Do You Carry A Weapon?


Active Member
whhhhhhat of course i carry a weapon. a kimber .45 and an Ak with that chaquita banana 40 round clip in the trunk. when you move weight which, alot of people on this site surely do, your bound to get tested.


Well-Known Member
when i was young and foolish i carried a weapon but these days i don't put myself in the situations that you need to worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Do you carry a weapon?
I do. But I have my concealed handgun permit.

I also have the stickers on my truck. You know, the black sticker with the blue stripe going through the middle.. with the 'A' in the middle of the blue stripe?? Yeah.. most of my friends think that automatically makes me a cop. LMAO... riiiiggghhtttt. No. I carry a gun because I have reasons to do so. For one, if I'm ever on the road and some shit breaks out.. rather it be the Apocalypse or just a local moron trying to be a tough guy... I want to make sure I can protect myself.. no matter where I'm at. Which is why I got my concealed weapons permit to begin with.

I carry a Glock 9mm. All chrome... nice gun. But!! I'm wanting to get a different one.. In fact, I may go look around this week and see whats out there.


Well-Known Member
after going through all 40 of your posts i can't decide if you are a troll on purpose or just another overmatched fool with too much time on their hands. either way, please don't stop. there's at least 5 siggy gems in here and my popcorn isn't done yet.
double no wait triple like.


Well-Known Member
Lol u live in a white hood u pussy come to my hood u c ur white boy will get check like a bitch u are just shut up tell ur bitch ass wife to cook u something fuck the same thing stay living like a bitch cryp and keepitcostal
lmao yeah bro san Francisco mission district were i grew up is a hella white hood..... your an idiot bro. keep e thuggin. typying like an unintelectual dosent make you tough. the hardest realest criminals are fucking smart, the dumb gangsters like yourself are there disposable pawns that get to go to jail for them... haha your a dumb knock bro

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
lmao yeah bro san Francisco mission district were i grew up is a hella white hood..... your an idiot bro. keep e thuggin. typying like an unintelectual dosent make you tough. the hardest realist criminals are fucking smart, the dumb gangsters like yourself are there disposable pawns that get to go to jail for them... haha your a dumb knock bro
Did you just say 'realist' while talking about being smart? Not only did you say 'realist' when you would have said 'realest', it's supposed to be more real...


Well-Known Member
lmao yeah bro san Francisco mission district were i grew up is a hella white hood..... your an idiot bro. keep e thuggin. typying like an unintelectual dosent make you tough. the hardest realist criminals are fucking smart, the dumb gangsters like yourself are there disposable pawns that get to go to jail for them... haha your a dumb knock bro
Did you just say 'realist' while talking about being smart? Not only did you say 'realist' when you would have said 'realest', it's supposed to be more real...
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