The Federal Reserve


Well-Known Member
Not if OPEC decides to start selling oil for any other kind of money, when that happens the US Dollar will be dead.
IF that happens... What are they going to do, use the Euro? Considering the situation in the Eurozone ATM and even the history of the Euro in general, the USD is still the better option IMO. You probably think they'll start using gold right? I just dont see how that'll pan out, but I'd be interested to hear what you think. Still, I think the US would just assassinate/bomb whoever is brave enough to try.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
On another note Driving is a right guaranteed by the constitution, not a privilege the gov't can bestow. It also has case law to back it up. Google it.


Well-Known Member
On another note Driving is a right guaranteed by the constitution, not a privilege the gov't can bestow. It also has case law to back it up. Google it.
Thus spoke the wizard, in his mountain home...Uriah Heep. And I drive where and when I please.


New Member
Inflation is low ATM.

Also, what Redivider said... We absolutely must have a central bank.
If you use the governments own measurement of inflation, by cpi standards, it not a very honest way to measure inflation...How can you be such a statist that they tell you inflation is low with a graph AND YOU BELIEVE THEM! THE GRAPH SAYS SO BRO! I'm 30 years old and I can plainly see I am paying quadruple the price to live vs only 12 years ago and haven't got quadruple the wages....Inflation problems began to be a problem after Nixon let the fed create fiat currency. I mean vs 1999....I figure 1grand is the new 250$..I have the check stubs and receipts to prove it


New Member
On another note Driving is a right guaranteed by the constitution, not a privilege the gov't can bestow. It also has case law to back it up. Google it.
It is indeed, but this is how they get you: If you want to legally drive without a drivers license - you have to not use plates or insurance and you have to actually own your car, 99% of people don't actually own their car because the title you get is actually just a copy of the title, so its not a real title, you need a special kind of title which is really hard to get.


Well-Known Member
It is indeed, but this is how they get you: If you want to legally drive without a drivers license - you have to not use plates or insurance and you have to actually own your car, 99% of people don't actually own their car because the title you get is actually just a copy of the title, so its not a real title, you need a special kind of title which is really hard to get.
What?, you mean the title I have from the state of Florida is invalid?...please do explain how I don't own this car I made every payment on.


New Member
What?, you mean the title I have from the state of Florida is invalid?...please do explain how I don't own this car I made every payment on.

Someone help me out here? whats the title called that your supposed to get to actually legally own your vehicle? It is basically a manufacturers title, the title you have is a copy of that title so it doesn't count thats how they get you...You don't actually own your car and you actually don't own your land under the constitution either...thats how they get around the constitution..Like I said the only way that the constitution applies to you for driving rights is if you don't have a license, you don't have insurance, you don't have plates, and lastly you must have a real title which few people have..If you have a real title you would know because you spent a lot of time hunting one down and probably had to go out of state.


Well-Known Member
If you use the governments own measurement of inflation, by cpi standards, it not a very honest way to measure inflation...How can you be such a statist that they tell you inflation is low with a graph AND YOU BELIEVE THEM! THE GRAPH SAYS SO BRO! I'm 30 years old and I can plainly see I am paying quadruple the price to live vs only 12 years ago and haven't got quadruple the wages....Inflation problems began to be a problem after Nixon let the fed create fiat currency. I mean vs 1999....I figure 1grand is the new 250$..I have the check stubs and receipts to prove it
Actually, a lot of thought went into creating an accurate core and CPI measure; You have such a distrust in things you dont understand, I see that, but it isn't my fault that you dont trust the statistics. Seriously, if only you could see the inner workings of the Federal reserve - I get the feeling you picture Bernanke making backroom deals or some other crazy shit - but it's really not like that. try and imagine they're actually basing their policy decisions on math, models, etc... is that so hard to believe? Seriously, why dont you try talking to any of the VAST MAJORITY of economists and they'll tell you that the central bank is necessary and that those measurements are proper.

It's really amazing what I see happening in American political discourse... It's like people think textbook economics has failed us - when it hasn't - and they are searching for something else. I mean, headlines like "Stimulus vs. Austerity: which will get us out of this mess?" are so fucking frustrating and it's people like you who validate the other side. news flash: fiscal expansion is expansionary, fiscal contraction is contractionary...

You dislike the Keynesians, right? Why? The Keynesians are the ones who said interest rates would remain low until the economy recovered, the Keynesians are the ones who said Austerity will make the global economy worse, the Keynesians are the ones who prescribed the "liquidity trap" and the Keynesians predicted that inflation will remain low unless the Federal reserve is much more aggressive than they have been.... BUT NOOOOOOOOO the Keynesians are wrong! They've only gotten everything right so far! Fuck em! Fiscal stimulus will get us out of this mess, if one actually applies the math and creates a plan accordingly as opposed to dealing with political realities...

