Anyone Intrested In


Well-Known Member
I don't know if there is any interest in what I am doing as its supper geeking but there has to be some geeks in here. I'm starting to build a computer based automatic system to control my grow room. The goal is to be able to monitor the system remotly through a web cam and sensors to measure water/air temp, RH, PH, PPM, and adjust all thing remotly as well as have a main control program to operate they system in a stand alone mode. I will be using a computer with a Linux OS(free), writing the program with FreeBasic(free), and building a serial port interface myself. Well i thought if anyone was interest as I could keep a detailed journal of the entire process if someone wanted to duplicate it they could I want to build the system for less than a $100 and build every part of I can myself design as much as possible. Respond if there is interest as am starting now and have no plans of tracking progress unless there is a positive response here


Active Member
Sounds like a good idea, especially for those of us who have to walk to a greenhouse to check on their plants every 5 hours. :D


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yup make a journel.If you use a web based video network make sure its a hidden address on a closed circuit so it cant be seen by others and dont have any limewire or such on that machine as that leaves you open to a ton of issues lol.Ill watch I love diy and electronic techs. If you need a laptop to use let me know got a few for $250


Well-Known Member
I've talked about doing something like this with friends but that is as far as it went. Would love to see everything turn out!!! That could be huge having all of that data digitally. Need a way to measure the plants too. I guess some things could still be manual, lol.


Well-Known Member
nothing can be manual 100% controlled by the computer between clone and harvest. Thanks for the interest I'm really excited


Well-Known Member
suicide mission I think it will be pretty straight forward and cost less than $200 Besides the programing (i know really import but stay with me) it all pretty simple just realys connected probable to a MUX with a serial port interface. It really shouldn't be that hard


Well-Known Member
dude i have my comp hooked up to my grow via cams etc its a pain in the ass. sometimes


Active Member
will the system harvest the and sell it too? lol how bout a system that rolls joints, plops them into a model train car, and drives them straight into your living room.


Well-Known Member
Hey ,they have joint rolling machines in Holland that are pretty slick, automated the whole process.I used to have a link to the website but it seems to havegone bye-bye, dunno why.


Well-Known Member
You will need more than just a serial port and linux. You will need a decent microcontroller. Parallax Home has some decent stamp microcontrollers which can be picked up at a local Fry's if you have one in your area. I'd use the usb kit rather than a serial port.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I have an hc6511 microcontroller but why do I need it. I intend on interface directly through the serial port to realy controllers. I could program up my microcontroller and it is an option that I have as a backup in case this becomes to complex but I am not sure why I have to use my microcontroller. Why is it required if I interface directly through a seriel port