven't used it) and I like the yeild potentials of SOG growing.
You think If I used smaller 3g buckets (roughly 12L) I could do a sort of SOG/DWC hybrid of sorts?
I know you like DWC so have you ever considered under-current hydro?
Beansly was it you who did some hempy buckets ? it was someone in kevs thread but cant remember who ... lol


Well-Known Member
yes mate apart from no bud, yourself?
my last grow was PPP and i was smoking it for ages , i gave the mother to my mate and hes grown loads of it so iv smoked nothing but pure power plant for about 4 months now (excluding tt's oils) , its a killer smoke but getting abit sick of it ! lol
i get fed up smoking the same strain over and over ... cant please some people hahaha


Well-Known Member
variety is the spice of life...

my last grow was PPP and i was smoking it for ages , i gave the mother to my mate and hes grown loads of it so iv smoked nothing but pure power plant for about 4 months now (excluding tt's oils) , its a killer smoke but getting abit sick of it ! lol
i get fed up smoking the same strain over and over ... cant please some people hahaha


Well-Known Member
It seems to be dry in a lot of places at the moment.
Im in the Northwest and the last I got offered was 1.5g for £20. Desperate as I was Im not paying that!

All UKers be sure to sign this petition
we broke the 9000 signatures mark this week!
On the back of the Lib Dems vote to overhaul drug policy we need to push the goverment as much as we can at the moment. be sure to pass the link onto as many people as possible.