Well-Known Member
The last couple pages have been funny fasho! So if yall say fuck em.. THEN FUCK EM
i aint buyin that pussys beanz either lol

Oh I've seen ogr's type a million times.
He's the little rich mommas boy who was always the "best" at everything because his parents bought him EVERYTHING.
Pisses me off when true talent goes unnoticed, overpowered by marketing, greed, ego.
I used to play tournament paintball, speedball, with air bunkers. Would travel to different states, had my pics in magazines. I hated seein these 13 year old kids come out with a 2000$ gun and another 1500$ wotth of top of the line gear, and never played a game in there life. Then they wanna talk shit about how good they are and how "cool" they are.
I will pwn them every time with my 800$ guns.
That's ogr. Spoiled greedy bitchy mommas boy.
Yeah well most markers have ramping boards in.
There are ALL kindsof cheater boards. Som that fire 3 shots semi auto (for when the referee checks it) then add a 10-20% rate of fire electronically. Hard to catch.
I never did that. My shocker and quest had different mods of fire. But a well trained ref can hear the difference between 15- 17 balls a second.
Then they have response triggers which fire a shot upon trigger pull, and a shot upon trigger release, which doubles your rate of fire
By the time I quit ballin, 50 something cycles a second was achievable (no paint = cycles per second)
The most I've ever heard of WITH Paint, and without breaking paint in the breech was 32 balls a second..
At 50 cycles per second the whole gun is just vibrating. You know when u run out of air and thje gun farts out the last few shots rly quick? Thatas what its like.
<3 spool valves. There going to own the future. My fep quest had a low pressure regulator, I could fire 300 bps with a front end pressure of 60 PSI!
I've been out of the game for a while, but damn. I'm still impressed.
Got too strung out and sold all my gear. Damn shame. It is an expensive sport. I had sponsors from a pb shop, a bar, and a screen printer (for uniforms). And it was still pricey.
Costs like 2-4000$ just to enter a tourney depending on class entered.
I looked into the borgs a lot.
Hey them old vikings where cool too, remind me a lot of cyborgs.
I seen it come on at seur ,just sound to got to miss and it didnt last too long either .buy out £41 not to bad .. and that led to these other purchasesThat sunshine daydream sounds great.