Is this supposed to be happening or is this bad yellow?


The plants are 17 days old in fox farm ocean forest. The lights are are 2 inches from the top of the plants. I have them in this box, with this light set up. I water them when they completely dry out which is about three days. I am also using an electronic moisture meter. The temperature is 82 degrees, with a moisture level of 57%. They are on a 18/6 LS. Today when I came home I noticed the leaf looking like this. Is this natural or a cause for concern?



Active Member
The plants are 17 days old in fox farm ocean forest. The lights are are 2 inches from the top of the plants. I have them in this box, with this light set up. I water them when they completely dry out which is about three days. I am also using an electronic moisture meter. The temperature is 82 degrees, with a moisture level of 57%. They are on a 18/6 LS. Today when I came home I noticed the leaf looking like this. Is this natural or a cause for concern?

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Whether it should happen or not, i cant tell you. What i can tell you, is ive had it happen several times in my little experience and it had had little to no effect. Im a pruner. if it looks ugly i trim it off. I wrote it off as nute burn, let it go yellow then cut it. No biggy.


Well-Known Member
I have used ffof and found you have to start feeding about 2 weeks in. The yellowing of the bottom leaves is sometimes normal when the plants get bigger and light can't reach all the way to the bottom leaves. With the size of your ladies I would say they need a feeding


Well-Known Member
FFoF is overpriced IMO and not worth it, food doesn't last that long.. Promix is about 30-40 bucks for a bale and you get about 7.5 cubic feet for about the price you get the ffof at 3 cubic feet. I also noticed that with the ff it has to be watered wayyyy to much cause it doesn't hold water well.