So this bitch, right?


Well-Known Member
damn that sucks dude. i doubt you're gonna do somethin physical to her cause that kinda jail time isnt worth it for a chick thats fuckin with you already. i wouldnt get too vindictive with the words either cause the more you piss her off the more she's prone to say somethin about what you got goin on. the best thing i can say is the minute your shits done and you got it all cleaned out...snap on her ass get all that shit off your chest and place her outside of your house close and lock the door(make sure she doesnt have her keys) go buy you one of them dead bolts and as soon as that doors locked put that shit on the front door and throw her keys out the window.



Well-Known Member
I feel for you. I trashed my whole grow before because my ex was a psycho. Got all my shit out when the bitch was knocked out on heroin, junky cunt. I ended up moving. She tried to throw a window through my front window because she got crazy when she drank. You gotta find away to dump this broad before she lands you in jail.


Well-Known Member
I feel for you. I trashed my whole grow before because my ex was a psycho. Got all my shit out when the bitch was knocked out on heroin, junky cunt. I ended up moving. She tried to throw a window through my front window because she got crazy when she drank. You gotta find away to dump this broad before she lands you in jail.
Damn dude, she tried throwing a window throug your window? That's fuckin extreme, lol.

Nah Jk I'm pretty sure it's a typo, I do that all the time, :). Just thought it was funny.


Well-Known Member
you guys are ridiculous. haha

Right now shes being obedient and currently fetching a fresh lemonade. ah, how to approach this without her being in denial or a screaming fit.


Well-Known Member
Ask her why she'd want to live with someone that doesn't even like her. Make her feel not wanted and annoying.


Well-Known Member
Ha, I'm all worked up thinking about those days. A chair man, she tried throwing a chair through my front window.
Dude, you don't even know the drama this bitch was. She aged me a good 10 years in 1 year of trying to get rid of her.
Psycho chicks... Good in bed, fucked in the head!


Well-Known Member
true, I guess it will take some time and fucking with the mind. Its just hard to treat a person cruely, even if its because of their own actions.


Well-Known Member
I am too nice. I am the happiest person you will ever meet, but also the most pissed off. I have one hell of a temper, let me tell you.

But for the most part.....99.8% of the time, I am fucking Jesus. Im even a fucking awesome carpenter.


Active Member
I am too nice. I am the happiest person you will ever meet, but also the most pissed off. I have one hell of a temper, let me tell you.

But for the most part.....99.8% of the time, I am fucking Jesus. Im even a fucking awesome carpenter.
you dont wanna see him when he is angry..