And it's the same thing happening to the Federal Reserve, a place meant to be sheilded from politics is seeing it's power eroded by a few board members who actually believe the inflationistas despite all of the evidence. see, you say inflation is so high, but you forget one thing... Wages MUST go up along with prices or prices hit supply/demand imbalances and "correct" themselves over time. Have wages gone up at all in this recession? No? That is a downward pressure on inflation that you completely ignore, but Bernanke takes that into account, they take everything into account.

Btw, you still haven't figured out why almost every nation has a central bank have you? Have you ever considered that there might be something that you're missing? that maybe central banking is indeed a necessity?


New Member
Mr. Obvious,

I'm not arguing that central bank is not needed, but that fiat currency is a sham, its only been 50~ years of fiat currency in the U.S. thanks to Mr Nixon, Keynesianism has only been 50~ years, again thanks to Mr Nixon.

I also have to agree that the stimulus wasn't enough to be effective, clearly, all economist say that.

Seriously, if only you could see the inner workings of the Federal reserve"


"try and imagine they're actually basing their policy decisions on math, models, etc... is that so hard to believe?"

Nope not at all, what else would they be doing?

"and that those measurements are proper."

I don't disagree that they are "proper"..but they are misleading and can be manipulated. In fact many economist agree that the current CPI is misleading..

Over the years, the methodology used to calculate the CPI has also undergone numerous revisions. According to the BLS, the changes removed biases that caused the CPI to overstate the inflation rate. The new methodology takes into account changes in the quality of goods and substitution. Substitution, the change in purchases by consumers in response to price changes, changes the relative weighting of the goods in the basket. The overall result tends to be a lower CPI. However, critics view the methodological changes and the switch from a COGI to a COLI focus as a purposeful manipulation that allows the U.S. government to report a lower CPI.

John Williams, a U.S. economist, described his view of this manipulation when he was interviewed in early 2006. Williams prefers a CPI, or inflation measure, calculated using the original methodology based on a basket of goods having quantities and qualities fixed.
Im not going to argue how they are misleading or manipulative...ANY STATISTIC can be misleading, biast, or manipuliative. Id argue that every statistic is to some degree its the nature of statistics..

The point is..the Goberment gives you a chart and you view it as indisputable proof and fact which is not the way to view statistics, especially by those in government..example we can all relate to: According to the government, marijuana is an addictive drug.

The common sense approach is illustrated in the OPS video, and its practical, its not idealism, its just plain common sense, you can't create money out of thin air, at least not indefinitely.



Well-Known Member
Actually, a lot of thought went into creating an accurate core and CPI measure; You have such a distrust in things you dont understand, I see that, but it isn't my fault that you dont trust the statistics. Seriously, if only you could see the inner workings of the Federal reserve - I get the feeling you picture Bernanke making backroom deals or some other crazy shit - but it's really not like that. try and imagine they're actually basing their policy decisions on math, models, etc... is that so hard to believe? Seriously, why dont you try talking to any of the VAST MAJORITY of economists and they'll tell you that the central bank is necessary and that those measurements are proper.

It's really amazing what I see happening in American political discourse... It's like people think textbook economics has failed us - when it hasn't - and they are searching for something else. I mean, headlines like "Stimulus vs. Austerity: which will get us out of this mess?" are so fucking frustrating and it's people like you who validate the other side. news flash: fiscal expansion is expansionary, fiscal contraction is contractionary...

You dislike the Keynesians, right? Why? The Keynesians are the ones who said interest rates would remain low until the economy recovered, the Keynesians are the ones who said Austerity will make the global economy worse, the Keynesians are the ones who prescribed the "liquidity trap" and the Keynesians predicted that inflation will remain low unless the Federal reserve is much more aggressive than they have been.... BUT NOOOOOOOOO the Keynesians are wrong! They've only gotten everything right so far! Fuck em! Fiscal stimulus will get us out of this mess, if one actually applies the math and creates a plan accordingly as opposed to dealing with political realities...

And it's the same thing happening to the Federal Reserve, a place meant to be sheilded from politics is seeing it's power eroded by a few board members who actually believe the inflationistas despite all of the evidence. see, you say inflation is so high, but you forget one thing... Wages MUST go up along with prices or prices hit supply/demand imbalances and "correct" themselves over time. Have wages gone up at all in this recession? No? That is a downward pressure on inflation that you completely ignore, but Bernanke takes that into account, they take everything into account.

Btw, you still haven't figured out why almost every nation has a central bank have you? Have you ever considered that there might be something that you're missing? that maybe central banking is indeed a necessity?
So there is no other vehicle title hidden somewhere in Tallahassee Fl?, I thought so....was about to call them and complain.


