Order sone White Widow feminized...got a few questions


Well-Known Member
This is not my first time growing, but it is ny first time with mail order seeds.
I plan on only growing 3 at a time. Then maybe just cloning those 3. What should I do with my unused seeds?
What's the best dirt to start them in and when can I transfer them to the full size pots.
U use a 175w MH light with 2 fans and a multifunction timer.
Also, what's the best readily available organic fertilizer? I usually use Neptunes fish and seaweed emulsion.
Thanks for any help guys.

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Put extra seeds in black film canister in a cool dark dry place.
You could start them in any potting dirt in sure or something like riot rooters.
I dont grow dirt but keep hearing about worm castings and there is always bat guano.


Hey man, good luck on your white widow. I started germination on mine the beginning of July so she should be getting closer. I know I'm not going to get the yield that one would get growing outside of the aerogarden but this is just for personal use. So far things have went really smooth. I just put up some new pics last night. Let me know what you think when you get a chance. I've heard the white widow can very greatly in size because it's a combination of two strains but when you order from the same seed place I think they have a little more of the same pattern. I'm trying to remember where I ordered my seeds from. This is only my second grow..I had to dump the first plant because like an idiot I told the wrong person/persons. Keepin it on the dl now except for this forum lol. I'm going to check to see if you have any pics posted.


Well-Known Member
Like Phillip said, store the unused seeds in a cool dark place. If you plan on storing for long term, then wrap them up in freezer bags and store in the freezer. I had my WW in storage for 2 years and they germed like a charm.

I really like the Fox Farm line-up for my grows. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil along with the trio of nutrients; Grow Big, Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom. They have really worked well for me and I always recommend them for grows.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Once you get the widows going, I def recommend LST and Supercropping early on to bush them out, especially if you plan on grabbing clones to expand your family. My widows were from AMS, and have to say I love the way they have grown and look despite my best efforts to mess them up. Getting close to harvets finally so will see how they finish, but the plants are tough, strong and very easy to clone if you take them with 4-5 leaf sets and a firm stem. Currently running hydro but am planning to put a few in dirt to run in cab as well. Go easy on nutes to start. They will tell you if you need more. They are sensitive to CAL/Mg but are forgiving.


I ordered White Widow (fem) seeds from Nirvana yesterday so trying to find post to read about them from seed to finish--any help appreciated!
Like Phillip said, store the unused seeds in a cool dark place. If you plan on storing for long term, then wrap them up in freezer bags and store in the freezer. I had my WW in storage for 2 years and they germed like a charm.

I really like the Fox Farm line-up for my grows. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil along with the trio of nutrients; Grow Big, Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom. They have really worked well for me and I always recommend them for grows.

Good luck.
This, some people think ocean forest is a little too hot, atleast for seedlings. Depending on what available locally, Id go with fox farm happy frog if they have it. Or if you want a really good mix, go hald and half with ocean forest and light warrior. But the "trio" seems to do everyone well.