Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
Those are some sexy roots. How hot was it for you? I'm switching to night time lighting this heat is out of control. temps of 85+ in my tent.


Well-Known Member
Those are some sexy roots. How hot was it for you? I'm switching to night time lighting this heat is out of control. temps of 85+ in my tent.
The compressor on my ac is working overtime just to keep the plants at 74.7f.


Well-Known Member
Jesus an AC unit... I never imagined i'd have to buy that. :P
I looked at your journal a few minutes ago. I'll comment there in a moment.

But here I'll say that a grower must account for all environmental conditions when setting up a grow. Yeah, without my ac, it just wouldn't work. But we'll ride out this little heat wave together. It'll cool down starting tomorrow.

Oh, I'm assuming you're in my neck of the woods? Or is it just a coincidence that we're both having hot weather?


Active Member
I'm in southern california. That's about as much as I'm willing to say. lol.

But yea... my grow isn't the prettiest but the plants are showing progress...


Well-Known Member
I'm in southern california. That's about as much as I'm willing to say. lol.

But yea... my grow isn't the prettiest but the plants are showing progress...
Say no more. Sometimes I think I'm willing to say a little more than I should... Lol.

Just hang in there. As long as you have good roots, the plants can bounce back. Such is the magic of hydro.

Once this shit heat passes, you and I, and our clones will be much happier.

Oh, just checked. Down to 73.6, Slivers. Yes! :clap:


Active Member
Say no more. Sometimes I think I'm willing to say a little more than I should... Lol.

Just hang in there. As long as you have good roots, the plants can bounce back. Such is the magic of hydro.

Once this shit heat passes, you and I, and our clones will be much happier.

Oh, just checked. Down to 73.6, Slivers. Yes! :clap:
We'll be good... 74... hmm... I use my ph meter to check temps... i've seen it right at 90 degrees a few times. So I'm hoping this night light thing will drop my temps to like 75 or so, then during the day it should be around the same. So that should completely de-stress our shit. And no more AC units! To expensive!


Well-Known Member
We'll be good... 74... hmm... I use my ph meter to check temps... i've seen it right at 90 degrees a few times. So I'm hoping this night light thing will drop my temps to like 75 or so, then during the day it should be around the same. So that should completely de-stress our shit. And no more AC units! To expensive!
Yeah, I'm sure you'll be fine. This damned heat, though. Whew!

Dam those roots are exploding! I miss having a plant to go check on and watch grow lol, can't wait til next year...
It'll be a good year.

Nice job, what size netpots are those your using 4" or 6" ???
Thanks much. Six inchers, baby.


Active Member
I use a mac. It always seems to be more limited in terms of game play... Or am I wrong? Maybe I'm still living in the early 2000's? Lol.
Ah... you're right there. Mac is kinda trash for playing PC games. I built my rig so... I can pretty much handle anything that comes out. That's why I wasn't afraid to build that 14 site aero system. Just jump in head first ya know?


Well-Known Member
Ah... you're right there. Mac is kinda trash for playing PC games. I built my rig so... I can pretty much handle anything that comes out. That's why I wasn't afraid to build that 14 site aero system. Just jump in head first ya know?
I used to build my own PC's all the time to save money, but now I like Mac's better, expensive as they are. They just run without as many problems.


Well-Known Member
Ah... you're right there. Mac is kinda trash for playing PC games. I built my rig so... I can pretty much handle anything that comes out. That's why I wasn't afraid to build that 14 site aero system. Just jump in head first ya know?
I see all the amazing looking banner ads for the online PC games and I'm tempted to buy a pc box just for that. One of my former roommates (the girl with short hair and tattoos in my photos) is an incredible WOW geek. She spent a lot of time in there. I'm more of an old-school gamer, so playing all the old arcade fighting games on my trusty Mame emulator keeps me pretty happy for now. I'm actually thinking about buying an older generation playstation or xbox so I can play all the new Street Fighter and King of Fighters games that Mame can't run. I am a fighting game nerd... Now you know.

I used to build my own PC's all the time to save money, but now I like Mac's better, expensive as they are. They just run without as many problems.
Oh, so you run a mac, too? (RIP Jobs)
I'm a total photography nerd and I draw and paint, so I needs me the mac.