First grow, Auto Easy Ryder


Active Member
Dude honeslty, it looks badass. I wouldnt even consider it nute burn yet. I showed my buddy, who is as new as me and said the same thing as me. But were still pretty new to indoor. The only thing I can think of is maybe the soil has too much nutes in it. What type of soil did you use again?

I just thought of something else, have you been balancing your water to about 6.5? If not, this could be an issue. If your water balance is off, if makes it hard or impossible to even absorb any nutrients.
Im using osmocote soil cause thats what my buddy is using, I think shes looking badass too right? maybe its just the strain that looks like that. And na i havent :/ i dont have a ph tester or have any idea of how to do it. The reason I'm not thinking it is nute burn is cause theres tiny leaves growing everywhere! And I think it could be cause my lights were too close, I raised them up a link on my chains and its like 2 inches maybe a tad bit over 2


Well-Known Member
well it could still be growing. I was also thinking it could be the strain. but i feel like leaves are leaves, they should all relatively be the same color, even on veggie plants.


Active Member
Yeah man thats why im kinda scared, but i think she is doing ok. Im going to check on her tomorrow and ill post a pic and see how she looks


Active Member
After examining up close for a while im thinking I just had my lights too low, so i raised them up hopefully in the morning she will look great. But her new leaves are getting BIGGER AND BIGGER so my FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!!


Well-Known Member
Mate never said she don't look good but keep off the nutes and everything at the moment. way to early and likely to run in to problems at some point if carry on using them this early. Always better to know before see the plant react in a bad way.


Well-Known Member
nice, good to hear no nute burn buddy! Dude my La confidetial seed i have growing, I didnt give it its first drink of nutes until about a month in or more.


Active Member
Mate never said she don't look good but keep off the nutes and everything at the moment. way to early and likely to run in to problems at some point if carry on using them this early. Always better to know before see the plant react in a bad way.

I know brotha, and I really apprechiate the advice man! Keep it coming lol! And im not giving her ANYMORE nutes until at least a month old. Okay so today i went and checked and she is growing good still but i think the problem was my lights too close, I think i just wasnt realizing how taller and taller she was getting and she was starting to burn, Cause as you can see in the picture im posting the bottom leaves look fine. So i raised my lights up and hopefully that does the trick! Because she's starting to get her smell!!!!



Active Member
So i go to check on her today and this is what she looks like! Is she a goner? or do you think she will make it? Her new leaves are still growing in really good, but the damn top ones are looking terrible. but shes starting to smell more and more skunkier! i went ahead and germinated my other good seed (thunder bloody mary) but i really hope she makes it. TELL ME WHAT YALL THINK PRETTY PLEASE



Active Member
hmmm i dunno it looks like something is eating it... little white flys flying around?

Na man I'm bug free, and if it was bugs, wouldnt they be eating the bottom leaves too? cause they look perfect. It really didnt start doing it until i got the new fan, so maybe it was drying it out? I have the new ones blowing on the lights and the other small one barely blowing on her, I also put two cups of water in the room with her. I'm hoping that works man cause shes starting to smell and her new leaves are coming in looking fine.


Well-Known Member
man im not too sure. thats a good question right there you should post a new topic with a pic close up like HELP FUCK lol Dude my little diesel smells so good man... Just updated my page dude check it out!


Well-Known Member
Could be severe nute burn or light burn. You raised the lights and it's not beyond saving give it couple days see what happens


Active Member
She has new leaves growing in looking GREAT! should i prune off those dying leaves? or just leave them alone?


Active Member
dying leaves? which ones are dying? usually leave them on until they are dead. like the original first baby leaves?[/QUOT

The leaves that are dying are the second ones that came in, the first ones (you can see in the pics) are totally fine. Thats why IDK what it is. But she has new leaves growing in that look amazing, so maybe shes okay??


Active Member
dude thats crazy. you should look into plant problems in the forum and see if you can figure it out. or make a new post.

I did man and someone told me he said it looked like wind burn, and it kinda makes sense cause it started happening when i added that bigger fan to the closet. Im kinda not stressing cause i mean shes growing new leaves like crazy, and i mean pot plants grow ALOT of leaves, and you eventually prune some off, so im thinking as long as shes still growing new leaves she's gona make it. shes starting to smell and looks great in my opinion besides those fucked up leaves.


here is my thought on it. why mess with mother nature? isn't the sun by itself good enough? my first grow will be like this. clay pot, soil, seed. thats it. mother nature put these on earth, they wont die out, she knows what she's doing. but all in all, take it easy, and let it grow. leaves are nothing to be afraid of. if the whole thing starts turning brown then you have a problem. this is still def con 1. nothing to worry about