Way to much ph up

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
It's snowing again:cuss:. I took some pic's of the new grow room and some of the clones. I also got a remote read t-stat so I know what temp it is when the lights go out without having to go look. I have the heater hung above the light not blowing on the plants and I have a fan that blows the air from the top down into the plants. I run the heater in fan mode when the lights are on to help with the air movement.

I cracked the rockwool apart on 2 of the clones and there are still no significant root growth so I'll keep waiting.... As you can see they are still tall and upright. Must be doing something right....:blsmoke:


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well I read some thread yesterday about pre-sexing and wondered what it was, so I ran a thread and asked. Thank you to Shamegame for all the info and for sticking to the thread til all my questions were answered. It seems that some plants will show their sex before you actually put them into 12/12. I took some pics and found out that I have at least 3 females. I also found 2 maybe 3 def males and 1, maybe 2, are pos hermie's. I got them out to get some real sun today and let the room air out with the fan running because I don't have the vent system built yet. I'm going to get rid of most of the male clones but may keep the plants to transplant outside and pratice with them before moving the females outside (waste not, want not). I also am going to transplant the 3 for sure females to bigger pots tonight and replace the male clones with more females.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I got the 3 girls a new home and killed one of the male plants because i needed the soil. All of them were root bound in the 1.75 gallon pot and got nice and cozy in the new 4 gallon pots. As of this morning they were fine (they're sleeping). I Got rid of F and his clones. I checked them for roots, although they didn't have any shoots the stalks had swollen with all kinds of white bumps, so they could go any day now. The remote sensor is on the soil at the base of the plants and it reads around 80F . The clones are turning yellow on the lower leaves which I presume is a good sign that they are using more nutes trying to form the root system. I have 9 total female clones, 3 from each of the 3 plants, B, C, and E. I will use the others to check root growth as i get rid of the boys. All other plants, A, D, F, and G, all show the same and different trait of a very small bud at the base of the new growth. I am trying to decide what to do with the males. Kill all the adults and keep a clone so i won't take up so much room? Any thoughts?


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I made a command decision today. I killed all three of the adult male plants and all but 2 clones and I took a third. It's a clone of a branch growth that was cool so i thought I'd see if it carries through the plant as it get's bigger. I took pic's of the slaughter and placed them here for your enjoyment ( WARNING: the following depicts actual footage of the death of young men and their male children. Do not view if you can't handle this type of reality.).

You can see where the stem that was under the rockwool was 2-3 times the size of the rest that wasn't. You can also see the growth of some roots.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I decided to get the grow room ready for the clones by getting rid of the adult males, why waste the space. I kept 2 male clones and took a third from a branch that has three nodes at the same spot several times in a row. If it is something that can be duplicated in growth and branches it may prove to be a bigger producer with tighter but more plentiful bud sites.

You can see what the stalks look like from being topped. The roots are root bound but seem very healthy. Plant A was the largest. It was sad to see him go but why waste the time and space when it's clone can give the same pollen yet take up hardly any space. Just looking at the size of it and thinking if it was a female and grown outside til sept, oct range?....


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I finally saw roots coming out the bottem of the rockwool and put the clones in soil. They willl get some time to veg and then I'm going to flower them. I am going to start the 2 smaller plants C and E on 12/12 today as it's a Monday and it will be easier to keep track of the weeks. I'm going to pull B out of the grow room and put it on veg til i can get some more clones off her, and after April she goes outside... I'm leaving the 3 male clones in veg til they can go outside also. This way if I like the strain i can make some seeds for next year.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well shit!!! I guess the clones don't like their new home. It's a dads worst nightmare. I'm not sure if the clones should look like this but I'm hoping that they just got a little warm when the dome was on. I left the dome off and watered the soil with plain water. I didn't give them any water when i transplanted them except the misting I had been doing. Maybe the soil soaked all the water out of the rockwool? I don't know...:confused:

I will not stress to much as the new growth is still looking healthy. They may sence the soil and may be putting all their energy into growing the roots to it for the nutrition. I will freak when they are all dead but as you've seen in the beginning, these plants are pretty hardy and with some tlc they just might pull through this......


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Day 2 for the flowering. I'm switching the bulb to the HPS tonight and picking up an outdoor timer to run the lights. If the weather stays like it is I won't have to use the heater during the lights out period. I don't know what to say about the clones. There's no change thus far. Do you think their going to make it?.......

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Four days in and I think I'm going to loose 3-5 of the clones. As you can see the male clones that are in the rockwool still are fine just the ones in the soil. I put them in the sun today but I think it may be to late....:cry:


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well I decided that i would pull the mother plants and take one last cutting on the undergrowth that won't get enough light to make good bud anyway. Since I already tried the rockwool I decided to try something new. I took 10 cuttings from B. I think this one is unique to the rest because it has such small leaves and very tight nodes. If I can get one to survive I may try to get some seeds from it. I also think it may be a skunk as it smells like one and smells stronger than the others.

I took four cuttings from C and 6 from E. Insted of putting them all in rockwool I decided to try some of the other methods I read about on here. I put 2 of each one in water with plastic wrap over them after dipping them in cloning gel and scrapping the stem.

