The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
O-zone generator is an expensive option. Or just a bunch of ona blocks, although over time that will be an expensive option as well, they run at close to a tenner a piece and only last a month or so when used to their potential.

alternatively just stick some tyres in a metal bin and set it on fire in the hallway for a bit :)


Well-Known Member
need help. how can i get rid of the smell from my plants without using a carbon filter?? i only have 2. cheers
you cant. the best you can do is mask the smell with air freshners, the best and its not cheap is 'ona' its cums in tubs of jell and various other ways.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ona neutralizes not just masks the smell, i've tried all types of masking bits and bobs and they last like 20 minutes then it gets nice and stinky :D


Well-Known Member
i got tips from a few people i here, mostly billy and ttt. its a piece of piss so far. fill bucket, add nutes when needed, empty bucket once a week, i dont bother with ph although if ur gonna be in sumwhere with hard water then i believe its a must, i had alittle nute burn about two weeks ago but its fine now. the first couple of weeks i found i was checkin them all the time but at that time the Indian summer was playin bloody havoc with the temps. after the roots hit the water they just went mental, the leaf production is way in excess of any soil grow ive seen, ive got 3 soil running alongside it , same strains and there all around 2/3 of the height and at least half the foliage. the roots are fuckin huge compared to a normal soil grow. so far its been very good and all continuing well it'll be my grow method of choice . ill know the yeild returns in 7 or 8 weeks but so far they look well healthy.
this is something that confuses me , if i was to make a 3/4 plant DWC box , what do you do to empty and refil the res ? you cant just pull the lid off and leave the plants n roots on the floor while you empty n refill the res so how do ya do it? lol


Well-Known Member
ok cheers guys.. il look into ona. weres the best place to buy them? ha i dont no if lighting tyres is a good idea but it could be a last option! :)


if the new growth is green and not showing the spots or yellowing then no need for the calmag :) if you do want to use it just mix it with ya normal nutes
ok and thanks alot for the reply will give them another week they are looking fresh and green just the odd yellow leaf , here and there , thanks again


Well-Known Member
this is something that confuses me , if i was to make a 3/4 plant DWC box , what do you do to empty and refil the res ? you cant just pull the lid off and leave the plants n roots on the floor while you empty n refill the res so how do ya do it? lol
Bump DWC heads ;)


Well-Known Member
I have a shit load of buckets rob, when it comes to a res change i mix a fresh nute batch up in another bucket then transfer the plant form the old to the new. If your gonna make a 4 plant box then sit it on something so it raises it off the floor and fit a drain cap to the bottom of your res and attach a hose, piece of piss then mate.


Well-Known Member
I have a shit load of buckets rob, when it comes to a res change i mix a fresh nute batch up in another bucket then transfer the plant form the old to the new. If your gonna make a 4 plant box then sit it on something so it raises it off the floor and fit a drain cap to the bottom of your res and attach a hose, piece of piss then mate.
so if i was to use this for a DWC i could just fill it with nutes and water then add a airstone/pump and cut 2 holes in the top for 2 net pots ... thats it ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'd say forget that. You will not have fun emptying and filing that. And at 80L that's a hell of a lot of stress on the plastic, you're not gonna want to nudge it too much. I also found that bigger the reservoir, bigger the floor flooding wave when you nudge it too fast into a certain position. I use nice 40L i think, and give them about 20L of water, each is about 30cm by 50cm and will hold one mammoth plant or 4 small ones if you're very careful. Still a strain on the back though.

If i had the space i'd set it up so that one central reservoir kept it all topped up, you can get a damaged plant pretty quick if it drinks up it's water and ya cabs hot.