Blue Mystic x5 / feminised / first attempt with this strain from Nirvana.....


Well-Known Member
some random pics of 1, my clone/seedling room , my northern lights plant 2.5 weeks into flower , was topped during vegg , A BB ,G-bomb plant that is 1 week into flower, was also topped and some lst by hand , also a young Northern lights clone that has been topped and just started lst by hand , i am pointing to try and show my method , i dont like tieing down plants , bending and pinching i find much more effective and alot quicker.......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
So here is how the clone has reacted after 24hrs since i pinched and bent at main stalks after topping..........


Well-Known Member
daily update .... looking well , i have noticed that all the node points are clustering around the main stalk , not from the other side branches , this seems odd to me , my other strains do not grow this way , i dont know if this is as i mainly handle clones not seedlings , but to me it looks like it could be a trait of this strain......any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Looking great! When ya flipping to 12/12?
I was thinking on day 28 ..... well four of them anyway as i have just topped one of them (the shortest of the five) , i have no reason for doing this it was purely instinct, i will let the topped plant have an extra week....


Well-Known Member
Ok , daily update , last night i topped the shorter of the 5 , my plan is to bush it right out , opposite to the other 4 , which will be grown as single cola's , was purely instinct , if it wants to stay squat , i will help it do so :-) , will be flipping to 12/12 on day 28 of veg apart from the 1 that has been topped , will allow 1 more week for this 1 to recover.....
Also are pics of the Northern lights clone that has been topped and some lst by hand .....


Well-Known Member
Looks good...see i can grow...i just need to ask questions a times...1st nirvana short rider..2nd nirvana bubblecious 12/12 from seed.3rd sour cream,sage scrog. Just fliped these to flower a couple weeks ago......hope you dont mind me showing these....peace



Well-Known Member
In no way do i mind - i post on the thread and just journal the Blue Mystic shots , looking very nice , some good techniques , loving the sour - awesome first pic....


Well-Known Member
Thanks down to two plants in my scrog grow.....going to put up a grow journal at the end of the month................


Well-Known Member
Keep me posted on the Sour cream grow , like to see how that turns out , ive never worked with a screen but i like the look of yours , been looking into some sour for my op..


Well-Known Member
keep me posted on the sour cream grow , like to see how that turns out , ive never worked with a screen but i like the look of yours , been looking into some sour for my op..
my first time with scrog..looks like you can get the most out of all bud sites....


Well-Known Member
!1 more day of vegg for these little ladies , well four of them at least :-)
And a G-Bomb clone in its 2nd week of flower , this was topped and some lst by hand...
Plus a Northern Lights plant that is 3 weeks into flower
and a mini clone G-bomb straight in 12/12.....
The single Blue Mystic pic is the 1 i topped yesterday , already new shoots are showing.....DSC00121.jpgDSC00124.jpgDSC00122.jpgDSC00123.jpgDSC00126.jpgDSC00127.jpgDSC00128.jpg


Well-Known Member
I just got back from a week long field trip and my plants were half dead and have burnt tips on the top leaves. That's the last time I leave my babies alone.


Well-Known Member
Ok , no update for day 28 as i put 4 of the blue Mystics into 12/12 cycle , pictures will follow and also i will Restart the day count when they start to show female flowers, also the last blue Mystic , now on day 29 veg and has been topped , pictures again will follow.......bongsmilie