Fuck!!!! Someone please please please please help


Active Member
Okay, I'm growing a barneys farm pineapple chunk, she is 2 weeks and a day from being plants (i germinated her) and she was growing GREAT. Then around the time I added this other fan to push air out, i originally had a smaller fan ( both in pics) blowing on her and she was doing fine. All of her new small leaves are growing in looking healthy as can be! And her first lower two leaves are super green! I know it isnt nute burn because i have given her ANY AT ALL. And i know its not bugs eating im bug free. I thought i was burning her with the lights, so i raised them and that didint work. I just took the bigger fan out and put my smaller one back in there. I'm adding two cups of hot water in the room ive heard to raise the humidity. she starting to smell great. is she going to be ok? or is she ruined???? ANYONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR INPUT IM FUCKING FREAKING OUT!!!


smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
Looks like a humidity problem... You may be pushing to much air out and in turn pushing all the air out will drastically drop your humidity without an intake of fresh air.... Do you have a hygrometer? Check your RH level....


Active Member
Looks like a humidity problem... You may be pushing to much air out and in turn pushing all the air out will drastically drop your humidity without an intake of fresh air.... Do you have a hygrometer? Check your RH level....

no i dont have one, : ( but does she look like she will be okay? i mean all her new small leaves are growing just as green as ever! and like i said i put that small fan back on her cause before i switched, i never had this problem


smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
She will be fine as long as the problem is corrected..... The leaves that are affected wont get better,they will stay the same... just watch the new growth... Go to your local hardware store and pick up a hygrometer... You can usually pick up a combo thermo/hygrometer for a couple of dollars.....you want your humidity around 55 to 60% for vegging...


without looking at the plant problems thread..my first instinct was ph problems,but if she is two weeks old and u havent fed her at all id say its time to add some grow nutes.UNLESS u are using soil with nutes already in it ......what he said^^^^soil,watering schedule etc. and she will survive if u correct the problem.


Well-Known Member
You just wind burned them a little bit, I would guess. Considering that your plant IS just getting out of the seedling stage, was the fan blowing across the top of the pinapple chunk? If it was at all causing the plant its self to shake then I would guess that the bigger fan burned up the plant by wicking moisture first from the leaves, and then ripping up a lot of your tiny roots. Switching to the smaller fan should help, but if you still want to use the larger fan I would suggest moving it out of the direct path of foliage and somewhere else in the room if you REALLY needed the added circulation. Based off of the pic with the fan pointed at the plant I would say wind burn. Wait until you have at least 12 points of growth on a plant before adding direct airflow to the plant matter itself, and even then monitor your plant. If you wait until a few of those internodes have growing tops it's good indication that the roots are strong enough that you won't tear them through the excess wind. When you add too much wind to a plant that size you have to remember that the tap root doesn't branch very much until the cotyledon leaves fall off, so it acts like an umbrella in the wind, it just wants to lift off and tear all the hair sized roots it has started to form. IF I WERE IN YOUR POSITION I would move the fan so that it just circulates air, and I would foliar feed with a very mild water and molasses foliar feed. It will hydrate the foliage, and provide vital nutrients and sugars for your plant to recover. The plant above often reflects the plant below, and the damage that I see indicates problems with the roots, hence why people are suggesting ph and possibly the PPM of your water. Make sure that your ph and ppm are all within normal range too! All this is with the assumption that you purchased a soil the would "feed for blank months" which are fine for the first month of growth if you know what you're doing. All my best vibes go to you and your plant friend!


Active Member
You just wind burned them a little bit, I would guess. Considering that your plant IS just getting out of the seedling stage, was the fan blowing across the top of the pinapple chunk? If it was at all causing the plant its self to shake then I would guess that the bigger fan burned up the plant by wicking moisture first from the leaves, and then ripping up a lot of your tiny roots. Switching to the smaller fan should help, but if you still want to use the larger fan I would suggest moving it out of the direct path of foliage and somewhere else in the room if you REALLY needed the added circulation. Based off of the pic with the fan pointed at the plant I would say wind burn. Wait until you have at least 12 points of growth on a plant before adding direct airflow to the plant matter itself, and even then monitor your plant. If you wait until a few of those internodes have growing tops it's good indication that the roots are strong enough that you won't tear them through the excess wind. When you add too much wind to a plant that size you have to remember that the tap root doesn't branch very much until the cotyledon leaves fall off, so it acts like an umbrella in the wind, it just wants to lift off and tear all the hair sized roots it has started to form. IF I WERE IN YOUR POSITION I would move the fan so that it just circulates air, and I would foliar feed with a very mild water and molasses foliar feed. It will hydrate the foliage, and provide vital nutrients and sugars for your plant to recover. The plant above often reflects the plant below, and the damage that I see indicates problems with the roots, hence why people are suggesting ph and possibly the PPM of your water. Make sure that your ph and ppm are all within normal range too! All this is with the assumption that you purchased a soil the would "feed for blank months" which are fine for the first month of growth if you know what you're doing. All my best vibes go to you and your plant friend!

