Smell proximity


Well-Known Member
Sativas dont smell as much. So go with a sativa dominant strain. Also different strains have unique smells, some do not even smell much like marijuana, and to the untrained nose I dont think they would know what is was.

I had a white widow and purple widow plant in some woods, and i could only smell it from like 5 feet away, and it wasnt that bad.

100 plants tho... rediuclous to be honest. Where would you dry that much ? What would you do with it? What would you do with all the money if you sold it? You can just put it into a bank lol.

I dont think you have thought this through my friend. I think 20 plants is more then enough lol. at 2 Oz's a plant (which isnt that much ) will yeild you 2.5 pounds, and if you wanted to sell them thats about 10,000$ I think thats enough illegal money to handle lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea, jackinthebox is right. This is pretty much asking to get arrested, unless you've really thought out every step. Go for 20 plants, and make them all big and beautiful. Plus, with 100 plants, the chance of missing a male or hermie and ending up with seeded bud is pretty high.


Well-Known Member
Some folks can move 2-1/2 lbs in a week.
If you are serious about 100 plants I wouldn't even break them down into 20 lots. 20 plants will be huge. Try 10 plants per site, and take care of 2 sites a day. This way you are only visiting each spot every 5th day.
Finding a way to harvest,cure and keep 100 plants worth of bud is what you need to be thinking about.
Trimming that many plants will be a full time job. For real.


Well-Known Member
i think growing 20 plants infront of the police station would be a better idea
BRILLIANT! lol. I second that motion. Better yet, when its all almost ready stand in front of it only wearing one of those bright orange construction vests, while simultaneously lighting off those big 3" mortar fireworks & blairing Mozart.


Active Member
Some of you guys seriously make me lol

my favs at "2 Oz's a plant " Rofl

" Some folks can move 2-1/2 lbs in a week. " hahahah

2.5pounds is worth 10k where you live? of premo or wtf u selling a pound round here its 1200$ for regs

New Smell question~~~
Does smell Rise or fall? if plants are at the top of a grouping of trees with the smell all fall to the ground or disperse threw the wind and shit id assume it would
No no, it's a terrific idea. Try it, you'll see! It'll fool 'em every time!

"Hey, look - what's that down there? It looks like marijuana plants! Fly down closer."

"Yep, looks like weed to me, too. Oh-oh. Wait a minute... what's it say? T... O... M... A... T... O... E... S... ah, shit. It's not dope. It's just tomatoes."

"Rats. Thought we had one there for sure. OK, let's keep looking. What's that over there? Hey - looks like dope to me!"

"R... E... D... W... O... O... D... S... Ah, hell. What a day we're having. It's just a grove of redwoods!"

"Damn. I thought redwoods were bigger than that. Oh, well. Hey, look - what's that over there?"

Dude that shit is so fuckin funny :clap: :mrgreen: :lol:

On a more serious note: mate if you don't listen to these peoples advice and grow in multiple plots, there is a HUGE chance of you being court and put away. also there will be a massive stink of pot around your crop, even alot of non-smokers know the smell of pot. to help mask smells you can use a really smelly fertalizer like a comost tea or bood and bone etc. when all you can smell is fertalizer you think that some old lady is feeding her roses. well thats the plan any way.


Active Member
100 plants= 25-life in some states... 25 if ur in cali.... proabbly life in any other state, especially the hick states


Well-Known Member
groww 99 dude cuzz in florida thats 5 year maximum but as soon as u go 100 or over
u get 25 mms and possible life so i wouldnt fuck wit it
jus make like 90


Well-Known Member
grow as many as you want dont think about
reprecutions, take life by the horns
Man, I don't know about that. There's a pretty serious difference between taking calculated risks (i.e. guerrilla growing- illegal, but you do it in a smart way) and just doing whatever the fuck you want without considering the risk. Your idea of "taking life by the horns" sounds a lot like just asking to go to jail for 15 years. The last thing we need is one more person in jail for pot.

If you just meant "don't get hung up on the repercussions," then yea, I agree... being overly paranoid all the time won't get you anywhere.


Well-Known Member
you can buy strains that give off little to no smell when flowering that were bred for stealth grows,,,,all seed websites will have strains like that.....peace

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
How far can you smell 100 plants from?

theres a tire dump like 30-40 feet from one side of my perfect spot (top of a steep ass hill covered I mean COVERED in huge thorn bushes.) might have to veto it just because of this

Well if you do it... just remember DO NOT call 50 when the guys who work at the Tire Dump steal your plants..... and you KNOW they will :mrgreen: