Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds "Easy Rider" auto flw


For whomevers knowledge,

I ordered 10 reg Easy Rider auto flowering seeds from AMS ($60 shipped).
-Good email communication.
-Arrived roughly 15 days later to the midwest.
-10 out of 10 germinated.
-10 out of 10 still good at day 44 - 30veg/14flower (some growing faster than others)
-Read below...

First, this is my second grow, and make no claim to be an expert. First grow was successful.

It turns out that not one of those seeds were actually auto flowering. I had them on 20/4, 400watt mh, FFOF soil, for 30 days. No flower. Put them on 12/12 for 15 and started showing sex. Just took 2 males out a few days ago...

Not entirely sure what strain these girls are. What did AMS send me (i say in my head)? It's appears to be a mix bag of seeds, possible 2-3 diff strains from looking 2 weeks into flowering. If somebody is interested in pics let me know...

All in all I'm somewhat happy w/ AMS. Would I recommend them, proly not. I can say I have 8 healthy girls going. Just pissed I wanted to know Exactally what the hell I was growing DAMNIT!

After all this, I come to find out a couple of weeks ago AMS is not a very reputable company...idk...


Well-Known Member
I hope you complained. Not only not autos but not fem either - pretty shabby work on the part of the seedbank.


I hope you complained. Not only not autos but not fem either - pretty shabby work on the part of the seedbank.

I didn't. I understand it's complicated to breed a flower into "Auto" flowering. May not work every time. Bottom line is I have healthy girls. If only half cracked and 3 or 4 grew to maturity then I'd be pissed.

...edit... and they were knowingly bought not feminized.


...Update, @ 25 days into flower... Ended up with 8 females. 5 of the 8 are doing really well, while the other 3 just grew with barely any flowering. They were just as tall as my "healthy" ones to. So I just chopped the 3 bad ones down. That's it.


Anybody have an idea what stain the girl in the upper right side of pic 3 is? It totally diff than all the others in every way. Really short (18"), the stem is is damn near 3/4" in dia, the leaf petals are like 3" wide! I know it's tough to determine strain with a picture... just curious...


Well-Known Member
No idea on the strain, is it producing any smell?
Also, what did you do with the 20 "free seeds" that come with the order?


No idea on the strain, is it producing any smell?
Also, what did you do with the 20 "free seeds" that come with the order?
I've been lurking around this site for a while now and seen nothing like it. As for smell, not too much now. Hasn't really started cyristallizing yet (other have good amt). When I open the door it's stinky. When I turned my exhaust off it stinks my enitre house. Has not hit that dank smell yet. But that's really all of them smelling together so...

The freebies I just tucked them away for my first outdoor attempt! I figure I'll learn my way with freebies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah at this point there is no real way to narrow down what strain.

As far as the 20 free seeds, I would recommend throwing them in the garbage.
From my experiences, and seems to be matched by others who have ordered from AMS, I went through about 10 seeds. 9 ended up being male or hermies, the 1 that made it was so crappy that I wouldnt be suprised to find out it was just hemp. The one that was female I used as filler for my stronger strains during the day. 3/4 of a J would be the crap and then id sprinkle on about 1/4 of a good strain for flavor and light buzz.

Threw the other 10 away.


Interesting... So you think they just throw some who know what crap in those free bags? Maybe I will just toss those. Continue my business with Nirvana. Good looking out!

What did you order from AMS? Was it what you ordered? Otherwise satisfied?


Well-Known Member
Well, at some point I started really checking into it and found somewhere on the AMS site where they say basically they are crap seeds but you MIGHT get a pheno worth having.

My order was caramelicious and super skunk.
I was VERY satisfied with what I ordered.
At the same time, since then I have seen alot more bad than good so I would never recommend them to anyone. Especially when there are pretty rock solid seed banks that dont have anywhere near the problems AMS has.

But as far as the seeds I payed for, I got exactly what I wanted and they fit the descriptions really well.
The caramelicious didnt look like the bud in the picture, but I could see where you might out of 20 or so plants get some buds that come close to that. The taste and buzz were spot on, euphoric happy buzz, not overly potent but certainly made you feel good.


Well-Known Member
Hey there. Their ERs are really pathetic but as althor said above there might be something interesting. One of my plants looks like an AK47 which is supposedly one of the gene contributors to the ER, another one looks like a lowrider, the other two looks like bushes! Maintaining a canopy is a bitch, the AK47-like is almost 1.60m, that's like what, 5 feet? Fuck me sideways for autos supposedly discreet! I'm subbing here, put a couple of pics, I'll post some new ones when lights come on and we can maybe match em up.

For me it was my first grow and the cost was 25 euros, so I'm like fuck it, I hope I get some smoke eventually even tho we're at fucken day 90 or so! On the other hand, I like their White Widow, so far I'm quite impressed with how she goes. But defo, not recommending them for easy riders. I'm pretty sure that my next order will be with attitude.

PS. I like the punisher pic :)


Hey there. Their ERs are really pathetic but as althor said above there might be something interesting. One of my plants looks like an AK47 which is supposedly one of the gene contributors to the ER, another one looks like a lowrider, the other two looks like bushes! Maintaining a canopy is a bitch, the AK47-like is almost 1.60m, that's like what, 5 feet? Fuck me sideways for autos supposedly discreet! I'm subbing here, put a couple of pics, I'll post some new ones when lights come on and we can maybe match em up.

For me it was my first grow and the cost was 25 euros, so I'm like fuck it, I hope I get some smoke eventually even tho we're at fucken day 90 or so! On the other hand, I like their White Widow, so far I'm quite impressed with how she goes. But defo, not recommending them for easy riders. I'm pretty sure that my next order will be with attitude.

PS. I like the punisher pic :)

I'm in the same boat. It appears I may have a couple of AK-47's and maybe 1 lowrider. They claim it's AK-47 crossed with Lowrider #2. I will post pics tonight. I have some on post #6. I like that Punisher skull to!


Active Member
I ordered the same thing from AMS, and just like you, I researched it after the fact and was worried about what I would receive, if anything. The order arrived somewhat timely. I germed three Easy Rider seeds of the ten, saving the freebies for later, and got 2 males and 1 female. The female is on the smallish side and is not flowering as vigorously as the Ice it is growing with, but it looks like it could produce something. The RQS Ice, on the other hand, is a fucking beauty, much further developed than the Easy Rider, even though it germed a week later. It looks like it will produce at least double the ER.

Don't think I can recommend AMS or Easy Rider strain either.


That's why they are cheap. My first order was from ams and it was the easy Ryder. it turned out to be a photoperiod pheno but the bud was phenomenal. Collas were the size of coke cans and weighed 24 g far as the freebies they are what they are.