dark brown spots on lower curled leaves

hi, i have 10 gals going and two plants (the only two blueberry) have a few curled lower leaves and dark brown patches - other 8 plants look good w/no spots or curling lower leaves - the two plants in question otherwise look healthy - this is week 2ish of veg, i am handwatering in rockwool (prepped by soaking 24hrs in 5.0) under 2 PL-55 tek 2 lamps (supposedly 10k lumens ea.) there was a ph spike last week and I flushed till 5.5 was running off @5.8 - I dont know what the PPMs are but I am using 1\4th str GH mild veg solution - ventilations is good, space is small 3x3, humidity ranges 40-55, and temp is 78-82 - IMAG0295.jpgIMAG0292.jpgIMAG0289.jpgIMAG0294.jpgIMAG0287.jpgIMAG0285.jpglet me know what you think, i appreciate any and all advice


Active Member
Some of those brown spots could actually be from spiders, they look kind of the same but exactly sure. Check under the leaves and see if you notice anything odd and if not then idk. Hopefully someone with more experience can answer that
I am also wondering if the spots being on just two of the plants which happen to be the only two of that strain... is it a picky strain or something involving nutes.
Excellent! thank you for diagnosing my problem!!!... now for the solution? Would it be possible/recommended to foliar spray with a weak Flora Bloom solution in order to treat this deficiency?
Thank you, we agree that it needs more phosphorous... now since Im using the Lucas formula w/GH nutes does that mean add extra bloom? or does it mean I need to go out and buy another phosphorous specific product? OR? - this is my first grow, im learning, thanks for your patience!


Well-Known Member
You could have a heat issue too. Those leaves that are curling to the sides looks more like heat stress than deficiency to me...but I'm no botanist. I think a quick fix to your problem would be to use one part GH Flora Micro to 2 parts GH Flora Bloom. The Flora Bloom has most of the potassium, phosphorus and magnesium your plants want right now. They look old enough to handle around 500 ppm solution (NaCl scale). You may be asking yourself, what about Flora Gro? You don't really need it. Flora Micro has enough nitrogen for your plants.

You can foliar feed if you want. If you foliar feed with GH Floralicious plus, your plants will perk up and look great. If you just water them with your proper pH nutrient solution, you'll be fine too.
I am using the 1 to 2 part Lucas Formula with GH Flora Micro/Bloom and was feeding 1/4th str which puts my ppm between 140-188 depending on starting ppm (i think, my math isn't what it used to be) Yesterday they turned 2 (weeks veg) and I upped the nutes to 1/2 str. which would put them close to 280-375 (i am coming up with these figures based upon a thread where I read that Lucas says his formula will put PPMs in the 900-1200 range depending on what your PPM from tap is. - thanks for the input
Im going to re-do the math. Lucas says his formula would put ppms at 800-1200. So, if the avg. ppm of tap water is 140-400 we could determing that for each ML/2ML of Micro/Bloom is equal to approx. 100ppm. So if I do 1/4 str. which puts my ratio at 1.25/2.5ml then my ppm range would be 125+(140-400) = 265-525. This is what I started them out at. Yesterday I started them at 1/2 strength so that would put them in the 390-650 range (i know i need to invest in an ec/ppm meter) - anyhow, back to the best way of getting my plants thier PHOSPHOROUS!
i just fed her @ 1/2 strength yesterday - could this just be an all around nute deficency? should i just stick with the plan and use the Lucas formula @1/2 str for now and hope that everything balances out or do I need to add something to the mix? - thanks bunches


Well-Known Member
I c some overwatering and
Do u use ec meter?
I think u burn them ....Whats your feeding program ?
U can water them with fresh water 1 day and c what happens ....
under sides of leaves look healthy with no red veins,,(wrong see following post) the stems are red/purple though..im watering them every 3-4 days, i let them dry out a little till the rockwool is significantly lighter then when they are soaked, though right before i took those photos I watered it twice in three days (maybe its too wet) - i do not use an ec meter because I thought I could get by without one but i will pick on up this weekend - feeding program is watering with nutes every 3-4 days @ half strength (2.5/5) using the Lucas formula and GH micro/bloom ph'd @ 5.5 last i checked runoff to be @5.8- i have yet to water the plants without nutrient solution - other plants in room seem very perky/lively (they are different strain)- thinking of flushing with ph'd water at next watering in 2 days - thanks again for the responses
@Mr.Grønn- double checked and yes, on the under side of the leaves the center vein of each petal is red about half way through turning green... what does that mean?

Grow mo

Active Member
Mr.Grønn;6421449 said:
Yes please. We are ALL on this forum to learn, I do not understand people claiming stuff out of the blue. Is it the red veins? (under the leaves along the veins).
phosphorus is one of the most important parts of a healthy plant. being 1 of the 5 mobile elements in mj the deficiency is going to show signs in the lower leaves first, since it is mobile when there is a deficiency the lower leaves give up there nutrients so they can help the new growth get what they need so the plant can continue to grow vigorously. as a result the lower leaves start getting "blotchy" brownish/blackening up slowly until there are far to deficient and eventually the leaf dies off..

Grow mo

Active Member
yes could very well be just an over all nute prob, i have had plants that i have to feed double the dose of nutes and some that i dont even have to feed half
so... the brown/copper spots are showing up on newer leaves (not the new growth but leaves above the ones in the photo) it appears to be getting worse not better. I have just watered @1/2 strength nutrient solution on thurs. (it is now Sat) and I wasnt planning to water again until monday (actually i planned to flush them on monday night when i get back in town). Can I get someone's (or many peoples) opinion on if it would be advisable to flush them tonight before I leave or wait till I get back Monday night. Thanks again for your advice.


Active Member
flush them tonight and start a new feeding program of 70-75% strength...i bet they will take that and more if you gave it them...those plants are in a full veg and need to eat!