Way to much ph up

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
As promisedhere are some pic's of the clones. The origional 9 are in the plastic cups. You can see that 2 are dead and after the pic's I pulled them and pitched them. The other 2 that look near death might make it and I will give them another week or so. The rest have pulled through and are going to get repotted in 2 weeks to the 1 and a half gallon pots.

I also put some pic's of the new clones and thanks to sleepy the soil clones have perked back up from being moved from under the big flo's and put under a small cfl. I put the rest of the clones under the flo's but not in direct light, they are in the shodow of the big clones and some boxes.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I also took pic's of the plants in the grow room but the HPS light makes them look crappy. Can anyone tell if the two plants with the larger leaves are an Indinca cross? The other one has never come close to making leaves that size. Some of the leaves have 10 fingers.....

I tried to get some pic's of the flowers on the one with the smaller leaves but I won't know if they turned out til they post, sorry if they're crappy. They started week 2 yesterday.



Active Member
its really hard to tell but i do think they could be an indica cross just as u assumed but thats crazy that some have 10 fingers i dont think i have ever seen a 10 finger leaf lol... but they look like they r all doin well, are these all mother plants? and if they r did u keep at least one or two to always have? i actually have a clone that was like urs and i did what sleepy told u to do and it helped mine out a lot it perked right back up so thank u too sleepy lol... but i cant wait to see how those buds come out, r they nug plants or mids or regs. i just started germinating a silver haze seed that i got out of a bag so im hoping it comes through and i have 20 seeds that r hawaiian big buds but i only have three germinating right now cause i still have all those mid grade plants which i have a total of 8 in my closet i really dont have too much room or enough light for more until i get my new ballast for my metal halide bulb once i get that i will be able to have a lot more plants and once i move out i will have an entire room just for growing but i need to show u a pic of one of my older mid plants cause i thought it was gonna die for sure i dont know if u remember me talkin about that but i clipped the canopy to clone it so i figured the plant itself was done for good but it has fully recovered it acted just like i topped the plant so now it has two branches comin out the top instead of just the one and all the small leaves have grown out but i also wanna show u the other one thats like almost 3 months old too it is seriously almost all stem the leaves kept dying from the bottom up so i had to keep clipping them but i wanna know what u think is wrong cause the inner leaves on that plant are not showing any growth at all and neither was the other one until i topped it but i'll send u some pics of them and u can tell me what u think but the plants are lookin mighty good my friend i didnt even know u already had plants ready to flower it seems like everyone elses plants are growin like 5 times faster than mine i wonder y anyways good luck on those buds i hope they are mighty tasty


Active Member
Considering the start they had they look really good, keep doing what you are doing and they will be fine mate.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why but sometimes the pop-up blocker won't let the attachment page come up. Here's the pic of the set up for the soil clones. Also it's been raining so I put out 2-5 gallon buckets to catch the rain water. I heard that it's just as good if not better than bottled water. Does anyone know if this is true? The big ones are due for a good soaking tonight and I wondered if I should use the rain water.....
Those clones are looking like they should be ok. The CFL is a much much better option than those T5s for little rootless clones; so, I think you will see them perk up considerably. Rainwater is very good for plants, so feel free to use it. The whole reason that we pH our water to be more acidic is to make it seem like rainwater to the plant, so it should treat them well. However, the rockwool clones will want the water to be a little bit more acidic. Use the rainwater for your adult plants. Keep giving the clones what you are giving them. I think everything is looking pretty good, though. Keep doing what you're doing.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I guess the plants liked the rain water!!! I went down this morning to check them in the light and found one "in" the light (after i raised it last time). It burnt a leaf or two and got the top pretty hot. I rolled the stem in my fingers til it was mushy and bent it over. I proped it up for now. I'm assuming they all liked it as all of them showed a def growth spurt. I raised the light again.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Before the night cycle was even over the nodes and the 3 inches that overlapped the tie down all were upright already. They adapted easily and quickly to the bend. I moved them all around inside the grow room again to try and get better light dispersement on the plants. I'm worring that I've got 5-8 weeks left depending on when they ripen, and I will run out of room to move the light. It's a 4x4x5 room and the 3 plants fill it up.... I'll try to get pic's tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
They should stop stretching in the next week or two. I guess you should be pretty close to entering the third week now? Unless it has been getting really extreme over the last few days since your last picture update, you should be ok. Keep doing what you can to tie them down if height is becoming an issue. Otherwise, you may want to start think about trimming down the budsites that will starve for light when the canopy gets to its thickest. The theory is that the buds up top will get more attention from the plant in its distribution of resources if it doesn't have to support the stragglers that don't get enough light. Look up "lollypopping" or different pruning techniques if you want to go at it with a light touch. If you don't feel comfortable with it, you will be fine without it; but, it may be worth looking into. Give us some more pics!


