GiggleGirl Tries Again-- Magic Bud-- Pics-


Well-Known Member
If you see no bugs your ok. I am guessing its a little nute burn. not bad though. how much and how often are you feeding them?? If its only one plant in one spot back off on the nutes a bit.give them plain water next time and them build up again. if its happining on all your plants and getting worse your going to want to flush them. do this by putting them in the bath tub and run 3x as much water as the size of your pot. for example 3 gallon pot water with 9 gallons of water. this will flush out any nutes bulding in your medium. you will see your water running out of the bottem of the pots. if you have alot of nute build up the water will run out brown or yellow.


Well-Known Member
Tonight was gardening night. I cleaned! (I had dumped the pots half over on something like 3 occations-- messy) Put everything in order. Then I noticed I was getting low on vertical space in my grow chamber, so I LST all three plants. Hopefully they'll stay small enough to fit in there for 2 more weeks.
I'll put pics up in a minute!
We got high last night and played wii-- all we could manage was the sports games, everything else felt too complicated to figure out! lol.. good times though.


Well-Known Member
I read about micro sexing. Checked out the eighth node and saw what I am pretty damn sure were tiny pistols on "B" I am going to call her Bertha. Hope she really is a girl. Fingers crossed!


Well-Known Member
Howdy all.
So.... I was away for two weeks and left my plants in care of someone else. Sigh. I came home to something of a masacre. They were tiny and shrivelled with dead leaves in the undergrowth and NO new growth after two whole weeks. He claims he watered them. I think he's full of shit. -- So after a panic, I've nursed them back to life. I was going to switch to 12/12 this past week, but I want to give them time to recover. So hopefully after a week of extra TLC they will be ready to flower. My whole grow is now about 4 weeks behind my original schedule. Sigh... still should have some product by the summer though... God I hope so.
Here are a few pics of what I came home to-- they are much better now-- watered, nuted, sung too and loved. Still pretty skimpy compared to how they were.



Well-Known Member
The plant pics before you left that you posted on the 2nd, do not look to healthy already, so maybe the pics you took when you got home were the natural progression you had already started. They look very odd! Not trying to be rude, just trying to help. You might want to look more in to it then just blaming your friend! Good Luck! :)


Well-Known Member
Umm... ok.... If you read the whole journal you'd see that I'd had a few heat issues, and a couple of little bites out of things, but otherwise no major issues. They had about 8 nodes before I topped them, but were still really squat because I have them very close to a lot of light. I had a bit of nute burn, and I tied them down before I left. So he wouldn't have to worry about them growing out of the space-- Hah. ironic
He gave me a very guilty look when I freaked about my plants-- he ignored them the entire time I was away, there is no doubt... Plus, they perked up pretty damn quick.
No one else said they looked odd, so I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'll keep it in mind...
Thanks for popping in.


Well-Known Member
Umm... ok.... If you read the whole journal you'd see that I'd had a few heat issues, and a couple of little bites out of things, but otherwise no major issues. They had about 8 nodes before I topped them, but were still really squat because I have them very close to a lot of light. I had a bit of nute burn, and I tied them down before I left. So he wouldn't have to worry about them growing out of the space-- Hah. ironic
He gave me a very guilty look when I freaked about my plants-- he ignored them the entire time I was away, there is no doubt... Plus, they perked up pretty damn quick.
No one else said they looked odd, so I'm not sure what you mean by that. I'll keep it in mind...
Thanks for popping in.
I was just looking at the pics, from the 2nd that you posted, and yes I admit I did not read the whole thread, but just like I thought you just explained to me that you did have problems besides just your friend, and that is why they did not look so great. Hopefully they do fully recover, but I would shit myself if my plants looked like yours on the 2nd or when you got home from the 2 weeks. I mean no disrespect, just trying to put my 2 cents in to help you get on track. Here is a couple pics of mine, you can see the difference. How old are yours??? Thanks again! :)



Well-Known Member
Day 33 of Flowering.
One of my three was female. Managed to get two clones from her before I put her into flower.
So far so good. Temps are getting a bit high now that the weather is warmer. I've been having to snip a little and sample. It's waaaayyy too early I know, but it's all I've got. I also made cannabutter from the two males and had a great afternoon of cookie eating. Got my husband properly high for the first time ever-- funny.

These pics are from the third week of flowering.
It's one plant, with four main colas-- very square looking. :)



Well-Known Member
long time no text GG,,lookin good ,,nice to see you back

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Howdy all.
So.... I was away for two weeks and left my plants in care of someone else. Sigh. I came home to something of a masacre. They were tiny and shrivelled with dead leaves in the undergrowth and NO new growth after two whole weeks. He claims he watered them. I think he's full of shit. -- So after a panic, I've nursed them back to life. I was going to switch to 12/12 this past week, but I want to give them time to recover. So hopefully after a week of extra TLC they will be ready to flower. My whole grow is now about 4 weeks behind my original schedule. Sigh... still should have some product by the summer though... God I hope so.
Here are a few pics of what I came home to-- they are much better now-- watered, nuted, sung too and loved. Still pretty skimpy compared to how they were.

Man that really sucks..

Sorry to hear that...

Getting better I hope.


Active Member
I hope its not too late but I've worked with this strain before and I could give you much needed help to get the most from you seeds, or at least clones for next time.
First, gets rid of those lights, they are too hot and don't put out enough lumens. Find a small 12 inch two bulb florecent tube setup. Then get one GE Daylight and one GE Sunlight bulb. These lights run cool and you can keep them the required two inches from your plants without hurting them. It will also lower the overall climate temperature thoroughly.
On temp, remember to keep it at 75, 78 maxiumum. Anything above 79 slows photosynthesis and anything above 85 stops it.

Any temperature above 90 kills the plant, the hotter, the faster. It is vital to keep the plants cool.

As for your light reflectors above the soil, you should remove them, they will only prevent the soil from ventilating and won't do much for the plant, the reason for this is the majority of the chlorophyll is concentrated in the upper leaf, the lower leaf controls respiration.
And when it comes to watering, water every two days until you get about 10% bleed through out the bottom, its important to keep seedlings moist but not too moist, otherwise the roots can't breathe and rot can occur
I hope this information isn't too late, if you still have any going I would love to see how they started to look when they get big