BKB's 2nd Grow

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Well-Known Member
Glad to hear he's good man, thanks. Hopefully that power outage didn't fuck you guys up too bad...


New Member
He is doing fine, having internet issues i believe. Plus we had a major power outage for about 12 hours yesterday.
heard evo alex say that about power brown out hope
hope grows dont have issues for other cuase of it
thanks for letting us know bkb is ok
wonder if thats why i havent seen kmk on lately


Well-Known Member
Hey BKB, what's up dude? I see you are still growing your trees. Your OG looks soooo good I would not be able to wait to smoke that. However, taking care of business comes 1st. I'm all settled in my new house and got a little grow going. I'm growing two MamaDude seeds and 1 Blue Mystic. I can't wait to smoke my own weed instead of this shit I'm buying on the streets:) I know when you do smoke again you are going straight to the moon:) I'll post some pics of the MamaDude plants so you can see how they are growing.


Well-Known Member
Well break time is officially over now.....I had a major CPU crash plus some virus. I am starting my winter grow and thinking about doing a new journal or maybe I will keep this one going. The following strains I am growing are: Bubba, MD(Sour Diesel x Blueberry) and Early Skunk. I will be running a RDWC set up and its going to be sweet! I will be back after the weekend. I had a nice break and now I am focused and ready to rock out some serious bud!

Peace All



Active Member
Well break time is officially over now.....I had a major CPU crash plus some virus. I am starting my winter grow and thinking about doing a new journal or maybe I will keep this one going. The following strains I am growing are: Bubba, MD(Sour Diesel x Blueberry) and Early Skunk. I will be running a RDWC set up and its going to be sweet! I will be back after the weekend. I had a nice break and now I am focused and ready to rock out some serious bud!

Peace All


Welcome back !
I'm Back Myself !


Well-Known Member
Welcome back BKB :)

Looking forward to the winter grow.

Did you end up smoking the skunk? How is it?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone out there???? Hello????.......IM BACK!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for leaving you all hanging like that but I had a lot of personal business to take care of. I am growing and got some seedlings going. I am doing a all DWC grow for the winter. I will update my thread and start my new grow. I dont know if I am going to start a new one or just continue with this one.

The strains I have going right now are: Early Skunk, Bubba, MD and Cougar Kush. I might go pick up a Platinum Bubba today or tomorrow.

Once again sorry about disappearing on you all! I hope all is well with everyone. I think this break I had from growing was good, gave me a chance to clear my mind and take care of shit.




Well-Known Member
Is anyone out there???? Hello????.......IM BACK!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for leaving you all hanging like that but I had a lot of personal business to take care of. I am growing and got some seedlings going. I am doing a all DWC grow for the winter. I will update my thread and start my new grow. I dont know if I am going to start a new one or just continue with this one.

The strains I have going right now are: Early Skunk, Bubba, MD and Cougar Kush. I might go pick up a Platinum Bubba today or tomorrow.

Once again sorry about disappearing on you all! I hope all is well with everyone. I think this break I had from growing was good, gave me a chance to clear my mind and take care of shit.


Glad to see you back!!


Well-Known Member
been sitting in the shadows smokin on this doobie while you were out n about lol, ill pull up my chair n pay attention now that there is something going on. been kinda nice sitting here, kinda quiet like ya know? a bit of quiet time is needed once n a while, kinda gives us a chance to see the direction we need to go. glad to see ya back n hope the personal worked out for ya. now that we got all the niceties outa the way , get your ass busy n GROW SOMETHING!!!!
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