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I've been a little busy. The weather is taking it's time changing to spring. I've been working on the yard the last 2 days getting it ready for spring. I mixed some mollassas and bloom nutes into the rain water. I mixed 4.5 gallons and am giving it to the plants in small doses every few days. I let it dry from the rain water the other daysome what. They don't seem to mind so I hit them with the nutes today. They have grown 6 inches in 2 weeks while in flower. Here are some pics of the bend and the branch. The top is still growing. I pinched it low enough that it is now even with the top of the rest of the plant. I'm not sure how much longer they need to flower as they are bagseed. I will keep an eye on them as they enter week 7. They are starting week 3 tomorrow......:peace:



Active Member
hey bro they are looking great and i think u will get some nice buds from them i just wanted to ask u if u ever top ur plants so that u get two nice big buds instead of just one its a little too late on these cause they already started budding but u should try it next time i just topped one of my plants and its got two branches growin upwards now but yeah i screwed my shit up lol... since i dont have my metal halide ballast which also was for my hps bulb too but ive just been using my florescent fixtures but its been over a month and my plants havent hardly grown at all and i could not figure out y but today i was sittin here thinkin about it and this whole time i had my warm spectrum bulbs in instead of my cool white bulbs i use the warm bulbs for flowering along with the high pressure sodium bulb but anyways im super behind on schedule so that really sucks but i do have to plants that are gonna be ready to flower here in a few weeks but im so broke that i cant get my new ballast yet so if i dont im gonna just have to use the florescents with the warm bulbs but i have five fixtures and each bulb is 40 watts so that will add up to 450watts so i think i should be able to flower fine with that dont u think so? but yeah i put my cool white bulbs in today so now hopefully they will shoot up pretty quick oh and i also got rid of half my soil in my pots and filled the half with peat moss i was wondering if u knew much about it and if its good i figured i would try it since i have heard a couple good things about it cause its good for acid loving plants but just let me know but i will for sure keep an eye on ur pics i cant wait to see how those buds turn out im gettin ready to plant one of those hawaiian indica big bud plants so im excited to see how those turn out but im sure i'll have my new ballast by the time those r ready to flower. take it easy bro

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Well I gave up on the clones. I kept 3, one from B and one from C, and I kept one male so i can get some seeds incase I want to try this again in the future. I was getting tired of messing with them and this was all started by accident so to me it's way to much work for what my life can handle right now. I will finish this grow and should have more than enough to last me a while and I'm not doing this for a profit so I won't be in need of 10 plants any way. By the way I tok pictures of the clones but I didn't check the mega pix and it was set to 5.4 again and the system on here only lets me post 2.1 and again I'm to lazy to resize them. The water clones were all yellow but no roots. The rockwool ones were green and the stem had swollen like they were starting to sprout roots. The soil ones except 2 died, the two who lived had a few small roots formed. My conclusion is that either rockwool or right into dirt works best for me. Sorry for the lack of effort on the pic's but I only have 3 or so people following this thread and work is swamping me right now with the onset of spring. By the way, I decided they like the rain water and since its raining today and I went through that 10 gallons already, I can get some fresh water again today.....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I had been reading other posts in the other forums and saw a thread on a guy growing "ice" and flowering under cfl's. I had the bulbs and a few sockets laying around so I wired up 2-100w, and 1-75 watt to add tto the 400w HPS. I put them right in the heart of the plants to get light to the lower branches. We'll see if it makes a dif.....

I started a fan on the clones, they are getting ready to transplant into the 1.5gal pots. I'm sure now that I've thrown them out that it will be crazy wicked good and I will regret doing it but it was just to much of my time. I think I will get enough off these 3 plants for my personal use for a while to come...

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Nothing new, just some updates on pic's...... If you look real close you can see the cfl's in 2 of the pic's. You can also see the branch that I bent, and all the nodes full of buds coming off it....:hump: gigity gigity gigity....


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I dug out some more of the floor so the pots would sit lower because I'm running out of room above the light. I figured out that I was heat stressing them because i had the wireless temp sensor was sitting below the canopy I thought that was the temp of the room. I usually do my feeding and watering at lights on so Idon't feel all the heat built up in the room. I moved the sensor the other day so i wouldn't get it wet when I was watering. I set it on the bent branch at the top of the plants. It was 96 when i woke up. I don't know how long it was like that as it just started to warm up in the last few days but thank god I found it before it was to late..... I also put another fan on them..

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Nobody asked and I forgot but here are the nutes I started them on when they wen't to flower. I used the rose food through the last 2 weeks of veg with the bio grow, MG plant food, and planticillin full strength. 1 week into flower i switched to the bloom boster and added a table spoon per gallon of the molassas. I'm still using the rain water and have had no probs with ph, mildew, or over nuteing.

The difference in the 2 strains is more apparent than ever right now. The larger one more indica, has 9 fingers and the smaller more sativa has 7. Both have the purple stems but on the bottem they are both green. On days I feed I mist the plants with the rain water 30 minutes before the lights come on to get the pumps going. I feed the gallon to all 3 plants with a water can. Each gets 1/3 gallon of the food and then that is followed by half a gallon of the rain water to push it deep in the soil. When the soil dries (quicker now there are 2 fans) I feed 1 gallon rain water to each plant 1 quart at atime then moving on to the next and around again till all have gotten a gallon.... Then as the lights and fans evap the water from the leaves they draw water from the roots to replace it thus feeding the plant.... I only mist when i feed or water so i don't get mold, and always no more than 45 min before the lights come on.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I transplanted the 1 male and 2 females I kept for seeds and they were root bound in the 16oz cups. They are taking off like crazy so I topped them this morning... They were put in the dirt 22 days ago....

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Wow I would have thought someone would ask how things are going by now. If no one is following this I will keep my notes in the noteboook and leave everyone to wonder what happened to that grow that started so bad but pulled through and looked so good? If I can't get some props from at least 10 new people I will find other things to do with my time rather than post pics and give advice (taken at your own risk).....

Seriously is any body even reading this?...........


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Im new to growing and new to this site. I need advice on both. For starters can someone tell me how to start a new thread specific to the question I have?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The question is did you come back thank people for the advise and show them the pictures of what thier help did to save the plants or did you just pop back say nothing and get upset no one asked you for pictures? Usually the person who asks for help comes back as a courtesy and tells the people if it worded and show the results of the given advise. I cant believe you didnt even come back and show the people who helped what thier help did to save your plants..