I have her in some osmocote pottting soil.She is on a 20/4 light cycle, and i usually judge feeding if i the soil is dry about two inches down. I got that bigger fan to help push more air out and it was pushing on the plant itself also. It really didntil int start doing this shit until i went to that bigger fan. Ive flushed the soil, raised the lights, and removed the big fan and put my smaller one back in. She is still growing new leaves that look great.(im posting pics of the new leaves) I dont have a ph tester or ergometer im going to go get both tomorrow when the hardware store opens.im a total newbie, but im trying to learn as much as i go so i can start having some LEGIT plants lol. Should I prune off those bad leaves? or just leave them alone? I really apprechiate all yalls input and help! is she totally gone? or do i have a chance of bringing her back, ive just put SOOO much time and work into her i CANT watch her die!



Whats the temps in there ?? Are you sure your not blowing hot air at em ??
Does look like nute burn though. Just water for a while.. Thell be just fine.


Active Member
Ok so today i went and bout a ph tester and a himidiguide thermometer combo. I'm going to order a 400w HPS light set up friday when i get paid. I checked her ph and it was coming in at 6.8, the temp is around 71 degrees and humidity at 42%. I added some bowls of hot water to try and raise the humidity level. I have just a small fan blowing up at my lights, the plant itself barely moves at all , almost not at all. Her new leaves that are coming in look amazing. Besides the fucked leaves on the top, I think shes doing great and is going to make it. Please tell me what yall think!!! Much love, keep smoking and growing!!


New Member
You just wind burned them a little bit, I would guess. Considering that your plant IS just getting out of the seedling stage, was the fan blowing across the top of the pinapple chunk? If it was at all causing the plant its self to shake then I would guess that the bigger fan burned up the plant by wicking moisture first from the leaves, and then ripping up a lot of your tiny roots. Switching to the smaller fan should help, but if you still want to use the larger fan I would suggest moving it out of the direct path of foliage and somewhere else in the room if you REALLY needed the added circulation. Based off of the pic with the fan pointed at the plant I would say wind burn. Wait until you have at least 12 points of growth on a plant before adding direct airflow to the plant matter itself, and even then monitor your plant. If you wait until a few of those internodes have growing tops it's good indication that the roots are strong enough that you won't tear them through the excess wind. When you add too much wind to a plant that size you have to remember that the tap root doesn't branch very much until the cotyledon leaves fall off, so it acts like an umbrella in the wind, it just wants to lift off and tear all the hair sized roots it has started to form. IF I WERE IN YOUR POSITION I would move the fan so that it just circulates air, and I would foliar feed with a very mild water and molasses foliar feed. It will hydrate the foliage, and provide vital nutrients and sugars for your plant to recover. The plant above often reflects the plant below, and the damage that I see indicates problems with the roots, hence why people are suggesting ph and possibly the PPM of your water. Make sure that your ph and ppm are all within normal range too! All this is with the assumption that you purchased a soil the would "feed for blank months" which are fine for the first month of growth if you know what you're doing. All my best vibes go to you and your plant friend!
i had the same problem its true remove that big ass fan and get a computer fan then it'll be fine the leafs will stay like that but new leafs will b fine


Active Member
Today when I went and checked on her, shes smelling soooooo goood. It blew my mind how "cheesy" she was smelling! The 8 new leaves are growing in GREAT. I think shes gonna make it man. Tomorrow im going to the local hardware store and getting a metal hood to add to my lights and see if that helps concentrate all the light directly on her. When I get paid saturday, I think im gonna order a 400w HPS setup.What you think about that and do you think that she looks like shes gonna make it?? Much love keep growing/blowing!

-Swamp Dank


Active Member
Here are a few pics from today of my Pineapple Chunk. The bigger fan I was using has been removed for days. I have a very small personal fan that is blowing at the lights and out to my exhaust fan at the door of the closet. The her new 8 leaves are growing in nicely and getting big fast. The top leaves that I came to conclusion that were wind burned, still look terrible. I've been stressing out soo bad about her, because ive put so much time and effort into her. But now i see the new leaves growing and it is taking some of the stress away. I mean if she's still growing new leaves, she's healthy and okay right???? Please tell me what yall think, any opinions are GREATLY appreceated!!!

-Swamp Dank



Well-Known Member
u said u judge water/feeding by 2 inchs down? That is a good rule of thumb for rookies. u might be drowning her. let the soil dry out a little more and then water...


Active Member
Psssst hey.... your soil is fucking things up....
osmocote pottting soil has slow release fertilizer in it.
This is nutrient burn from the soil's nutrients. go back and look at the bag and discover your mistake. there is most likely slow release nutrients like both people above have said. just the way the leaves are getting deformed to me is a sure sign.


Active Member
This is nutrient burn from the soil's nutrients. go back and look at the bag and discover your mistake. there is most likely slow release nutrients like both people above have said. just the way the leaves are getting deformed to me is a sure sign.

Well how should I fix this? Or is she already gone. If its nute burn, why are her leaves still growing in good? I'm not saying your not right, I'm just curious. And everyone was a rookie at one time in their lives at this, I can only get better. Here are a few more pics through my magnifying glass. Thanks for the input!

