My BlueWidow Cross...


Well-Known Member
Hey bluntz, not too bad eh...they should be
responding to the new spectrum soon.

The grow looks good chiceh...I can't wait
either. Hope the clones are well.

one side project after another.....sometimes you really amaze me Johnny! Looking good!
The fun never stops Ash...Thanks for sticking

My BW have been vegging under this 400w hps
for three days, and are starting to put out some
awesome sets of leaves...

The tallest has now reached 12", and the rest
average 8". It will probably be a male, and if
so I am considereing keeping it for pollen and
future crosses. That will be interesting.

The temps have stayed around 72F with the
light on with the humidity staying around 60%.
They are still being hand watered twice a day
with 1000ppm of Flora Nova Grow.

The drippers will be setup soon when I get some
clones out of here...


Well-Known Member
Thanks mattso, natmoon...both of your grows are coming
along nicely. You guys do soil right, so count on me
sticking around.

No lollipops blunts...The SoG experiment was fun, but now
its time to grow some big girls. For right now, they are still
vegging at 18/6, and are now on day 38 from seed.

I have been watering two times a day still with ph'd water
that i've started to bring down now to 800 ppm. Another
three weeks, and the flowering begins...

The tallest BlueWidow has actually shown female pre-flowers,
so she proved me wrong. A couple more clones will be taken
from her at the bottom, as the pistils have only emerged at
the top so far.


Well-Known Member
dude....u got this hydro thing down!!!wish i could sit and share a spliff with u and talk growing!i've been doing soil now for 5 yrs(my soil mix for indoor at the moment is 70%peat moss, 20% potting soil and 10% worm castings), indoor and outdoor and i'm jst 2 scared to go straight hydro...the hole ppm thing etc confuses me....sweet plants man..keep it up!im interested in seeing the buds...!!!


Well-Known Member
im glad your growing some blue widow,,i only discovered that strain a week or so ago by dinafem,im thinking about growing some myself so im interested to see how yours turn out....


Well-Known Member
Hey Johnny, Thought I would check out your BW grow. I see they are doing quite well. Congrats. I read your other journal where you crossed them.

I am using the rockwool cubes on a drip also and wanted to ask you, are you using 2 GPH drippers? Thats what I tried and the cubes got real soggy.



Well-Known Member
dude....u got this hydro thing down!!!wish i could sit and share a spliff with u and talk growing!i've been doing soil now for 5 yrs...
I don't have it down just yet...Still learning alot. If I
need any soil lessons maybe we'll have a session
one of these days...You never know.

they damn sure look nice and healthy boss
They have been taking well to this hps for veg.
I've never used MH bulbs, but my BW have been
flourishing under this 400w.
im glad your growing some blue widow,,i only discovered that strain a week or so ago by dinafem,im thinking about growing some myself so im interested to see how yours turn out....
This does seem to be the only bank breeding this strain
which is surprising...My BW have shown some very nice
traits that I plan on keeping around a while.

Let me know if you pick up some of those beans...I'll be
interested in that.

Amazing as always JonnyB
What's up martin...How's the cab going...I've been waiting
on pics for a while.

I am using the rockwool cubes on a drip also and wanted to ask you, are you using 2 GPH drippers? Thats what I tried and the cubes got real soggy.

I have no clue what the specs are for my drippers,
but what watering cycle are you using. My drippers
flow continuously in 15 min. intervals for three times
a day on veg., and twice a day during flowering.

They can get soggy, but make sure they have time
to dry out so the roots can develop.

At day 42, my BlueWidow have each been given
their own container. The roots have penetrated,
and were given about 5" of hydroton to work with.

All of my clones have been moved, and they are
now set up on drippers watering with 1000ppm
three times a day at 15min. intervals.

Two have taken off both measuring now at 15"
and 14" that have both shown fem. pre-flowers.
Two others have also shown fem. pre-flowers,
and one other may have some early signs of
pollen sacs forming. I may keep him around.

The ones cloned were labeled, and now that
some have shown it will be easy to determine
which to keep. It's not the conventional way
of pre-sexing, but I've been vegging these so
long auto-flowering has taken effect.

I have changed their light cycle to 16/8 now, and
plan on adding two hours of darkness every week
until they are under 12/12 for flowering. It's
something I've never done before, but thing it
could benefit the plants as they emulate the fall

The temps have been maxing at 74F during the
photoperiod, and get down to 64F when sleeping.

More soon...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the other two show pistils soon and
he'll have more pussy than he knows what to
do with...

My plants have good ethics, so he'll be seperated
before he has a chance to nut all over my
girls...Stay tuned...


Well-Known Member
I have no clue what the specs are for my drippers,
but what watering cycle are you using. My drippers
flow continuously in 15 min. intervals for three times
a day on veg., and twice a day during flowering.

They can get soggy, but make sure they have time
to dry out so the roots can develop.
Ahhh, I was watering for one hour twice a day and it was just too much. Now I am dripping in the hydroton right beside the cube 24/7

All I needed was a better timer that would run for 15min.

I started a journal on a cabinet I made. I read your supercloset journal and had to have one but didnt have the money. Check it out if you want.

Thanks Man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bongspit...

The journal looks awesome cruzer...your
setup is solid. I'll be around for that

Just past six weeks, and all of my BlueWidow
have shown sex. Out of seven, five have
been confirmed female, and the other two
have early signs of pollen sacs. The back
two are Males...

One will be sacrificed, and the other will be
used to back-cross with my best female.
More details on that later...


Well-Known Member
I've only used fresh pollen, but this guy
seems to know what hes talking about...

"From my experience I would suggest a general protocol
of freezing pollen and doing so without dessicant. If pollen
is too dry and then frozen it has reduced viability as well.
In addition, it is generally recommended to take pollen in
very dry air and slowly bring the humidity up which is a
hastle as well. So, just airdry it in containers that can be
sealed (film canisters...), seal the containers, and then
put it in a typical -20C freezer one has at home. Allow the
vial to warm up before opening it to prevent condensation
on the warming pollen when you are ready to use it."

I will probably end up doing that to store some
BW pollen...Thanks for bringing it up blunts...

For size reasons, my BlueWidow won't be waking
up until 10pm so this will be their first 12 hour
dark period...Let the flowering begin...