First Grow bagseeds/cfls


Active Member
hey everyone starting first grow journal starting little late(2weeks 2days)in doing ok so far i think im doing hempy bucket vermiculite and perlite using 1x13 watt cfl i know its not enough but its just for now and the nutes im using are botanicare pure blend pro grow and liquid karma for vegg.Only have one plant growing now got some more seeds germinating just wanted to get a feel for it before i do couple more and thats about it for now post some more pics in couple days feel free to leave feedback positive negitive and pics if yall want.The first three are most recent the rest are when it was around 1 week.
i also was wondering how its looking so far besides the burnt leaves i think it looks to small but this my first time so i dont really know.



Well-Known Member
also dont use nutes so early youll kill it.........and once you work the kinks out i strongly suggest you get a HPS


Well-Known Member
i'm guessing you haven't kept it closer because it's burning the leaves. looks good bro, it's a start.

you might wanna consider flowering it now. with that small light you're not going to want or have a huge plant, so go 12/12 from seed and just concentrate on a single main cola. maybe supplement it with another 13w or two for side lighting.


Well-Known Member
i'm guessing you haven't kept it closer because it's burning the leaves. looks good bro, it's a start.

you might wanna consider flowering it now. with that small light you're not going to want or have a huge plant, so go 12/12 from seed and just concentrate on a single main cola. maybe supplement it with another 13w or two for side lighting.
dont do this youll get a gram dry...........12-12 from seed only works if you got the light to back it up