just got baptized


Well-Known Member
3rd day of pissing people off and this dude rolls by reads my sign and gives me a card and says we are gunna baptize you tonight, i tryed 2 other times and nothing. random it happens on the 3rd very unintended try. it just feels so different now, the dude was amazing talked all the way to and from the church. very understanding man. god pulls some crazy things up at times. spectacular


Well-Known Member
yeah its in another thread 3rd days protest...DUDE 3rd day 3rd try god sent one guy ahhh!!!! this is some heavey stuff ive been saved since 12 i think. nice try though next time spell it different. though it still wont work. ha i love you both though


Well-Known Member
added all together is 7 which is good. dude i love the jesus photo i used to have my spirit guide do that to me untill my brain calmed down thus so did it.lol dude, i love you guys and gals

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
added all together is 7 which is good. dude i love the jesus photo i used to have my spirit guide do that to me untill my brain calmed down thus so did it.lol dude, i love you guys and gals
seven something like this?