Im good for this weekend. 3rd weekend I am out. I do this lake a lot in the summer time as its my backyard. Its a private, rippin party lake during the summer. Only lake I have seen where the drag boats launch at 100+ mph off the shore line. Winter.. unless its an ultra flat lake, we should have it to ourselves. Sometimes the drag boats come out to roar during the winter just because the flat conditions. Just stay within limits w docs and we are good. Hell, at our local flea mart guys walk around smokin. No mention of BBQ tri-tip. I am on it~ Red meat. Pork is white meat, I saw the commercial. =D 32' Party boat if there is some interest from peeps who want to groove on the elements out on the lake and its a good weekend. I suggest a 420 chinese xmas gift exchanges.. haha.. you know, the one where the following can take a gift taken previously and on and on. Those are a blast!