
By Calibuzz - 30 year grower

Spider mites are alive; you can make them dead. All life is fragile, but... "how do I kill the mites without hurting my crop?"

I will not use pesticides or harmful chemicals on my plants; thus, I have found an all-natural way to rid the infestations that sometimes occur. Curing your plants takes time and care, but you can rid your babies of the mini-spiders that suck your plant's life's blood.

Spiders have skin-like exoskeletons, they are sensitive to change. Chemical agents soak though their pours, skin and orifices; thus, what may bother you - a giant living organism - might prove fatal to a spider the size of a pinhead. This is so when using a common group of proteins found in Nature. I will teach you how to naturally and inexpensively rid your plants of the dreaded spider mites.

The Habanera Pepper is the key ingredient in pepper spray. One may buy habanera peppers in the any vegetable section for about 6 dollars a pound. The peppers are light orange to dark red, and are about the size of a bic lighter when fully mature, most are half that size. Go buy a pound, now!!! Time is of the essence.

If you have taken a powerful magnifying glass to the underside of your plant's leaves you will have seen the little off-yellow dots with a brown center that move about slowly over the plant leafs and veins - the mature mites. These big mites leave web-strands like other spiders. Web strands between leaf and stems (as they cross back and forth to new vulnerable leaves), and between leaf serrations are indications of a healthy infestation and big mites on your plants. You may also have seen almost too-hard-to-see little brown dots crawling slowly about. These are the baby mites that will grow into big suckers. You may also have seen groups of little white dots near the central leaf brachiation and the main leaf veins. These are clutches of mite eggs. They will soon hatch and produce up to 80 mites per clutch, per mature mite. You are screwed if you do nothing. But fret not, you can save your plants, and they will recover and thrive - with diligence.


Making the Calicleaner

1.) Get a sauce pan - fill with one pint of water - put on lowest flame possible (do not boil !!!).
2.) Chop 4 -5 Habanera peppers fine. Chop open seeds and central membranes, as the power lies there.
3.) Simmer chopped peppers for 20 minutes - making sure not to boil (you will destroy the active proteins).
4.) When you put your head over the pan and the wispy-steam stings your eyes, the Calicleaner is ready.
5.) Pour the Calicleaner through a fine mesh strainer - a little fine grit is OK - let cool in a clean bowl.
6.) Pour room temperature contents in a mister spray bottle. Your are ready to apply.

HOW TO APPLY Calicleaner
1.) Put on gloves, and wear a mask, or at least put a bandana around your nose and mouth.
2.) Turn off all fans - you do not want this spray in your eyes!!!
3.) Spray the bottom of EVERY leaf - starting with the bottom leaves first, work up to the top.
4.) After the bottoms are done, hit the tops and the stems.
5.) Squirt liberally in new leaf pods - tightly wound new leaf growth (the small mites hide there).
6.) Get the heck out of the room till it clears.
7.) Repeat procedure with each plant.
8.) Spray the soil, the pots, and the floor or earth around the area to kill dropping mites and stop migration.
9.) Wash hands with soap and water when complete - the stuff will heat-up skin for 4 hours.
10.) DO NOT WORRY. Though the stuff is lethal to mites, the plants love it.


Congratulations! You have successfully killed the mites that you sprayed - on contact!. Plus, the mites are thwarted in biting again as they get a lethal dose of hot mouth. Your plants should be turning green again with in half a day. Though the leaves are scarred, they will recover and work again - producing vital sugars for growth.

However, you are not done. Some mites will escape the spray, though you have killed 95% of them. Thus, you will have to do the spray again tomorrow. As a matter of fact you will have to spray every 2-3 days till you see no more mites - usually up to two weeks. SOME EGGS WILL HATCH!!! Thus a week after the first spray, do a super job again, the baby mites are likely out and about. Kill 'em right away.

Use your magnifying glass to inspect each plant carefully, when nothing moves and you see no more webs, your plants are clear. YEAH!!

Additional precautions: make sure your containers and pots do not touch, mites migrate. Clean your floors and equipment so live mites do not return. Since no person can kill every living mite in their situation, eternal diligence is now part of the equation. One mite may turn into a million in a month.

Other helpful hints: wash your plants with clean water spray between sprayings, this cleans off dead mites and eggs, and refreshes the plant leaf compromised by the vampire sucking mites. Keep the room cool, 78 degrees to 68 degrees if possible during treatment. Mites hate the cold - thus weakened mites will drop dead. If lower leaves are infested with eggs and mites - cut them off! DO NOT LEAVE CUTTINGS NEARBY! Burn or bury your cuttings far away.

The best part of using Calicleaner is you may use it always - even during flowering. As the solution is all natural, no one is harmed but the mites: "Nature to deal with Nature." Your money goes to a farmer not a chemical corporation.

Check often; check carefully; your plants will thank you with fine flowering!
Be good to your natural medicine, and it will be good to you.

Good Luck and best wishes,

/facepalm...... Because boiling a vegetable until it "stings your eyes", then putting on a surgical mask, gloves, and protective eye-wear to protect yourself. Then spraying that dangerous solution ALL over your plants. One plant at a time, then taking a break after each one. Once you finish.....you're not done. Repeat the next day....and the next day....and the next day. All of that is much easier than either increasing your air flow or hanging a no pest strip. Genius solution, thanks for that.

