its just a bunch of racist legislation, these laws could be instated and meantto help america but they are not....bunch of racist old guys sitting around sayingtings like "god damn beaners ruined my town"! or " better get em out of here before we turn into california"!
Well, if what you say is true....then why would saying " better get em out of here before we turn into california" a derrogitory statement?
Have you been to California lately? Lived there perhaps?
I've been in this state for 52 years.
I've watched, witnessed first hand how our schools have gone from some of the best in the country, to some of the trashiest shit-holes that ever passed for a classroom.
When I was in school, my classroom had carpet, TV's, the best equipment all of that is gone. I had drivers ed., free.....we used cars specially designed for learners.
There was high-tech (high tech for 1974-5) classrooms with rudamentary simulaters. Science used to be fun because we always had the right supplies. The gyms were clean, there was almost no such thing as grafetti(sp), save for the declarations of "love" written on some of the lockers....lockers that were always painted and fresh each new year.
Now some classrooms have over 50 students.
The lockers almost never get cleaned and painted, and they stink.
Supplies? Fugetaboutit. They almost don't exist except for what the teachers buy themselves. Most schools can't even afford to fucking paint over all the squaller written on the hall walls.
I see this unfold before my eyes and have for years.
Illegals now pour over the border at a steady rate, and here in the southernmost area of the state, some of the classrooms are almost entirely mexican....which I wouldn't have any trouble with....if we could have just been a little more intelligent about this from the begining.
The problem is pretty basic.
We have WAY more people wanting to come live in this state, then they have the ability to pay for in the way of taxes to keep up.
I'm no racist. My ex daughter-in-law is mexican.
My uncle is mexican.
My granddaughter is mexican.
Most of my family speaks spanish...(unfortunately, I am not one of them...I speak some but am not fluent)
My son employs many mexicans at his business (plastic injection moulding....they are paid
far above min. wage)
All I know is something needs to be done, and from where I stand, the solution ISN'T to simply continue allowing them to come here so freely, and hand them a free education. Or healthcare and food and housing, for that matter.
I understand the human rights issues....and i doubt I'd be able to turn anyone away that stood before me and needed help, but it is painfully obvious we can't continue on this path for much longer before this state implodes.