Denver Protesters


Well-Known Member
Is anyone reading this one of the people who has been protesting in Denver? Or has anyone reading this seen the protesters, and is interested in getting involved in some kind of change some how?

PM. I have ideas, and I know how to make them move, they are in the process of movement right now, I am in my third state traveling meeting people for change. Having a red card will make you able to participate instantly. But, even if you don't have a card, later ideas branch further than just patients, or even Colorado.


Well-Known Member
Protest? But life is good, Imma wait for it to go to shit then I'll be up for a good old fashioned protest


Well-Known Member
oh, I guess I dunno wtf you're talking about. has this section always been this dead??


Well-Known Member
because it wouldn't let me put just a "k" , gotta be 10 characters! No I don't know what you have going on in protest


Well-Known Member
cool, whats it all about then? if the current situation continues its gonna have to be all about protest but then I'm guessing cali made its bed, they blew it when they didn't pass prop 19, plus they refuse to be regulated.


Well-Known Member
Imma start by protesting 6 AM tomorrow. I'll check back tomorrow to see what kind of plan you're talking about, sounds organized and I'm not into that but maybe someone is.


Well-Known Member
Kinda organized, but just loose knit community. I don't want to just say it here. Anyone that wants to know, PM me.


Well-Known Member
Occupy Wall Street protests.
Have you neem seeing those people, and have you been up there? Or wanted to work towards something to help the whole thing?

They can't do it alone. That's like if Ken Kesey and they Merry Pranksters had tried to start a revolution on their own. It didn't work solely because of them.
There was also Timothy Leary, The Up Against The Wall MotherFuckers, The Grateful Dead(Warlocks), Yippies, everything came together to be the revolution.
There can't just be occupancy, the underground must still be there working for them.