Professor Marijuana


Sector 5 Moderator
There are a few people that are specifically NOT welcome to post in this thread. Those people are victorygardenshydro, trichome fiend, evol alex, metalarc lemon, bonzi lighthouse, xcon, and watchhowidoit. Your flaming is not welcome here and I will report and delete any further posts of yours.


Active Member
I can tell Prof is a cool guy who knows his stuff... but c'mon man, on some level you have to recognize the antagonistic properties in proclaiming yourself the "professor" amongst a group of egomaniacs who believe they know it all. I can appreciate your expertise, but it in no way impresses me. I think you would benefit from the understanding that a few others are "out there" just like you, and maybe a few even further than you (believe it or not). I don't think you ever made any boastful claims directly (which strangely enough might have gotten you the respect you desire), but in a very passive and holier than thou way you basically called yourself the best around and have secretly attempted to pedastool yourself as a guru who is to be worshipped by noobs, while the pros feel your just a guy peddaling easy answers on the internet. I don't mean to offend you, but you seemed baffled as to why people would be hating on you... you seem like a smart guy , and I think you know exactly why people (on this site especially!) would be hating on you. do you walk around in indian garb and make bears dance at sunset too? just kidding, but I think I've made my point. I am all for education, and that sure is decent of you to have such a bleeding heart for those who need rescue. or maybe you just like to be the guy people run to... makes you feel important. you have a lifetime of exp. and you've kept secrets for so long your bursting at the seams with all the things you know, I can empathize with that. I would make a not so humble suggestion to stop with the hippy dippy stuff about help and love and what not and just kick some real talk without the almighty trip. maybe I'm way off and am reflecting things I've felt, on to you, and if so I apologize... but I think you know what I'm saying


Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting to hear something new, and interesting from the professor. He has shared with us the fundamentals, but I wish he would get into some more detailed info. I've read all of his posted info, and put most of it to good use.
please tell us about the subtle signs you read from plants and how you tweak your nutes to compensate.


Active Member
An afterthought: I do believe the professor really knows his stuff, and any tip he gives should probly be treated as gold. Like I said I have much respect for the expertise. I was merely addressing the issue as to why he would be hated on.


New Member
I have never hated on the guy. I have asked for tangible evidence to backup up his claims. Never so much as a link or reference to anything but his forum posts....


New Member
There are a few people that are specifically NOT welcome to post in this thread. Those people are victorygardenshydro, trichome fiend, evol alex, metalarc lemon, bonzi lighthouse, xcon, and watchhowidoit. Your flaming is not welcome here and I will report and delete any further posts of yours.
What ever happened to the first amendment??????


Well-Known Member
you should do more research, or get a tutor to help you do more research. now hit the back button.

but seriously, the professor is an old dude, with a funny lookin hat. His girlfriend looks way out of his league.


Well-Known Member
What ever happened to the first amendment??????
what does the first amendment have to do with this? the first amendment only promises that the federal government wont interfere with your right to say or print what you want.
you are free to start your own forum and spew whatever you want and the good folks who bring us this forum have the right to spew anything they want but they also have the right to control what you or I say here.we are guests.would you allow a guest to come into your house and teach your children some BS? you have the right to say what you want or even publish it but that doesn't mean someone else has to buy it, finance it or even print it if they find it offensive.


Sector 5 Moderator
Medical, I'm sure the Professor appreciates your dime store psychology; I'm sure it is worth every cent it cost him. The Professor has many articles in Cannabis Culture Magazine; he has been the keynote speaker at several huge Hempfests and has been named by High Times Magazine as one of the top 5 growers in the world. He is the only person to ever beat the DEA in court. He is a certified litigation witness and his testimony has kept several people out of prison. He is personal friends with Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, along with many others. As a musician he has played with Pink Floyd, the Eagles, Heart, Joe Cocker and others. Go ahead and list all your personal accolades; We'll be waiting.

Brrrr, if people would stop sidetracking him, he would be able to give a lot more info. And BTW, I'm sure he doesn't wear the hat all the time. He does have a very fine GF but obviously he has qualities you don't see.

Watchhowiblowit, this is a Canadian website; I didn't know Canada had a first amendment, eh?


