An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media


Well-Known Member

I gaurantee you its not a guy who would give away our country to Corporations
Nor a racist homophobe Like Ron Paul

How about Giving Obama his second term without the baggage of the Party of NO

Wow a second term really?, You and the stooges who gave Bush a second term have something in common....You dont learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
I suggest people begin reading von mises and hayek. The austrian school of economics is something all people should learn.


Well-Known Member
I suggest people begin reading von mises and hayek. The austrian school of economics is something all people should learn.
Now now, the PTB do not want people reading that stuff, they like economics really full of jargon and extremely complicated so that the 99% of the population stays away and never learns the truth.


Well-Known Member
I suggest people begin reading von mises and hayek. The austrian school of economics is something all people should learn.
It's funny because the austrian school of economics is, for the most part, horseshit.
Now now, the PTB do not want people reading that stuff, they like economics really full of jargon and extremely complicated so that the 99% of the population stays away and never learns the truth.
Economics is complicated, what do you expect?


Well-Known Member
I suggest we read joe bageant
alot of right wing good ol' boys like to say "if you don't like this country then get out"

not even knowing that it is the country folks who are also under oppression. it depends how deep in the doodoo you are via generation.
from what i understand he and his family had an agricultural type of lifestyle for generations. then the damned city came and ruined it.
His writings often remond me of the George Harrison album cover where he's sitting with gnomes in one picture, then surrounded by industrial city in the other.

good shit
so he moved to mexico and started criticizing United States culture because - well basically -
the living conditions were unbearable in the country he loved.