I put 2 of each directly in the dirt after doing the same with the gel and scrapping the stem. and I put 2 from E and 4 from B in rockwool. Now I can see which one performs better for me and maybe stick to that one.

2 of the clones have snapped put of their dire condition and the leaves are standing tall. The others haven't shown much if any improvement.I still think I'm going to loose at least 4. The mothers are back in the grow room sleeping. I changed the light to the HPS bulb the other day and B already looks like it's starting to bud. C is showing hairs on it's main cola and E isn't showing much of anything. This may be a good thing as they may ripen at different times and I can cut and cure them one at a time.

Because i don't know the strain (bagseed) I will get a microscope when I'm about 6 weeks in to check the tric's. I guess I'll keep you posted (if anyone is actually reading this, Nobody leaves any comments......):peace:


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
The clones in the water and the ones in the rockwool are doing fine, however the ones that were put directly in the soil have wilted and look like they will die in a day or two. On the bright side the clones that I thought were almost all dead have shown true vigor and it looks like I may only loose 2. I cut the big fan leaves off when they were all shriveled and dry but now the little node leaves have started to grow and seem they will pull the plants through but who knows if they will provide enough food for the stem and root system.


Active Member
well i say always use the rockwool, putting them in the soil sucks and i tried the water too but it never worked so definatly use the rockwool but i hope those turn out well i just got a silver haze seed which this silver haze i had was the best bud i have ever had and it was grown right next door to my girlfriends house so ive been talking to the guy a lot lately but hopefully it sprouts he is gonna give me some more seeds soon but i also have 20 seeds of this bud called hawaiian big bud but i havent ever heard of it but i have some of those germinating too. all my plants r lookin pretty good exept one i gave it a little to much nutes so the leaves got a little burnt but i flushed it so hopefully it will pull through but let me know when u bud ur clones bro so i know how many females u have


Well-Known Member
The clones in the water and the ones in the rockwool are doing fine, however the ones that were put directly in the soil have wilted and look like they will die in a day or two. On the bright side the clones that I thought were almost all dead have shown true vigor and it looks like I may only loose 2. I cut the big fan leaves off when they were all shriveled and dry but now the little node leaves have started to grow and seem they will pull the plants through but who knows if they will provide enough food for the stem and root system.
What kind of light are you giving the soil clones? If they do not have root systems that are big enough to support the energy they are gathering from the light, they will try to keep growing at any cost. That means they will suck the life out of their existing fan leaves to try to continue growing. Try to do everything in your power to make the roots expand; and keep them under softer light (or tucked away in a shadier corner of the room) until they perk up a bit. Once the roots are big enough, they will start to grow like crazy.



Well-Known Member
Also, you might want to consider cutting a bit of fan leaf off. From my experience (I do admit that I am rather new to cloning, but have been facing the same problems as you and are sorting them out pretty well), if the clones have too much leaf to support, they will have a hard time staying healthy. If you snip the fingers off of the leaves (about half of the leaf), they will cut their transpiration down and be able to focus on sprouting roots. I found this recommendation on a lot of cloning guides; and it seems to work well. Good luck, and I think they actually look pretty good.



Active Member
I just read from the beginning and you seem to have gained some valuable knowledge through this grow that will make the next one slightly easier. I think you put the clones into soil too quickly, you should have had more roots showing through the rockwool (about another 3 days would have been good) and when you put them into the soil give it a good watering with ph'd water. I will be watching with interest even if i dont post much.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the input. I sometimes wondered if I was just doing this for myself. I not only use this as a journal to keep track of what I've done but also to hopefully help others learn from my mistakes without having to make them themselves.

Sleepy, I took your advise and moved the clones I cut and put in the soil put them at the bottem of a 5 gallon bucket. It is white so it acts like a reflector although not as good as mylar. I put up a picture of what it looks like. I used 1 cfl for the light source. I think it's 15w, it is like a 60w incandesent. They don't get hot and have perked up a little from yesterday. Thanks for the suggestion. They were under 4 t5 HO bulbs so I can see what you ment by getting to much light energy.

Quazzy, I trimmed the leaves of the bigger clones but none of the ones I just took had any large leaves. The 1st set of clones were larger and had several full sized leaves. The 2nd cutting was from the underdeveloped under growth after I started to flower the 3 origional plants (I flowered B because 1 of her clones survived). I knew they would be a waste as they wouldn't develope into anything productive and had a better chance as a clone. The plants seemed to go into shock once they were put in the soil. Next time I will wait longer. I still haven't put the males from the 1st cutting in soil yet. and I havent seen any roots poking through the rockwool yet. So I probably did put them in soil to quickly.

I will try to get pic's tonight of all the clones and the big plants after the lights come back on. The page malfunctioned and won't let me upload the pics in this post so I'll do it in a seperate one as I'm to lazy to type all this again...:peace:

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I don't know why but sometimes the pop-up blocker won't let the attachment page come up. Here's the pic of the set up for the soil clones. Also it's been raining so I put out 2-5 gallon buckets to catch the rain water. I heard that it's just as good if not better than bottled water. Does anyone know if this is true? The big ones are due for a good soaking tonight and I wondered if I should use the rain water.....

