Hey, I am looking for a spot to grow a couple of my plants. I'm willing to pay monetarily and bud-ly. I can't grow where I'm at atm but I want to try these seeds out!
Hey, I am looking for a spot to grow a couple of my plants. I'm willing to pay monetarily and bud-ly. I can't grow where I'm at atm but I want to try these seeds out!
So you wanna try your possibly hermaphroditic seeds in one of OUR grow rooms? I don't trust your buddy and his opinion that it was pollen drift, I think he had a herm in his patch and you got the resulting seeds
it wasn't a hermie brah. The two plants in the far corner of his lot got pollinated.
Dude, do you know the source of the pollen? How do you know that someone else didn't have a hermie in their garden, and the pollen drifted over to your buddies grow...You don't know the source of the pollen, and you wanna risk growing them in someone else's grow room...I mean, do a test grow outside, or at least disclose to everyone that you don't know the source of half of the genetics, and they could possibly contain hermie genes.He grows in the foothills north east of fresno.....there are like 3,000 square miles in that part of california....I know dozens of people who grow up there.
I understand YOU being upset about the whole thing, but just because an impregnated female plant produced a few seeds, doesnt mean that all of those seeds will be hermies.
Dude, do you know the source of the pollen? How do you know that someone else didn't have a hermie in their garden, and the pollen drifted over to your buddies grow...You don't know the source of the pollen, and you wanna risk growing them in someone else's grow room...I mean, do a test grow outside, or at least disclose to everyone that you don't know the source of half of the genetics, and they could possibly contain hermie genes.
I got these rare plants with spots all over them that actually produce webs! They are an elite pheno. Can I put them in your grow room please?
Just out of curiosity, how much were you willing to pay for rent space for 2 plants in someone else's grow?