HAPPY ST Patrick's Day


Well-Known Member
i mite lick it if i gave you an enema before i fucked you w/ my toe then i would use some yummy lube to lube up my toe w/ haaaaaa haaa bongsmilie
I dont condome in douching of my butt holebongsmilie I sacrifice my butt hole for your toe. You sacrifice the the tounge on the butt juices toothbrush and tooth paste on hand with running sink.....


Well-Known Member
I dont condome in douching of my butt holebongsmilie I sacrifice my butt hole for your toe. You sacrifice the the tounge on the butt juices toothbrush and tooth paste on hand with running sink.....
nah its not worth it to me you can bury your tongue in my ass though, but i keep mines cleeeeeaaaan...I dont know how clean you keep yours..


Well-Known Member
nah its not worth it to me you can bury your tongue in my ass though, but i keep mines cleeeeeaaaan...I dont know how clean you keep yours..
...............................Werd, licking butt hole is not on my to do list no. but you will be the first to know if I get an urge to lick butt holebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
my asshole is exit only ...... Except for that once a year prostate exam. And my Dr has small fingers ,, And he said I was "TIGHT" I told him he just broke my cherry... Then I paid him $270.00... No dinner , no Ice cream , no nothing....


Well-Known Member
my asshole is exit only ...... Except for that once a year prostate exam. And my Dr has small fingers ,, And he said I was "TIGHT" I told him he just broke my cherry... Then I paid him $270.00... No dinner , no Ice cream , no nothing....
Cancer is cool with me lol you only live to be 80 anyways whats 10 years on top of 5 minutes? Hope your healthy would suck to get old but it comes on us all. If I where you I would just laugh at kids like me because reality comes on quick. Half peoples life they are living other peoples lives and it takes somthing drastic for them to realize..Makes me feel shitty to be humanbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Cancer is cool with me lol you only live to be 80 anyways whats 10 years on top of 5 minutes? Hope your healthy would suck to get old but it comes on us all. If I where you I would just laugh at kids like me because reality comes on quick. Half peoples life they are living other peoples lives and it takes somthing drastic for them to realize..Makes me feel shitty to be humanbongsmilie

Thanks ,,, I am healthy , and i cant stress to any males ... when you hit forty .. go to the Dr get it checked ... Its better to be safe then sorry .. and if you catch it early you can beat it .. I


Well-Known Member
tomorrow I will be giving free prostrate check and release please sign up now
pinksensa likes butt holes....I guess its the same thing as someone sucking on a toe but the booboo butter....The butt hole does look like some puckered up lips sucking the toe though.....Wierd you ever think you just like people with warm breath sucking your toes? Maybe make the poor guy eat a hotpocket or somthing before you rape him with your toe....


Well-Known Member
pinksensa likes butt holes....I guess its the same thing as someone sucking on a toe but the booboo butter....The butt hole does look like some puckered up lips sucking the toe though.....Wierd you ever think you just like people with warm breath sucking your toes? Maybe make the poor guy eat a hotpocket or somthing before you rape him with your toe....
i like the power of fucking butts...plus i am always envious wrought with completely jealously of the "in the cut" shot that guys get you know the one where you can see your cock going into a pussy....i want that view...and i get that view when im fucking a guys butt....i tie them up with them on their backs and i fuck them like a girl and i get to see my pink cock "in the cut"

dont make it all gross im just an overly horny girl


Well-Known Member
i like the power of fucking butts...plus i am always envious wrought with completely jealously of the "in the cut" shot that guys get you know the one where you can see your cock going into a pussy....i want that view...and i get that view when im fucking a guys butt....i tie them up with them on their backs and i fuck them like a girl and i get to see my pink cock "in the cut"

dont make it all gross im just an overly horny girl
Thats awsome......If you where overly agresive it would be funny and cool to watch. But I would just buy tickets not sit front row if you know what im saying. Could get nasty. Their just so many things that can go wrong up there and I couldnt imagine how big a girls penis would be you get to pick its size.....


Well-Known Member
Thats awsome......If you where overly agresive it would be funny and cool to watch. But I would just buy tickets not sit front row if you know what im saying. Could get nasty.
you mean like if i beat them with my riding crop before i fucked them??? cuz i do


Well-Known Member
i like the power of fucking butts...plus i am always envious wrought with completely jealously of the "in the cut" shot that guys get you know the one where you can see your cock going into a pussy....i want that view...and i get that view when im fucking a guys butt....i tie them up with them on their backs and i fuck them like a girl and i get to see my pink cock "in the cut"

dont make it all gross im just an overly horny girl

Dont get offended please ,,, But if you came anywhere near me with a strap one while we were fucking..... You would have a broken nose and two black eyes ...


Well-Known Member
you mean like if i beat them with my riding crop before i fucked them??? cuz i do
You should get a cattle prong I would pay to watch I swear it....I can see it now LMAO some little guy walking in thinkin hes gnna get some...Then you strap on YOUR dick and cattle prong then I walk in with popcorn and lotion.....PERFECT!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dont get offended please ,,, But if you came anywhere near me with a strap one while we were fucking..... You would have a broken nose and two black eyes ...
lmfao....i only do that with boys are into it lol lol lol your a lil violent though ha ha a spankin never hurt anybody...its very hot actually....in thigh highs and garters and heels....very sensual youd black my eyes for that???


Well-Known Member
You should get a cattle prong I would pay to watch I swear it....I can see it now LMAO some little guy walking in thinkin hes gnna get some...Then you strap on YOUR dick and cattle prong then I walk in with popcorn and lotion.....PERFECT!!bongsmilie
haaaaaahaaa you make it sound so horrible they know what they are getting into we discuss it before hand these are submissive men that enjoy that type of play