
And you're missing the point here. People in this thread talking about spraying plants with crap for multiple days in a row or "dunking" your plants in shit (you think they like that? hows that "dunking" make your flowers taste?). Or cooking some kinda ridiculous peppers. Or buying some $50 bullshit solution. Or re-vamping your entire ventilation system. I gave a safe (safe.....not organic....but safe), $8 fix that solves your entire problem no questions asked in less than 24 hours. You can buy this product just about anywhere.
Read where it says properly used?

Nope I read the whole article, and it didn't say that anywhere. Maybe you need to contact the 4 universities that performed the study and let them know they're wrong.

Yo going around praising how great nps are without letting people know its poisonous would ne like me telling people to spray the plants with floramite 4 weeks into flower, no bueno
I haven't used Mighty Wash, but it looks like a fine product. Doesn't look like something you can get locally. Quite a bit more expensive. And still a spray. You miss 1-2, they come right back.
Nope I read the whole article, and it didn't say that anywhere. Maybe you need to contact the 4 universities that performed the study and let them know they're wrong.

Yo going around praising how great nps are without letting people know its poisonous would ne like me telling people to spray the plants with floramite 4 weeks into flower, no bueno
And I'd use a no pest strip up to the last 2 weeks of flowering. Because the minuscule amount of anything that actually lands on my plants is insignificant. Like I said. I wouldn't recommend huffing or sitting down to a "no pest strip" steak. Putting 1 in your room for 24 hours will NOT harm you. It is a perfectly safe product to use.....when used properly.
Nope I read the whole article, and it didn't say that anywhere. Maybe you need to contact the 4 universities that performed the study and let them know they're wrong.

Yo going around praising how great nps are without letting people know its poisonous would ne like me telling people to spray the plants with floramite 4 weeks into flower, no bueno
You're a complete idiot, lol. I meant re-read where I said "when used properly". They conducted a test of a raw material. The trace amounts of that material that would land on your plant is insignificant. Don't go read a quad-uni study and act like you're smart because you can read. Understand how science works before start yelling "ITS POISON! YOULL DIE!!!!!!!" Comepletely idiotic.
I haven't used Mighty Wash, but it looks like a fine product. Doesn't look like something you can get locally. Quite a bit more expensive. And still a spray. You miss 1-2, they come right back.
do some more reading, see if anyone says they missed a few and they came back. Its the way you spray it, I spent 2 bills on an atomizer and I don't miss.
Minuscule? Do you know how much dichlorovos needs to be in the air to be effective? Keep spouting off B.S before doing research.
do some more reading, see if anyone says they missed a few and they came back. Its the way you spray it, I spent 2 bills on an atomizer and I don't miss.
So you spent ~$250 to kill spider mites? Seems very efficient. Thanks for the awesome-o solution.
Minuscule? Do you know how much dichlorovos needs to be in the air to be effective? Keep spouting off B.S before doing research.
Real life experience. Used them for years. 0 sick customers. They're perfectly safe.....keep scaring people into spending $250 like the other retard here.
dude, the thing is worth its weight in gold. you must be from the ghetto.
Nah, I just don't have $250 to blow on spider mites. Must be nice to be ballin like that though. Let me know how it is. I was a military man, not a rich man.

Not to mention I don't do a whole lot of "spraying" of....well.....anything at all. Complete waste for me. I'm from the "ghetto", though. Because I don't blow "two bills" on something to spray shit on your plants when you're not supposed to be spraying shit on your plants in the first place. Good call.
Nah, I just don't have $250 to blow on spider mites. Must be nice to be ballin like that though. Let me know how it is. I was a military man, not a rich man. :D
Life is good but the work is hard, I work for a living . now I'm for sure off to the concert, see ya
Life is good but the work is hard, I work for a living . now I'm for sure off to the concert, see ya
You work for a living but have a "couple bills" to spend on a glorified fogger? That's pretty awesome. I think I'd rather have something I'd use, though.
Nah, I just don't have $250 to blow on spider mites. Must be nice to be ballin like that though. Let me know how it is. I was a military man, not a rich man.

Not to mention I don't do a whole lot of "spraying" of....well.....anything at all. Complete waste for me. I'm from the "ghetto", though. Because I don't blow "two bills" on something to spray shit on your plants when you're not supposed to be spraying shit on your plants in the first place. Good call.
oh right right, I'll call the guy that invented foliar feeding and tell him he's full of shit, carry on man but take a look first.
I only paid $20 for mighty wash, Idk where u get $250 from?

Im sure back in the day when cocaine, heroin, morphine, etc..... was used generously by many, their " real life experience " was great. Lol
I only paid $20 for mighty wash, Idk where u get $250 from?

Im sure back in the day when cocaine, heroin, morphine, etc..... was used generously by many, their " real life experience " was great. Lol
he's referring to my atomist that he's so fucking jealous of, give it up with this guy man, he's a waste of time/bandwidth. let him smoke his poison and die in the fucking ghetto in peace. Now fuck I gotta run or I'll miss the opening act which is gonna kick major ass
oh right right, I'll call the guy that invented foliar feeding and tell him he's full of shit, carry on man but take a look first.
I guess you would foliar feed if your plants always had deficiencies or are generally suffering, or if you don't have a cloner for clones. I actually know how to keep my plants healthy, though.
I only paid $20 for mighty wash, Idk where u get $250 from?

Im sure back in the day when cocaine, heroin, morphine, etc..... was used generously by many, their " real life experience " was great. Lol
The $200 atomizer the other retard said was necessary. I'm not sure how people 20 years ago doing cocaine pertains to me using no pest strips? Awesome metaphor, though! I guess by deflecting you proved my experiences in life to be completely irrelevant. So now all I can do is read other people's studies and copy/paste them so I appear smart. Damn.....you beat me to that one, too. I guess you win.
The $200 atomizer the other retard said was necessary.
fuck you man, the only real iq that is showing is yours, you aren't hard to read, you're a fucking moron. never said it was necessary but I guess that would be way way down on the list for the fucking needy, get a fucking life man.