I am not saying that these products don't contain these so called carcinogenic items, but what i am saying is that California has some of the strictest laws when it comes to anythign chemical or agricultural. MANY items that are sold in every other state are illegal to be sold in California. It sounds like there was a problem with california ONLY and people, competitors or not have run with it to blast the company and attempt to get a leg up on a company that honestly sells a SHITLOAD of products.
I will say I am using Gravity for the first time on some of my plants and see awesome results from it. I will also say that the 2 local hydro shops I use say Gravity and Snow Storm are the 2 best selling products out there right now. (hence the competitor possibly attacking a california issue to degrade the company).
Now in the original post stating that these products have carcinogenic item(s) that gives rats cancer etc... chances are the rats are fed this stuff directly, not smoked, not inhaled, but FED to them. Also in these tests when tests are done, test animals are fed normally 1000% or more than what would normally consumed. The difference here is unless you cook with your weed, you probably get .001% of this stuff ingested through smoking at most. So basically if you used this stuff as instructed, and you smoked ALL the bud you grew, you would probably have to smoke a few hundred pounds a month to get 10% of this product in your system that the rats are fed for the test.
Now the person who talks about tobacco being carcinogenic, is right chemicals are sprayed ON TO the tobacco, what is also done is the tobacco is also chemically treated after harvest, all this adds to the carcinogenic items in tobacco, but very few if any come from items taken in via the roots of the plants.
Be honest with yourself and everyone out there... unless you are growing 100% organic, nutes, soil, water etc.. you are getting some bad products into your plants.... Yes I also stated WATER, why? because there is a minimum allowed of many carcinogenic items allowed in water sources, such as Mercury, Cyanide, Lead and many others.
Don't believe me... check out
look at some of the best & worst tap water sources and all the contaminants found in water sources around the US.
<li id="post_6241850" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">09-08-2011 12:55 AM
there is a big difference between trace amounts and active ingredients. if you want to use this on plants that you will consume that is one thing. but if you are gonna make this available to patients (especially those with weakened immune systems) then that is irresponsible. if you cant grow great buds without these products then you are not that great at growing. this is not just a California thing it started in California that is all. ask your local hydro store if they can order more of these products. there is a reason they are on back order. its asshole growers that dont give a shit about what goes into their end product that forced me to start growing it myself. i simply wanted this information to be available to all growers.
<li id="post_6304512" class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">09-18-2011 01:46 PM