If I wanted to go outside my house, I could crawl out my bedroom window, hang on to the ledge of my gutter, move to the right where the roof comes up, drop down on the roof, walk over to where the roof isn't too high off the ground, then jump off and I'm in my front yard.

Sure, I got to the front yard. But I could've just walked out the front door.
yes i did spray 4 weeks in at 2 drops of floramite to 32oz spray bottle alot died i still see a few moving though. Its beenn 3 days. i dont kno what to do now went to 3 stores lookn for the no pest strips. ididnt even kno what i had till i sprayed th em the lady at the store had 1ml viels nothing else with it she said 1 gallon mix worths i flew home and started spraying well i didnt die no mask. but now im worried about smoking the shit and i cant find shit for smoke around here. So stuck with it no matter what.
I got my strips at Ace Hardware. I think every town has an Ace. Ask a worker there, its a blue package.

Lowes, Sears, WalMart, FredMeyer, Safeway, HomeDepot, McCleendon Hardware, WinnDixie, Target, Publix. These things aren't rare artifacts.
http://www.lowes.com/webapp/wcs/sto...hot 2.3 Oz. No-Pest Strip&CAWELAID=1024204005

You are making this 100x harder than it has to be. It shouldve gone like this :

I have mites
Go to store
Unleash strip on mites
24 hours later all mites are dead
Take strips out, place them in sealed ziploc bags until you need them again
/facepalm...... Because boiling a vegetable until it "stings your eyes", then putting on a surgical mask, gloves, and protective eye-wear to protect yourself. Then spraying that dangerous solution ALL over your plants. One plant at a time, then taking a break after each one. Once you finish.....you're not done. Repeat the next day....and the next day....and the next day. All of that is much easier than either increasing your air flow or hangin....

Hey genius, you talk about how dangeroushis solution is, have you read the warnings on the no pest strips? Its a carcinogen and poisonous to people.

Ever read the msds of floramite?
OP, listen to what everyone thinks is right here then go pick up a gallon of mighty wash, 99.8335 percent water friends, the rest inert ingredients, do you know wtf this means? if you get really really thirsty you could drink this shit! BUT it kills mites dead!!!frequency adjusted water people!
Hey genius, you talk about how dangeroushis solution is, have you read the warnings on the no pest strips? Its a carcinogen and poisonous to people.

Ever read the msds of floramite?
You can breath a no pest strip. You cannot eat a no pest strip. You're an idiot if you think a no pest strip...used properly....is a hazard to your health.
All the people having spidermite infestations are missing the obvious,if you make the enviroment unattractive to them they wont get a foot hold in your grow,i had spidermites once,once & thats it.

Increase air flow over,under,around & thru every last plant until every last leaf flutters & thats all you have to do,no shit its that simple,if the leaves have enough moving air the spidermites cant latch on.

A friend of mine who runs several greenhouses showed me this & its been years since ive had a single mite & ive been in a half dozen grow ops that had them & never transfered them to my grow.

Get those plants moving in the breeze & forget about mites forever.
um .....ok then, if you say so. where you from?....................actually having put some thought into it I'm gonna have to say "bullshit"
very very high humidity and maybe they won't be able to live but then whats that do for mold?
this is an interesting thing on that label :O Dichlorvos can be fed to livestock to control botfly larvae in the manure
but still, its not mighty wash. all you people should check into mighty wash and not ask anymore question or have anymore answers.
this is an interesting thing on that label :O Dichlorvos can be fed to livestock to control botfly larvae in the manure
But it's deadly to put in your grow room for 24 hours. According to IVIars. You will choke and die immediately.
But it's deadly to put in your grow room for 24 hours. According to IVIars. You will choke and die immediately.
thats not how it works, it kills you slowly over time. if you're putting them in flower how long do you suppose the poison lasts?
you're missing the point here, theres something better than poison, theres something better than an oil. frequency adjusted water people, goddamn listen. Its new and you just brush it off. smoke your poisins, smoke your oils. I kill mites with mighty wash.
thats not how it works, it kills you slowly over time. if you're putting them in flower how long do you suppose the poison lasts?
It doesn't emit it in high enough levels to be dangerous. Those warnings are to prevent people from putting them in commercial kitchens. Shitty restaurants with pest problems, etc.. Can't have those sitting around where you have food prep. Putting them in your grow room for 24 hours is fine, you could harvest the next day and not know the difference. You aren't bug bombing your grow room here. It's a no pest strip for 24 hours. You guys are acting like I'm telling you to call an exterminators to bug bomb your entire house. It's a no pest strip, quit being retarded about it. Use it, it works. Don't buy 30 of them and hang 6 over each plant for the entire duration of your grow? I don't know what else to say. Use them properly, you won't have any health issues. It's that simple.
It doesn't emit it in high enough levels to be dangerous. Those warnings are to prevent people from putting them in commercial kitchens. Shitty restaurants with pest problems, etc.. Can't have those sitting around where you have food prep. Putting them in your grow room for 24 hours is fine, you could harvest the next day and not know the difference. You aren't bug bombing your grow room here. It's a no pest strip for 24 hours. You guys are acting like I'm telling you to call an exterminators to bug bomb your entire house. It's a no pest strip, quit being retarded about it. Use it, it works. Don't buy 30 of them and hang 6 over each plant for the entire duration of your grow? I don't know what else to say. Use them properly, you won't have any health issues. It's that simple.
I know exactly what they are, I actually use one in veg every now and then when I get too broke/lazy to spray with mighty wash, but thats in veg, I don't use any poisons in flower.