Well-Known Member
you should do more research, or get a tutor to help you do more research. now hit the back button.

but seriously, the professor is an old dude, with a funny lookin hat. His girlfriend looks way out of his league.
Will you be my tutor?
lol, i only know the guy(now that i know for sure, lol) from here. i didnt realize he was so famous, i mean i know he does speeches and beat the dea, but thats just cuz he told us so. It's an even bigger honor than i thought that he is here.

professor, I'm sorry ive been refering to you as "she" "her" and other feminine um whats the word...descriptors. lol


Misguided Angel
Medical, I'm sure the Professor appreciates your dime store psychology; I'm sure it is worth every cent it cost him. The Professor has many articles in Cannabis Culture Magazine; he has been the keynote speaker at several huge Hempfests and has been named by High Times Magazine as one of the top 5 growers in the world. He is the only person to ever beat the DEA in court. He is a certified litigation witness and his testimony has kept several people out of prison. He is personal friends with Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, along with many others. As a musician he has played with Pink Floyd, the Eagles, Heart, Joe Cocker and others. Go ahead and list all your personal accolades; We'll be waiting.

Brrrr, if people would stop sidetracking him, he would be able to give a lot more info. And BTW, I'm sure he doesn't wear the hat all the time. He does have a very fine GF but obviously he has qualities you don't see.

Watchhowiblowit, this is a Canadian website; I didn't know Canada had a first amendment, eh?
I agree with what you are talking aboot eh!


Well-Known Member
TBH I'm getting real pissed off with seeing the prof's threads appear in my thread watch list only to get here and see nothing but whining, bitching and moaning. I really appreciate having somewhere to openly discuss this passion of mine and the input of others, the prof especially, is priceless. People if you dont like, dont come in these threads! Simple. Leave us people with a willingness to actually learn from a gardener alone to do so.


Active Member
I very much enjoy reading the professors wisdom,and believe there is alot of wisdom to be had.Seriously how lucky are you to have 40 years of growing at your fingertips,and the willingness to share.I would almost personally pay to be taught by the PROfessor


Well-Known Member
hmm, its perhaps not strange he´s "ill at ease" with this.
if he´s a regarded professor thats used to being listened to, im not at all surprised at his reaction.
knowing this site as well, im not either at all surprised at the reaction he got ;) lol

for myself, i was rather interested in what he has to say and would love for him to make a few threads about what he knows, even if briefly.

sheer delight :)

dont really care about whether the man has any "ego problems" lol to bear or not, the info he has brought so far, looks promisingly interesting :)

the words (and actions) do judge a man and if he had nothing interesting to say, i would simply discontinue reading his threads.

about this site, there is some cockfighting about and some perhaps feel they have something to prove, well, if one does not enjoy that sorta thing, the thing to do, i just bow to the obviously superior opponent ;)
and then just ignore.

and there are others that simply need proof, facts, pictures or they will not believe (whatever reason for :))

whomever the man be that speaks, whatever his status.

though i personally just go by if the man makes sense or not, if it makes enough sense and i think it would work for me, ill try it out.
so far, ive seen nothing of the proffessors comments to make me change anything about my grow, but like i said, it was interesting stuff.

but then again, he barely got the chance to say anything.
and i do wish the bringers of the shitstorm would take care not to splatter so much and keep it to a civil minimum.

that would be awfully nice. and much more conducive to growing fantastic weed, which we are all here for hmmm ? ;)


Well-Known Member
Just as too many cooks spoil the broth , too many elite guru's on one forum or one thread even is bound to spoil the wake n bake :)

i have never understood why some growers can't accept what is good weed is down to personal preference's
and those that wish to over complicate everything, sitting on their pedestals handing down secret wisdom

i prefer the simple approach and believe anyone can grow great weed with a little research dedication and love for the plant :)

peace :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just as too many cooks spoil the broth , too many elite guru's on one forum or one thread even is bound to spoil the wake n bake :)

i have never understood why some growers can't accept what is good weed is down to personal preference's
and those that wish to over complicate everything, sitting on their pedestals handing down secret wisdom

i prefer the simple approach and believe anyone can grow great weed with a little research dedication and love for the plant :)

peace :leaf:
excellently put :)


Well-Known Member
its easy. if you can grow you can grow. all comes down to genetics when it comes to quality. now pulling off a gud yield is a hole nother story. I can have the same strain as sumone else and blow his yield out of the water. and visa versa.
yes sir, could you tell me the best way for long term pot seed storage. thanks in advance
Cool, dark, dry. Have had some last very long time and some that don't keep a year. Strain and stability. Most of pot growing is just common sense. Look how veg seeds are packaged and sold.
View attachment 1867235

breeding is FUNdamental! :)

i read most of your posts professor and i'm confused as to why they would kill your thread. as you know, some people are simply assholes!
First off, thank you all that have given your support. It makes doing this worth while, I really am just trying to help, would seem clear by now.

As far as why shit was deleted, who cares? It's all good and here we are fighting the good fight. Please don't waste energy on it. But, thanks for your looking into it.