Now my little ones too!


Well-Known Member
Ok, anyone know what this could be? Transplanted a few days ago, they are in ffof soil. They were given bigbloom and growbig 6 days ago, plain distilled water the rest of the week.


Well-Known Member
How often are you giving them water? How much are you giving them at one time? It looks like they're drowning.


Well-Known Member
Probably over-watering. Rule of thumb on watering is only when the pot is almost as light as it was when you first filled it. Use a volume of water equal to the pot size. Happy growing!

How often are you giving them water? How much are you giving them at one time? It looks like they're drowning.


Where do you get distilled water from, i can only get bottled water or tap water, i have been worried that i am having problems with my water, distilled sounds like a great idea but i dont know where to get it. My plant looks similar, will distilled water help me please?


Well-Known Member
Bottled water is just fine as it is filtered. You can use tap water, but if it has chlorine in it, let it sit out for a few days before you use it so the chlorine can dissipate. Over-watering and chlorine have very similar symptoms. Follow the rule of thumb on watering. She may perk up when you first water her, but all you are doing is denying her roots oxygen. Happy Growing!

Where do you get distilled water from, i can only get bottled water or tap water, i have been worried that i am having problems with my water, distilled sounds like a great idea but i dont know where to get it. My plant looks similar, will distilled water help me please?


Thank you, i think the yellowing on my bottom leaves might be from the chlorine or somthing in the water, i dont overwater as i checked with my friend, he grows tomatos outdoors, he lent me the soil for my indoor grow so i know its ok.

One more question, if i use bottled water which one do i need, i have been using tap water and bottled water together thinking about not putting all my eggs in one basket so to say. But my bottled water says chlorine on the back with some numbers. Now i have read this i am really worried but my plant is not dieing, its growing not to bad. Please


Well-Known Member
Any bottled water is fine, and some bottlers are required to list trace chemicals. That level of chlorine is nothing to worry about, trace chlorine is actually needed by the plant. Yellowing can be from a lot of things, some of them natural depending on where you are with the grow. Without a pic and more info I really would be guessing, tho.

Thank you, i think the yellowing on my bottom leaves might be from the chlorine or somthing in the water, i dont overwater as i checked with my friend, he grows tomatos outdoors, he lent me the soil for my indoor grow so i know its ok.

One more question, if i use bottled water which one do i need, i have been using tap water and bottled water together thinking about not putting all my eggs in one basket so to say. But my bottled water says chlorine on the back with some numbers. Now i have read this i am really worried but my plant is not dieing, its growing not to bad. Please


Thankyou, im working on getting a camera, maybe my phone will work but i got to look into it first, i did wonder about the bottle water because it has other things added i think but i guess they are just traces, my plant is ok but i think if i get a pH meter or some measuring device i can check my tap water. I cant order these till next week when i get paid but it would be cheaper and easier for me to use my tapwater.

I let it sit out for the chlorine to dissapear then its ok for the plant im guessing. My two bottom leaves are yellow and crispy but i think they will fall of soon and more are growing there green anyway so i didnt worry too much. I read a few things on here and seems like im doing things kind of right, i should read some more, thankyou for explaining the water problem, i will get it sorted before i water next hopefully.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be feeding yet.....your plant is more than likely showing signs of nutrient lock out due to too much nutrients.....your soil should be able to get them by for a while......look at the pic roots organic soil 2 gallon nutrients have applied yet only water....everything she needs is in the advise to you is don't feed your plants until they will know when your plants need food when they have slight signs of deficiencies.....



Well-Known Member
Bottled water is just fine as it is filtered. You can use tap water, but if it has chlorine in it, let it sit out for a few days before you use it so the chlorine can dissipate. Over-watering and chlorine have very similar symptoms. Follow the rule of thumb on watering. She may perk up when you first water her, but all you are doing is denying her roots oxygen. Happy Growing!
i wouldnt be as worried about chlorine as i would Na(sodium) imo. if yr gonna use tap water contact yr local water company for a breakdown of everything in the water. Na should not be over 20ppm.

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
From what I gather , your plants were just transplanted then fed a few days later? If this is the case it could be that your plants are not tolerating the feeding so soon after the transplant. I would water less for a while and hold off on the nutrients . let the plants take a breath and catch up. This might be totally bad advise but, I have grown and damaged more kinds of plants from vegetables to weed trying to learn how to garden. From my experience, newly transplanted plants that are kept in an artificial environment dont apreciate the heavy feedings that we think they would like. Not saying that you are feeding heavy.


i wouldnt be as worried about chlorine as i would Na(sodium) imo. if yr gonna use tap water contact yr local water company for a breakdown of everything in the water. Na should not be over 20ppm.
Sounds a good idea, i might just do this as well.

dp sux

New Member
Sometimes I swear people just try to give pepole bad advice on purpose around here!!!
First off that didnt happen overnight(that took over a week to look like that)

If your telling truth about it happening that fast(then that soil is cooked your roots bad)
And your plants locked up!!!!

In order to propperly diagnose ONE would need to at least know ph and ppm run off (current)!!!

Again are you tryin to say that plant was pic perfect before transplant 48 hrs ago?????