New Member
I want to say its a MSO, manufacturers certificate of origin, Id have to dig for my title to see for sure maybe its the other way around but the manufacturers normally give you a title that is just a copy essentially.....You might get one if you call but I'm in Michigan and the closest dealer I found that would do it was in Tennessee.

Another way they do this is with Birth Certificates..Birth Certificates if you were born after like 1970 is the certificate of live technically you are property of the government and not a live person because you don't have a real birth certificate...Its all pretty fucked up the measures they have taken to get around the constitution and how they get us to sign our rights away through life, You should google up a good constitutional law class, there is quite a few lectures online for free.

I mean its pretty sad, people today really don't own their land..they own their house but not the land..thats how they can tell you what you can and can not do with your land and tax you...You also don't own your don't even own your life.

They decide what you can and can not put in your body, and I guess the executive branch is judge, jury, and executioner now since obama can kill people without trial.

So the constitution is long gone with our republic...We have slowly signed our rights away over the last 100 years piece by piece. You might be interested to know that income taxes are also illegal..

There are people that call themselves 'Sovereign Citizens'...Constitutional Law experts...They don't pay income taxes, They drive around without a license, etc...because if you don't submit to the system ever you can still live by the constitution only you will get hassled a lot..freedom ain't free.


Well-Known Member
I want to say its a MSO, manufacturers certificate of origin, Id have to dig for my title to see for sure maybe its the other way around but the manufacturers normally give you a title that is just a copy essentially.....You might get one if you call but I'm in Michigan and the closest dealer I found that would do it was in Tennessee.

Another way they do this is with Birth Certificates..Birth Certificates if you were born after like 1970 is the certificate of live technically you are property of the government and not a live person because you don't have a real birth certificate...Its all pretty fucked up the measures they have taken to get around the constitution and how they get us to sign our rights away through life, You should google up a good constitutional law class, there is quite a few lectures online for free.

I mean its pretty sad, people today really don't own their land..they own their house but not the land..thats how they can tell you what you can and can not do with your land and tax you...You also don't own your don't even own your life.

They decide what you can and can not put in your body, and I guess the executive branch is judge, jury, and executioner now since obama can kill people without trial.

So the constitution is long gone with our republic...We have slowly signed our rights away over the last 100 years piece by piece. You might be interested to know that income taxes are also illegal..

There are people that call themselves 'Sovereign Citizens'...Constitutional Law experts...They don't pay income taxes, They drive around without a license, etc...because if you don't submit to the system ever you can still live by the constitution only you will get hassled a lot..freedom ain't free.
Check your documents, I did. Birth certificates have an original always kept on file, they each have a coded number similar to a UCC or Uniform Commercial Code. This is by design to keep track and determine our net worth to the "world economy". Auto titles have no such back-up, I have the signed original here. Cars and such are tangible items, not worth enough to keep original docs on.


New Member
There are people that call themselves 'Sovereign Citizens'...Constitutional Law experts...They don't pay income taxes, They drive around without a license, etc...because if you don't submit to the system ever you can still live by the constitution only you will get hassled a lot..freedom ain't free.
They Get arrested. They do illegal things Like Gun down Cops
And they I know you are going to get Pissed off here
Are very Prevalent among the white Supremacist Crowd
They are the Reincarnation of the Posse Commitatus

Origins: Çirca 1970; fully developed by early 1980s
Ideology: Anti-government, some white supremacist elements
Outreach: Vigilante courts, seminars, shortwave radio, the Internet, "schools of common law"
Notable Episodes: 1996 Montana Freeman standoff; 1997 Republic of Texas standoff Tactics "Paper terrorism," including frivolous lawsuits, frivolous liens, fictitious financial instruments, fictitious automobile-related documents, and misuse of genuine documents such as IRS forms; various frauds and scams
Hot Tactic: "Redemption" (see below)


Well-Known Member
They Get arrested. They do illegal things Like Gun down Cops
And they I know you are going to get Pissed off here
Are very Prevalent among the white Supremacist Crowd
They are the Reincarnation of the Posse Commitatus

Origins: Çirca 1970; fully developed by early 1980s
Ideology: Anti-government, some white supremacist elements
Outreach: Vigilante courts, seminars, shortwave radio, the Internet, "schools of common law"
Notable Episodes: 1996 Montana Freeman standoff; 1997 Republic of Texas standoff Tactics "Paper terrorism," including frivolous lawsuits, frivolous liens, fictitious financial instruments, fictitious automobile-related documents, and misuse of genuine documents such as IRS forms; various frauds and scams
Hot Tactic: "Redemption" (see below)
LOL, been driving for 5 years with an out of state expired tag...f em'!.