Mildew and fungus are not problems in my climate and grow room thankgod, not had thrips this year and spider mites dont really get in my flat plus its winter now.
The varied carpet beetle has made many apperances in my grow munching leaves but they are slow to multiply so hardly a pest. I think i got one in there now or some kind of larvae because lots of leaves have small bits missing but as yet the culprit eludes me, probably sleeps in the soil during the day and comes out at lights out.
Predator bugs will devastate any pest as long as you get the right ones for the job, i have wiped out thrips with just these and they never re-establish plus you never even notice they are there.
Because i have buds at all stages and they hold lots of bug repellent plus miticide and very sticky if a fly lands on it most pest find it hard to get a hold in my flowering room as it is very compact and windy, always see flies stuck to my buds, better than fly sticky tape traps!lol! Peace