new grow rm need some help


So I've started with a Grow 3x3 tent. I have a flouresent light, Carbon filter fan, stand alone window fan... My avg room temp is 72-82, my humidity levels are 22-32. I got 3 clones (death*, pineapple xpress, & af mango), & 3 moms of each.

I'm starting to notice some of my leaves are turning yellow & are getting crisp at the end?? is that due to the low humidity? I'm thinking about getting a humidifier to bring humidity up to 50. Also I'm thinking of getting a small office ocscillating office fan to help circulate the air. I'm thinking the window fan is hurting my girls because i'm not noticing growth. Maybe a lil growth but not much.

Also I'm noticing my leaves are looking "sad"? Is that due to a lack of water? What's the best water/nutrient schedule?

I've had them in the tent for about 4 days.. My concerns may be premature...?

Any input would help. What the best thread to look at for help for newbies?

Thanx for your help


Well-Known Member
pics always help .. have you been feeding them at all? are you checking ph ? i cant see low humidity doing that to the leaves .. either under/over water or over/under fed ... or ph and nope a fan shouldnt hurt them , only make them stronger ..


Well-Known Member
nutes are nutes bro .. just have to decide which kind you want to use .. there are all kinds out there

piped piper

sounds like your over watering them, do you water them everyday? if so, don't. let them have a dry day and never water if the pot is heavy. the crispy leaves could be too much nutes. your better off checking to make sure your not adding too much. you could try organic nutes too. they taste better and it's harder to burn your babies with. crispy leafs can be from the light been too low, but with fluorescents they have to be almost touching.
i don't know what a window fan is tbh but you can get wind burn if your fan is to strong and too close, but it has to be really strong.
also if your ph is too high your girls will take up to many nutes, burn themselves and will taste bad and heavy due to the heavy chemicals they take up. get yourself a ph meter as them ph test kits with the little glass tubes are crap.
you will get yellow leaves during your grow anyway (the last few weeks), the lower leaves will go yellow and fall off. but it's better if you pick them off when they go yellow and wither a bit to allow air to pass around the plant

don't go getting a humidifier, a bucket of water will rise your humidity if you leave it on the ground

Uh Clem

What medium are you using? How often do you water?
What's the ph of run off?
What nutes and nute schedule?

Sounds like ph problems, but without more info and maybe some pics it's hard to say.


I went & got a small oscillating fan.. My humidity levels kicked up to 35-45.. My avg temp is now 77-70.. I watered my girls with spring water from Giant Eagle.. Mixed with 10 ml of CNS 17 & hygrozme. After a few days they perked right back up!! Thank you thank you!!