My 2 cents on profit for caregivers

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
The price has gone up dramatically. It's due to the dispensaries closing.
now you have to know a grower to find supply in many areas. With no dispensaries, growers suddenly feel they should get the dispensary mark up as well.

They are creating what in advance economics would be refereed to as "artificial demand". Basically, no matter how much actual supply exists, if the buyer has no competing sellers...he can charge whatever he wants. Most buyers, dont know a bunch of growers to price shop. Most buyers since the closing of dispensaries, have only one source they are comfortable buying from...they can't shop price. It's a form of extortion.

Kinda like this....

Your out of gas..lucky for you, there is a gas station right there. gas is posted at $3.45 per gallon. Bad news..the gas station is closed.
Good news! Guy pulls up in a pick-up and has 5 gallons of gas in a can. Bad news, guy says he'll sell you the gas for $20 per gallon.

You have choices...wait for the gas station to re-open. start walking and looking for gas elsewhere. Or, pay $20 per gallon to a kind, gentle good Samaritan.

After all, that good Samaritan should make something....
Don't be mad at the grower; Johnny Q law and your government are agan manipulatng the market. Think banks, Lehman and those guys. Market manipulation is part of the equations all day. Your wonderful government is creating market manipulation wth their interpretation of the law. Never the job of the seller to keep himself in line and charge fairly. gas guy was in a spot and made a buck-guess you should have filled your tank(and sac) while you had good prices. Motorists are to blame for running out of gas don't get mad cuz you got caught with your pants down. grow your own "gas" or pay what the producer/seller is asking.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Caregivers shouldn't be making money, we shouldn't be growing. We all need to stop so the mexicans can stay in business and our government has someone to sell weapons too.... god don't you guys get it?
YEP! Go ahead and make the stupid ads from the 90's and 2000's true about supporting terroists. It's not any grower making the price go up, it's the gov makng the product scarce and driving overhead up through forcing it across the borders illegally and at great smuggling cost to fill our demand. Demand is still high so.........I thnk we all get it by now-right?

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
your the one that fills out a blank tax form and gives it to the irs saying i made this much money so take some i've got too much. If i grow tomatoes in my grow room and sell them do i have to pay the irs for every tomato sold? The answer is hell no! I have a garden i buy seeds i plant i pay power i water i buy everything i sell my tomatoes at the farm market every year. Ever hear the kids story about the chicken that made the bread dough and baked the bread she asked for help from everyone, but nobody would help. Then it came time to eat the bread and then everyone wanted some. The chicken said you didn't help me make the dough or bake the bread so im going to eat it all by my self.
best use of the henny penny story ever! Lol awesome! +111111111111

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
yea its not fun anymore. having a small garden is fun. fun to grow different strains and not worrie about them as much
I'm still having fun. It's the thing I did after work even if I was tired to put a smile on my face. Now that I've been relieved of that job I still have fun just on a more grand scale! LOL


Well-Known Member
YEP! Go ahead and make the stupid ads from the 90's and 2000's true about supporting terroists. It's not any grower making the price go up, it's the gov makng the product scarce and driving overhead up through forcing it across the borders illegally and at great smuggling cost to fill our demand. Demand is still high so.........I thnk we all get it by now-right?

MJ is a huge money maker for the government(DEA), if it was legal, half those assholes would be out of a job.

They enjoy the war on drugs and fuckin around with the cartels. Busting mj grows. It's easy and gives them a job.

It is almost like the cartels payoff the feds to have mj Illegal?

I dont get it? That is how to put the cartels out of business, let all americans grow their own. MJ is 60% of the cartels business, and we could fuck them hard, but we dont?

The Feds must be gettin payed, and dont want to lose their cozy easy job of busting MJ growers. Those dumbfucks need to work on taking the hard drugs off the street, and forget about marijuana, Sad.


Active Member
with the price of a ki you really think that most of the cartel's money come's from pot?if we legalized mj it wouldn't do shit to their fund's.


Well-Known Member
with the price of a ki you really think that most of the cartel's money come's from pot?if we legalized mj it wouldn't do shit to their fund's.
There has been many reports and studies that say MJ is 60% of their business, if they didn't have the US to smuggle it to, it would hurt them alot.


Well-Known Member
let me see the study.i bet it's not even 25% of their and powder is where they make the real cash.,8599,2084224,00.html

More than 60 percent of the cartels' revenue -- $8.6 billion out of $13.8 billion in 2006 -- came from U.S. marijuana sales, according to the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Yeah, so like I said wth my fif grade econ-supply chases demand. Let us handle our demand, I bet taht is one product we actually can produce. Fuck, let's EXPORT IT-we're America and the best at whatever we do os let's do this thing.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
You think your closed minded bullshit deserves a response from us caregivers?? I am a fucking farmer trying to support my family with my finicky cash crop .
Your weed looks like shitty ditch weed yet you charge people for it:( I give airy LARF like that away or hash it an try again .
WHY Is making money bAd you don't know that it goes to a town with a poulation of less than 2000 who love that I spend my hard earned cash at there mom and pop they even stock what I like...
This is america we need new money to come up it sure ain't 80 year old vets paying 3000 a pound it the dreddy kid in the hummer
Get sum respect for people with alot more on there plate then a closet grow that you torch each time
Farmers are not afraid to discuss fair wages, and your crop isn't that finicky. You're simply avoiding accountability.

We are trying to talk about legitimizing medical cannabis. Every time one of you asks me a question, I answer. Every time I ask you a question you go right back to talking like a dealer.

Large scale grow are easier than closet grows. More total work, but much easier to control atmospheric conditions, lighting and plant spacing.

On a large scale grow, cost per oz of finished product comes down. Grow corn in your vegatable garden, then try an compete with price for your corn with a guy growing 1000'll stop growing corn.

Seems you have the close minded bullshit...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
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You show one little tiny bude enough to roll one joint and you say I don't have skills. Lest see a jar full of it 2 1/2 ounces show us on the same red table that you had that bud on. Dud I can grow buds as long as my arm.That little nugget looked sad all alone. I bet you only bought an 1/8 for $50 and took a picture so we wouldn't think your full of shit. You see what these collectives charge and pecker gets hard and your eyes get wide thinking everyone is getting rich. If I to give you the pleasure of seeing my plants you would think I was a millionaire. :finger: you Bob Harass!

Size of the bud has nothing to do with the quality of the bud. That's plain ignorance. I aslo posted the testing results of my bud. You test yours right?
Here, I'll post some plant pics..and my grow space....sorry don't have 2 oz laying around, or I'd post a pic of that too. Probably lots of equipment there you don't recognize. Notice only 6 in the veg room and 6 in flower? See that finished little plant...all bud no stem? Oh..on that same orange table. No popcorn either...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
You show one little tiny bude enough to roll one joint and you say I don't have skills. Lest see a jar full of it 2 1/2 ounces show us on the same red table that you had that bud on. Dud I can grow buds as long as my arm.That little nugget looked sad all alone. I bet you only bought an 1/8 for $50 and took a picture so we wouldn't think your full of shit. You see what these collectives charge and pecker gets hard and your eyes get wide thinking everyone is getting rich. If I to give you the pleasure of seeing my plants you would think I was a millionaire. :finger: you Bob Harass!
I said you don't have skills based of the fact that you said you couldn't make 60k a yer with a 60 plant grow..

Can't bring myself to apologize for that....