What caused this?

Thoughts on what caused this. Is there an issue I may need to look into. Plants are in 4th week of veg after watering yesterday I noticed this on a single leaf. The leaf opposite of the one with spots is OK. I need to know what this might be or if it's something to worry about. The PH from water runoff was 6.3 feed at 900 ppm every other watering and temps average mid 70s and never go over 85 or under 68. The other pic is just to show overall health of plant. All other plants in the grow seem OK. Thanks for any help. IMGP1756.jpgIMGP1753.jpg


Active Member
that pot is too small, the plant is drooping and will soon wither, transplant it in to a bigger 2-3 gallon pot.

give it 1 litre water per 5 litre pot, 2 to 10 litre pot. set your ph to 6.5 with full nutes.

that mark looks like a burn, did something hot touch the plant ?


Well-Known Member
i'd say rootbound and overwatering...definately repot asap...and water like WeeGogs said for amount, but make sure you give it plenty of time in between waterings to dry out(usually 2-3 days depending on how well your soil drains), when you lift your pot it should feel empty :)
that pot is too small, the plant is drooping and will soon wither, transplant it in to a bigger 2-3 gallon pot.

give it 1 litre water per 5 litre pot, 2 to 10 litre pot. set your ph to 6.5 with full nutes.

that mark looks like a burn, did something hot touch the plant ?
Thanks for the quick reply. About 5-6 days ago the plant did touch the light hood for about 10 min. or so. I forgot all about that guess that is the reason for the spots. Nice spot WeeGogs. I have a 2.5 gallon container to transplant into I was just waiting for plants to show their sex (preflowers) I have 6 plants but only plan on flowering 2. I think I have spotted 2 males and maybe 1 female I'm hoping to get a definite sex determination this coming week. Should I just roll the dice with what I think I have and transplant or will the plants be OK until I know for sure to transplant into larger containers? Is it OK to transplant after 12/12 switch I really want to keep in veg until I know sex for sure but if it's OK to transplant after the switch I will. As far as watering goes I water until the water comes out the bottom and then water a little more. I guess that is wrong and I will correct. In a 2.5 gallon pot it should get 2 liters of water is this correct? Thanks again.
i'd say rootbound and overwatering...definately repot asap...and water like WeeGogs said for amount, but make sure you give it plenty of time in between waterings to dry out(usually 2-3 days depending on how well your soil drains), when you lift your pot it should feel empty :)

Thanks for the reply massah. I will be making the corrections that WeeGogs suggested. I water every 3 days and the pots do feel near empty apparently I have been over watering. I use FFOF w/25% perlite and it drains pretty good. Please read my response to WeeGogs and see if there is anything you may want to add. This is my 1st soil grow, I have 3 hydro (DWC) grows in and I have to say hydro is easier although it's also more expensive. Thanks again.