bob harris
Well-Known Member
Bob I like the idea behind most of what you are saying. I am some what like you in that I dont push the limits of what my cards allow me in michigan. Personally I am way below my "allowed" plant count. But I too feel the discomfort of stretching the laws as they are currently interpreted buy selling my "overage" to other care givers for other patients I do agree there are a lot of retarded pot heads with one card from a doctor they bribed to get a weed card have 307 plants they would claim they are still clones on the 8th week of flower.
However when taken as a whole you do come off a little to much on martyr side the woe is me look at the pain the bad man has caused me. It strikes me as a little Emoish. I think what we should be asking ourselves is how do we correct the situation.
On a quick side note Murfy. Dont ever speak for Gen X again there is a large group of us who have been very sucessful in life and we are pissed you were not Cloroxed out of the gene pool by parents during the first trimester. Move out of the basement at your parents house before you try to lead a revoultion If you are the face of the Medical Marijuana in Michigan we are screwed we will be back into prohibition in no time
Sorry I come off that way. Don't feel like or care to be a martyr. I've had a great life. And I'm not nearly as worried about what tightening laws would do to me, but what it could do for others it was designed to help. I'll be fine with or without the ability to make a small payback for my growing efforts. Others with a true debilitating and chronic condition may not be so fortunate. Not only has the law helped them with meeds, it may have been providing them with supplemental income. Money they could really use. With all due respect to the master growers out there, if you were truly disabled, indoor gardening may be one of the few things you could do.