Low stress training help!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah I think you have to be a member to see the picture, ... but the picture is what you need to look at mostly...


Well-Known Member
do you work for rollitup!? VoKaL's LST has a grest tutorial on how to do this... personally I mostly use rollitup... but really what does it matter?


Well-Known Member
in case you didnt know that article was reprinted from another website ...

<< Reprinted from indoormarijuanaseeds.com >>

happy growing

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
My babies get tied down as soon as they hit 6 inch's and stay that way until they are 4 weeks into flower.
I work them daily ensuring any new growth is tied down as well. Some get the extreme version and others get the lite version, but they all get it..