Date 11/21/11
Everything is still going great!!!! The aroma in the tent is just amazing!!! Smells like some sort of fruit
but iono I can't pin point it but it's just bomb smelling in there!!
in fact my clones are doing well enough that I'll transfer them into the tent while the light is on to get a better light shining down on it as opposed to the 1 2ft T5HO light I have. I figured there is room, why not! In the morning I move the clones into the tent and about an hour b4 lights off I move them back under the T5.
#4 from afar in the above pic looks fine, but up close
she's been battling spider mites that I have staved off, but their damage has been done
So this is 1 of the 5 clones I'll have ready for the next 'season'
(I'll be starting a new journal after this harvest of course, should be big changes). And I thought this one is kind of an interesting one
At first I didn't think it'd survive but it hung in there and I think she'll be an interesting looking one come flower time for her. If you look at the last pic in the
Date 10/27/11 update
she's back row middle pot
and then in the
Date 11/12/11 update she's front row middle
Here she is 11/17/11
and here she is tonight (11/21/11) front middle with the other 4 that will up for next season
and back row middle is going to mum in training'
Also purchased 1 'GroTall Single Plant Support' today
Installed it on only 1 of them for now
Which I know now is not at all the best time to be putting on in but I wanted to see if it'd work for my environment
Seems to be great, really creating more space for each plant by being contained in there
so I'll be purchasing 4 more for the next 'season' as well as switching over to 3.7 gallon pots as opposed to the 5 gallon pots i'm using now.
Also picked up some wiring to help some of the branches that need a lil support
2 or 3 top colas either got to heavy and couldn't support themselves or I must have rubbed it the wrong way when putting in and taking out the clones
because they are almost snapped off
looks like it was squished in a door
As of tomorrow (11/22/11) they will END their 8th week of flower
Flowering Time Total Will Be: 56 days
Time from seed germination: 106 days