Im really new to this but i needa know


Active Member
basically everything i can about selling weed .... how much weight for how much money ...i think i got an idea i just want to make sure ...and also this is prob a dumb fuck question but can i grow weed from the seeds i get from buying bud from ppl like if its in the bag??? please let me know thank you =]


Well-Known Member
well depends on what kind of weed you have and were u live to determine how much youll sell it for basic shit theres 7 grams in a 1/4 oz 28 grams in oz 16 ozs in a pound


Active Member
Odd thread... um perhaps check out the GROWING MARIJUANA FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, that should head u in a good direction. As of selling it... make friends with stoners.


Well-Known Member
god fucking damn ..really...really....someone started a fuckin selling thread....goddamn how fuckin ignorant can ya get....peace az


Well-Known Member
you should know something about selling weed if u buy weed

yeah, you should already know anything you need to know about selling if your buying. plus, I;m pretty sure your not suppose to talk about selling on the site... cause everyone here grows for "personal use"...


Well-Known Member
basically everything i can about selling weed .... how much weight for how much money ...i think i got an idea i just want to make sure ...and also this is prob a dumb fuck question but can i grow weed from the seeds i get from buying bud from ppl like if its in the bag??? please let me know thank you =]
are you a fucking retard? or a LEO? get off this site and before you try to find anything else out, make sure your mom is cool with it first.


Well-Known Member
Carefull people.That's the wrong sort of question to ask, like asking a prisoner what he's in for... Possible. ASSHOLE, DUFUSS or NARC :( :( :(

i'm not paranoid. What the fuck was that


Well-Known Member
well ive seen numerous threads saying they sell so people with 100 post wuddnt know that coz ur dumb fucks who cnat read u ask questions, even ranking member said, "enuff for myself and a little bit of side cash :D


Well-Known Member
well ive seen numerous threads saying they sell so people with 100 post wuddnt know that coz ur dumb fucks who cnat read u ask questions, even ranking member said, "enuff for myself and a little bit of side cash :D

right, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to be saying that you sell on a website. and some people are getting that side cash legally, by selling their shit to dispensaries.


Active Member
this site IS for 18 and up. if you don't know about selling marijuana, you have obviously never bought. then again, some don't smoke and sell still.

your name seems a bit childish. i suggest you stay away from selling if you know nothing about marijuana.